

单词 book
释义 book 英bʊk美bʊkAHDb‹k ★★★★★常小中高研IT牛4COCA²⁵⁹BNC³¹⁸iWeb²³⁷Economist⁴²⁰

C 书,书籍

number of printed or written sheets of paper bound together in a cover

P 账簿

written records of the finances of a business; accounts

C 大型著作的卷,篇,部

any of the main divisions of a large written work

C 歌剧的歌词

the words of an opera

vt. & vi. 预订

ask and pay for a seat for the theatre, a journey etc.; reserve〔arrange〕 in advance to have sth

vt. 登记,记账

write down orders, etc. in a notebook

vt. 订立演出契约

hire in advance

a written work or composition that has been published printed on pages bound together;

I am reading a good book on economics

physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together;

he used a large book as a doorstop

a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone;

Al Smith used to say, `Let's look at the record'

his name is in all the record books

a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performancea record in which commercial accounts are recorded;

they got a subpoena to examine our books

a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card gamea collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made;

they run things by the book around here

the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medinathe sacred writings of the Christian religions;

he went to carry the Word to the heathen

a major division of a long written composition;

the book of Isaiah

a number of sheets ticket or stamps etc. bound together on one edge;

he bought a book of stamps

engage for a performance;

Her agent had booked her for several concerts in Tokyo

arrange for and reserve something for someone else in advance;

reserve me a seat on a flight

The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family

please hold a table at Maxim's

record a charge in a police register;

The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man

register in a hotel booker

❌ He has not much time to read books.

✔️ He has not much time to read.

一般表示“读书”,说read即可,不说read books。

book, pamphlet, volume



A novel in four volumes一部4卷本的小说;a volume of his poetry他的一本诗集;pamphlet指“小书”“小册子”,但并不见得不重要。例如:

