释义 |
安全带 ān quán dài 基本例句 seat beltlife beltsafety beltsafety bandsecuring stripsafety groovelife linelife ropesafety beltsseatbeltsafety strapbeltsafety harness繁体安全帶我们马上就要在盖特威克机场著陆--请大家系好座位上的安全带。We shall be landing shortly please fasten your seat-belts. 新的安全带规则上周开始实施。The new seat-beltregulations came into effect last week. 若没有安全带,我就不能活到今天。But for the safety-beltI wouldn't be alive today. 她拒绝上车,除非她丈夫答应系好安全带。She refused to sit in the car till her husband promised to wear hissafety〈belt〉. |