scholarly monographs published as pamphlet以小册子形式出版的学术专著。


bring a book to sb 把一本书带给某人

bring sb to a book 申斥某人

This is a book used. 这是一本已使用的书。

This is a used book. 这是一本旧书。

book, reserve


Some seats on train are reserved for the old and handicapped.列车上有些座位是留给老人和残疾人的。来自古英语,源自日耳曼语bokiz山毛榉,和beech山毛榉同源。在古代日耳曼人生活的北欧区域,山毛榉是当地最常见的树种,因此古代日耳曼人使用山毛榉作为书写的材料。他们把山毛榉削成一片一片的木片,在木片上刻字,这就是他们最早的“书”。在德语中,表示“书”的单词是buch,表示“山毛榉”的单词是buche。这也是日耳曼人用山毛榉作为书写材料的证据。
用作名词 n.
动词+~abridge a book节删一本书balance one's books结算账目copyright a book以版权保护一本书devour a book贪婪地读一本书edit a book of poetry编辑一部诗集examine the books查账finish a book读〔写〕完一本书gallop through a book匆匆看完一本书hit the book〈美〉用功hold book演出时当提词人keep books记账look through the books查账ban a book查禁一本书make book下赌注或接受赌注mend a book修订书mutilate a book把书删改得支离破碎notice a new book介绍一本新书open a book打开书order a book订购某书peruse a book精读一本书pirate a book非法偷印一本书proofread a book校对一部著作publish a book出版一本书bind a book装订一本书pulp old books把旧书做成造纸的纸浆put out a book出版一本书read a book读一本书recommend a book推荐一本书replace a book on the shelf把书放回书架上去reread a book重读一本书reset a book对一本书进行改版return a book还书review a book评论一本书shut the books结账,停止营业borrow a book借本书skim a book略读一本书stack up the books把书撂起来tear one's book把书撕毁translate a book翻译一本书write a book写书bring out a book出版一本书buy a book买书catalogue a book编图书目录censor a book审查一本书close a book合上书形容词+~banned book禁书bargain book廉价书quotable book值得引用的书rare book珍本readable book值得一读的书sumptuous book精装书tedious book枯燥无味的书thick book厚书thin book薄书thought-provoking book启迪思想的书trashy book毫无价值的书useful book有用的书best-selling book畅销书valuable book有价值的书weighty book有分量的著作well-bound book装帧精致的书well-thumbed book翻得很旧的书wonder-stirring book令人惊异的书absorbing book引人入胜的书authoritative book权威性的著作enjoyable book有趣的书exciting book扣人心弦的书illustrated book有插图的书blank book空白本子indexed book附有索引的书indifferent book平凡的书informative book资料丰富的书instructive book有教益的书ancient book古籍,古书chained books线装书dirty books淫秽书籍dull book枯燥无味的书famous book名著foul books淫秽书籍deep book内容深奥的书funny book有趣的书handwritten book手抄书hot-selling books畅销书indecent books淫秽书籍interesting book有趣的书lewd books淫秽书籍long book篇幅长的书musty old books发霉的旧书original book原版书practical book实用的书defamatory book诽谤他人的书serious book内容严肃的书short book篇幅短的书the Good Book《圣经》weak book没有什么价值的书White book白皮书closed book没法搞清楚的事〔人〕,已了结的事open book一目了然的事物,坦率的人difficult book难读的书low-priced book廉价书most delightful and refreshing book读来令人心旷神怡的书popular book通俗读物名词+~check book支票簿comic book连环漫画册complaint book意见簿cookery book烹饪指南history book历史书juvenile book少年读物memorandum book备忘录note book笔记本picture book图画书reference book参考书rent book租借账本story book故事书account books会计账册,存折address book通讯录bank book银行存折cook book烹调书copy book习字帖day book日记账detective book侦探小说exercise book练习本geography book地理书guide book旅行指南hand book手册language book语言书library book图书馆的书note book笔记本play book剧本pocket book袖珍本ring book〈美〉电话簿school book教科书song book歌曲集style book样本telephone book电话号码簿text book教科书word book词典year book年鉴children's book儿童读物visitors' book来客登记簿~+名词book end书夹book mark er书签book notice书评book account往来账户,账户科目book balance账面余额book case书柜book club读书会book confirmation订货确认book industry图书行业book knowledge书本知识book man文人book seller书商book shelf书架book store书店book value账面价值book worm书痴~+后置定语book to be published出版一本书介词+~by the book按常规go by the book一丝不苟地按规则办事annotated edition of the book这本书的注释版本off the books除名,退会on the books已登记,记入名册without book凭记忆,无根据,任意from a book从书中in a book在书中be in sb's black books失宠be in sb 's good books得宠a set of books一套书the catalogues of books图书目录the index of a book一本书的索引pirated edition of the book那本书的非法翻印版本~+介词book about有关…的书book about law有关法律的书book at press印刷中的书book by double entry复式簿记book for pleasure供消遣的书book for visitors来访登记book in English用英文撰写的书book in print正在印制中的书book of stamps集邮簿a book of tickets一本票子book of travel旅行随笔book on论…的书book on hypnotism催眠术论著book on law有关法律的书book on popular science科普读物book out of print绝版书用作动词 v.~+名词book a call预约电话book a container预订集装箱book a flight预订机票book a hotel room预订旅馆房间book a passage预订船票book a performance预订一场演出的票book a room预订房间book a seat订了个座位book a table预订宴席book a train ticket预订火车票book one's passage订购船票book ticket订票~+副词book fully全部预订book down入账book in预订,签到,办理住入旅馆的登记手续book off登记下班book out客满,办离开旅馆的手续book through预订直达…车票book up替人预订,预约~+介词book for难免…,预订…,盘问某人book into签到,登记book on被登记备案book oneself for给自己预订book to托运到
用作名词n.a closed book

自己一无所知的科目 subject about which one knows nothing

according to〔by〕 the book

严格按照规章办事 strictly according to the rules

one for the books

不平常的事 sth worth noting〔recording〕

read like a book

清楚地了解某人的动机、思想等 understand clearly sb's motives, thoughts, etc.

read sb like a bookI can read you like a book:you're not sorry at all.我可以看透你的心思:你根本就不感到懊恼。
I know what he'll probably do—I can read him like a book.我知道他很可能会干什么——我对他了如指掌。suit one's〔sb's〕 books

对某人方便;合某人心意 be convenient or acceptable to sb

throw the book at

〈非正〉严惩,严斥;尽量往…身上加罪名 be punished; make as many accusations as possible

an open book

直爽而容易了解的人 person who is easily understood and very frank

be at one's books

用功地学习 study hard

be in sb's good〔bad〕 books

得到〔得不到〕某人的好感或赞许 have〔not〕 have sb's favour or approval

bring to book

审查;盘问;惩罚某人 require sb to give an explanation of his behaviour; punish sb

bring sb to bookHe was eventually brought to book for his treachery.他终于因叛变行为而受到惩罚。every〔any〕 trick in the book

每一种〔各种〕招数或计谋 every〔any〕 trick that can be used to achieve what one wants

in one's book

〈口〉按某人个人看法 in one's own opinion

like a book

彻底地,正确地,准确地 very clearly

on〔off〕 the books

在〔不在〕名册上 (not in the record)

book down v.+adv.

登记 put down in a book; register

book for v.+prep.

因…而记下名字 write down (one's name for some reason)

be booked for sthI'm afraid he's booked for a long illness.恐怕他难免要生一场大病了。
I am booked for it.我逃不了啦!我要倒霉了!book for sthHe has booked for the play.他已经预订戏票。
He booked for the following day's bus.他给预订了次日的汽车票。
I've booked four seats for Friday's concert.我已订了4个星期五的音乐会的座位。book sb for v-ingThe driver was booked for exceeding the speed limit.那位司机因超速驾车而被登记。
He was booked for speeding.他因超速而列入警方记录。
Wendy passed her driving test and was booked for speeding the very next day.温迪通过了驾驶考试,然而就在第二天因违章超速被警方登记在案。
book in v.+adv.

为…订房间 reserve a place for sb in one hotel

book inWe booked in at 3 o'clock.我们已在三点钟报到了。
He booked in immediately on arrival at the university.他一到学校就去报到。
Where do we book in?我们在哪儿登记?
Would you please book in?请您登记好吗?
Those people haven't booked in yet.那些人还没有登记姓名。
We booked in as soon as we arrived at the Royal Hotel.我们一到皇家旅馆就登记。
It is time for you to book in.We have no time to lose.赶快登记住店,我们没有时间了。
They haven't booked in; I don't think the receptionist has noticed them.他们还没有登记,我看是接待员没注意到他们。
He booked in at that hotel.他在那家旅馆办了预订手续了。
It is always advisable to book in early when you want a hotel room in the tourist season.要想在旅游旺季住旅馆,早点登记总是可取的。
You have to book in before you can move into the hotel.你得先登记才能在旅馆住宿。
Looking through the reception book of the hotel we found our purchasing agent had booked in three days before.我们把旅客登记簿翻了一下,发现我们的采购员三天前就已登记了。
Always insist upon seeing your room before booking in.在住旅馆登记之前一定要坚持先看一下你的房间。book sb/sth inOne of the attendants booked us in while two others helped us carry our things upstairs.一位服务员给我们登记,而另外两位服务员帮我们把行李搬上楼。
It was alleged that Martin, who did not arrive on time, had been booked in by Arnold.据说马丁并未准时到,是由阿诺德代为签到的。
Detailed items of all the goods to be shipped have to be booked in.待运货物的细目均须登记。book sb inI had booked us in at a hotel in Torquary.我已经在托尔凯的一家旅馆给我们预订了房间。
I've booked you in at the Grand Hotel.I hope you approve.我在大饭店为您订了房间,我希望你满意。
Let's book him in at the Hilton Hotel.咱们在希尔顿饭店给他订个房间。
My aunt is coming to stay so I've booked her in at the nearest hotel.我姑姑要来小住,所以我就在附近的旅馆为她订了房间。
If they're only staying for two nights,I suggest that you book them in at the Palm Beach.如果他们只准备住两个晚上,我建议你在棕榈滩旅馆为他们预订一个房间。
book into v.+prep.

签到,登记 sign one's name on the list of guest at the hotel, etc.

book into some placeHe booked into the Hilton Hotel last night.他昨晚登记住进希尔顿旅馆。
book off v.+adv.

〈美·非正〉尤指因与雇主不和宣布某一天不上工 declare one's intention not to work on a particular day, especially because of a disagreement with one's employer

book offWhen I was working on the railway,I had to book off after eight hours' work.我在铁路工作时,八小时工作后必须作交班报告。book off sickThree hundred men have booked off sick at the car factory.汽车制造厂三百工人已称病不上班。
book out v.+adv.

客满 have all one's space filled

book outI'd like to book out early in the morning.我想在清晨结账离开旅馆。
I'll book out for all of us.How much should I pay?我去为我们大家结账。我应该付多少钱?book sb outHe booked me out.他在我走时登记了我的姓名。
The clerk is busy booking the guests out.服务员忙于为顾客结账。book sth outI'm sorry, the hotel is booked out.对不起,旅馆已客满。
book out of v.+adv.+prep.

逐出,开除 informal make sb leave a house, job, club, etc., often because of bad behaviour or bad work

book sb out of sthNow that they've decided to build a shopping centre, nearly a hundred local people are going to be booked out of their homes.既然他们现在已经决定要建立一个购物中心,那么将近100名当地的居民就要被赶出自己的家园。
book through v.+adv.

订购直达票 buy a ticket for the whole of a divided journey

book throughIf you have to change trains in London, you may be able to book through; ask the ticket collector.如果你必须在伦敦换车,也许可以订直达票,你可以问一下收票员。book through to sthI shall book through to Nanchang.我将买通票到南昌。
Can I book through to Naples?我能订一张直达那不勒斯的票吗?book sb sth through to sthCan you book me a ticket through to Naples?你能为我订购一张直达那不勒斯的车票吗?
book up v.+adv.

预订,预订座位 make reservations; have no free time left through pressure of engagements, etc.

book up〔说明〕 book up不用于被动结构。If you want to go to Hangzhou for your holiday, you ought to book up now.如果你要到杭州度假,现在该订票了。
You will have to book up early if you want to see that film.如果你想看电影,那么你将不得不提前订票。book sb/sth ⇔ upHe would like to book up the ticket for tomorrow.他要订明天的票。
They have booked the whole place up for weeks.他们预订这地方已数周了。
All the hotels are booked up for the season, you will never find anywhere to book in at now.所有的旅馆整个季节都被预订了,现在你在哪里也找不到旅馆了。
The performance is booked up.这场演出预订了。
It's booked up; I can't get tickets.票已售完,我弄不到票。
I'm booked up all next week.我下周的时间全排满了。
Sorry,I cannot come; I am already booked up for that evening.对不起,我来不了,那天晚上我已经有约。
The singer is always booked up for a year ahead.那位歌唱家的演出日程总是提前一年就排满。
I'm afraid I can't come; I'm booked up all next week.我恐怕不能来,下一周我都有事。
I might go out if I had anybody to go with.Are you fully booked up?如果有人作伴,我可能会出去的。你是不是一点也没有空?
I'm afraid I can't see you this week; I am booked up every evening.这一周我恐怕不能去看你,因为我每天晚上都有约会。b音似“笨”→笨蛋boob;f音似“吠”→狗吠声boof;k音似“考”→看书book考试;r音似“人”⇒乡下人boor小学英语速记音律记忆:手拿book书,一边look看,一边cook做饭非常记忆boo〖象600〗+k机关枪〖编码〗⇒600个机关枪也打不烂这本书故事记忆手拿 Book书一边 Look看开始 Cook做饭近义词 tomevolumen. publication
用作名词n.What's the title of the book?书名叫什么?
The book runs to 500 pages.这本书长达500页。
This is a book of pictures, travels and poetry.这是一本画册、游记、诗集。
This book throws all the others into the shade.这书使其他书相形见绌。
I find it hard to lay the book down until the final page is reached.我不把这本书读完不忍释手。
He never lends books; he says it's too difficult to get them back.他从来不借书给别人,他说书借出去以后很难收回来。
He wrote a book on the experience of his tour.他写了一本关于他旅游经历的书。
He ordered some new books.他订购几本新书。
I hope you were pleased with the book I sent you.我希望你喜欢我所送你的书。
I have presented you with this book.我想将这书送给你。
I have read your book with pleasure and profit.我已读过你的书,觉得快乐而有益。
I will return you the book you lent me.我要把你所借我的书还你。
The book is uncut.这书未切去书边。
He bought a six-penny book.他买了一本值六便士的书。
He studies his books.他用功读书。
The subject of the book is interesting.这书的题材有趣。
It's not enough just to have book learning.只有书本知识是不够的。
I have read your book with pleasure.我已高兴地拜读了你的书。
He has written three books on economics.他已写了3本经济学方面的书。
I bought a book in several volumes.我买了一部分成数卷的书。
I wrote a book.我写了一本书。
I've written a book on Shakespeare.我已经写了一本有关莎士比亚的书。
Out of the material thus accumulated he has built a book.利用这样积累起来的资料,他写成了一本书。
The book is unpretending.这书很质朴。
I sincerely hope you will be able to get your book out soon.我真诚地希望你的著作不久就能出版。
He defends his doctrine in his new book.他在他的新著里为自己的学说进行辩护。
Write your name on the visitor's books, please.请在来客登记簿上写下你的名字。
I went to the telephone book, but couldn't find her address.我去查了电话簿,但找不到她的住址。
I have consulted a number of law books in the British Museum.我在大英博物馆里查阅了许多法典。
Where's my exercise-book?我的练习簿在哪儿?
Many moving comments have been recorded in the visitors' book.留言簿上记着许多动人的评语。
A book is no better or worse than its author.文如其人。
Books and friends should be few but good.书和朋友都要少而精。
I can't quite see how to put this thing together; where's the book of words?我不大懂得怎样才能把这东西装配起来。说明书在哪儿?
This book is out of print.这本书已绝版。
After the criminal's trial and conviction, the district attorney finally closed the books on the case.在对犯人审判和定罪后,地方检察官最终结束了这个案子。
I can't go to the movies tonight; I have to hit the books.我今晚不能去看电影了,我要做功课呢。
He is buried in his books.他正在专心读书。
This is a ticket book.这是一本票簿。
Their books are not in order.他们的账记得不清楚。
He keeps my books.他管我的账簿。
The books were closed for auditing.停止查账。
She wrote the music and he wrote the book.她作曲子,他写歌词。
The book is bound in crimson morocco.这本书是用深红色山羊鞣皮封面装订的。
The book may have been misplaced somewhere else.这本书可能被错放到别处去了。
This book deals with an important social problem.这本书论述一个重要的社会问题。
The book had a good sale.这本书销路好。
The book is reprinting.该书在重印中。用作动词v.
S+~+AYou'll have to book early if you want to see that show.你要看那场表演就得早订票。
If you want to go to London, you'd better book early in the morning.如果你要去伦敦最好一大早就去订票。
S+~+ n./pron.I'd like to book a seat to Munich for Monday the tenth.我想订一张10日星期一飞往慕尼黑的机票。
We are glad to have booked with you 1000 dozen Men's shirts.我们十分高兴地向贵方购进1000打男士衬衫。
We have booked your order.我们已接受你方的订货。
He booked all the orders from his customers.他登记顾客所有的订货单。
He booked the suspect on a charge of breaking and entering.他以非法闯入控告该嫌疑犯。
They booked him on suspicion.他们因嫌疑罪而把他逮捕。
Seats can be booked from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.订座时间自上午10点起至下午6点止。
The hotel was fully booked.这家旅馆的客房全部被预订了。
Seats for the game can be booked one week in advance.比赛的门票可以在一星期前预订。
That transaction was not booked yet.那批交易尚未登记。
All the four pieces of her baggage were booked to San Francisco.她的4件行李都托运到旧金山。
You are being booked.有人在控告你。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vWe've booked the orchestra to appear here on Saturday.我们已与那乐团签订契约星期六在这儿演出。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.She booked me a seat.她给我订了个座位。S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.He booked a ticket for me.他给我订了一张票。Phand-book手册Pbookmarkn.书签Pbookoo布枯叶Pbookshopn.书店Pcookbookn.食谱Phandbookn.手册Pyearbookn.年鉴Pbookletn.小册子Pbookshelfn.书架Pbookstackn.书架Pbookstoren.书店Pbookings未交定货Pbookmakingn.编书Pbookmarkern.书签Pbooksellern.书商Pchecksbook支票簿Ptextbookn.教科书Pbookbindingn.装订Pbookkeepingn.簿记Pbookstalln.书报摊Pcase-book判例录编Pcash-bookn.现金账Pcheckbookn.支票簿Popen-booka.开卷的Pscrapbookn.剪贴簿Pyear-book年鉴年刊Pbankbookn.银行存折Pbook-keepingn.簿记Pbookcasen.书架书柜Pbookhuntern.猎书者Pbookien.登记赌注者Pbookkeepern.簿记员Pbookloren.书本知识Pbookshelvespl.书架Pcashbookn.现金帐簿Pchequebookn.支票簿Phymnbookn.赞美诗集Proadbookn.道路指南Pschoolbookn.教科书Pbookendn.书挡压书具Pbookplaten.藏书标签Pmatchbookn.纸板火柴Pbookbindern.装订工人Pcookery-bookn.烹调书Pherdbookn.良种登记册Pplaybookn.剧本剧本集Ppollbookn.选举人名册Psongbookn.歌谣集歌集Pstudbookn.良种登记册Pwordbookn.字典歌词集Pbook-phrasen.只言片语Pbook-sort帐目分组核对Pbookingn.预约演出合同Pbookmann.学者文人书商Pbooksellingn.书籍贩卖Pexercise-bookn.练习本Pscorebookn.得分记录簿Pstorybookn.故事书小说Pbook-tokenn.书籍预约证Pbookwormn.书呆子蛀书虫Phornbookn.角贴书入门书Pscrap-book集锦簿粘贴簿Pguidebookn.指南手册要览Pbook-learneda.迷信书本的Pbookworkn.根据书籍的研究Pcasebookn.个案病例记录簿Plog-book航海日志飞行日志Ppassbookn.存款簿银行存折Pbookbinderyn.装订所装钉厂Pbookisha.好读书的书呆子的Pbookkeeptern.簿记员记帐人Pbooklearneda.有书本知识的Pdaybookn.日记簿交易日记帐Pbookeda.记载入册的登记了的Pnon-bookn.无真实价值的书籍Pnotebookn.笔记本手册期票簿Ppromptbookn.提词者所用剧本Pstylebookn.体例样本时装样本Pbook-standn.书柜书架书亭书摊Pblankbookn.空白账簿未登录账簿Poverbookvt.使过量预订超额订出Pchapbookn.小本故事书宗教小册子Pclassbookn.班级记录簿班级纪念刊Pbookmobilen.车上图书馆流动图书馆Pgiftbookn.寄赠本赠阅本供赠阅的书Pbookablea.可预定的可预约的可预购的Ppocketbookn.笔记本钱袋皮夹经济来源Plogbookn.航海日志航空日志飞机航程表Pphrasebookn.短语手册成语汇编熟语指南Psketchbookn.写生簿素描簿短文集随笔集Pbookmakern.著作家编辑者赌注登记经营人Pcopybookn.字帖习字簿复写簿a.陈腐的陈词滥调的Pworkbookn.辅助练习册工作规程书工作记事簿笔记本工作手册


book是可数名词,基本意思是“书,书籍”,还可指“大型著作的卷,篇,部”,歌剧中的“歌词,脚本”,当表示“账册”时,用the books。

a book泛指各种书中的一本;如果指许多相同书中的一本,则应说a copy of book。






book up表示“事先保留,预订”,常见于英式英语中。book in表示“在旅馆登记”,多用于英式英语中。作“签到,注册”解时,在英国和美国均用。

用作名词That student lost hisbookyesterday.那个学生昨天丢了书。
Write the essay in yourbooks, not on rough paper.把文章写在练习簿里,不要写在草稿纸上。用作动词I'llbookyou on a direct flight to London.我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。
You'll have tobookearly if you want to see that fashion show.你要想看那场时装表演的话,就得早点儿定座位。
He wasbookedon a charge of speeding.他因超速开车而被记录在案。
He wasbookedby the referee for foul play.他因为动作犯规而被裁判记下姓名。noun.published document
同义词 album,booklet,brochure,copy,dictionary,edition,essay,fiction,magazine,manual,novel,pamphlet,paperback,publication,text,textbook,tome,volume,work,writingBible,atlas,bestseller,codex,compendium,dissertation,encyclopedia,folio,handbook,hardcover,leaflet,lexicon,monograph,nonfiction,octavo,offprint,omnibus,opus,periodical,portfolio,primer,quarto,reader,reprint,roll,scroll,speller,thesaurus,tract,treatiseopuscule,preprint,softcover,vade mecumnoun.account;diary
同义词 album,list,notebook,recordagenda,pad,register,rosterverb.register, arrange for
同义词 enter,hire,line up,organize,schedule,set upbill,charter,engage,enroll,make reservation,order,procure,program,reservepencil in,bespeak,preengage,sew upverb.arrest
同义词 accuse,chargeprefer charges,take into custody
accountnoun record of finances, fees, or charges
IOU,bad news,balance,bill,books,charge,check,computation,cuff,grunt,inventory,invoice,ledger,reckoning,record,register,report,score,statement,tab,tally
arrestverb take into authorized custody
apprehend,bag,book,brace,bust,capture,catch,collar,detain,drop,gaff,get,glom,grab,hook,imprison,incarcerate,jail,kick,nab,nail,net,nick,pick up,pinch,pull,pull in,put the arm on,put the cuffs on,round up,roust,run-in,secure,seize,sidetrack,snag,tab,tag,take in,take prisoner,toss in jail
billverb advertise
announce,book,give advance notice,post
catalognoun directory
book,brief,catalogue,file,flyer,index,inventory,list,price list,prospectus,record,register,roll,roster,schedule,tally
catalogsnoun directory
archives,briefs,bulletins,calendars,cartularies,charts,classifications,compendiums,directories,dockets,drafts,enumerations,gazetteers,gazettes,hit lists,indexes,inventories,lists,prospectuses,records,registers,rolls,rosters,schedules,slates,specifications,syllabuses,synopses,tables
chargeverb pay with credit card
book,buy on credit,chalk up,debit,encumber,go into hock,incur debt,nick,paste,put on account,put on one's card,put on the cuff,put on the tab,receive credit,run up




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