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词汇 守口如瓶
释义 守口如瓶 shǒu kǒu rú píng 常用成语
refuse to talk繁体守口如缾近义讳莫如深;秘而不宣反义信口开河;口若悬河辨形“瓶”,不能写作“屏”。
法文garder une discrétion absoluegarder le silence sǔr
俄文строго хранить тайну
德文wie ein Grab schweigen今愿陛下守口如瓶,不可提起。 ★清·禇人获《隋唐演义》第三十五回北宋时期,年轻有为的富弼经范仲淹的推荐,宋仁宗任命他为河阳判官,因他政绩突出,后来升为宰相,他与王安石主张变法不合,就辞去宰相之职,回到故乡隐居。他从不随便表示自己的喜怒,办事公正,主张守口如瓶,防意如城。补充式:作谓语;定语;形容说话谨慎;中性词。唐·道世《诸经要集·择交部·惩过》引《摩诘经》:“防意如城,守口如瓶。”宋·周密《癸辛杂识别集》下:“富郑公有‘守口如瓶,防意如城’之语。”解释: 守口:闭住嘴不说。形容说话谨慎或严守秘密。唐·释道世《法苑珠林·惩过篇》引《维摩诘经》:“防意如城,守口如瓶。”
刘绍棠《瓜棚柳巷》二:“关于他一走三十年的行踪下落,他守口如瓶,连柳老爹也问不出片言只语。”近义词 嘴紧嘴严口紧保密张口结舌噤若寒蝉沉默寡言讳莫如深默不作声默默无言缄口不言三缄其口一诺千金言必有据缄舌闭口避而不谈秘而不宣
反义词 畅所欲言冲口而出滔滔不绝喋喋不休信口开河吐露心腹尽情吐露口若悬河夸夸其谈说东道西脱口而出心直口快信口雌黄和盘托出漏泄春光说长道短言多必失
泄露这种消息,你是大错特错。对待这类事情医生应该守口如瓶,即使对病人的家属也应如此。Disclosing that sort of information was very wrong of you. On such matters a doctor's lips should be sealed even to members of a patient's family.
她对自己过去的生活守口如瓶。She's very cagey about her past life.癌症协会希望家长们不要对自己的病情守口如瓶,而是以一种适当的方式将它告诉给自己的孩子们。
The cancer society recommends parents not keep their illness a secret and suggests they find a way to talk about it with their children. yeeyan

But conventional wisdom is that hedge funds need the tight control and secrecy of partnerships in order to cope with the turbulence of their industry. ecocn

对于消费者而言,这一网络应用是托管在 Windows Live上面的,而且免费提供,不过 Numoto对网络应用可能采用广告赚钱的计划却守口如瓶。
For consumers, the web apps will be hosted on Windows Live and will be available for free, although Numoto remained tight-lipped about possible plans to monetize the apps through advertising. yeeyan

She is keeping tight-lipped about how she made the needle, but admits that it takes even more steps and specialised equipment than the traditional needle- making process. yeeyan

And years ago, I kept my divorce secret for more than a year, to give me time to deal privately with the sadness and loss.

And it seems he’s taking this particular relationship pretty seriously, which is why he’s been so uncharacteristically tight- lipped. ebigear

Individually, they could choosewithout being able to talk to the others either to snitch on their team-mates or to stand by them. ecocn

In it, Congress members bragged about how they could even offer opposition MPs jet planes for their votes, yet fretted over how crooked parliamentarians failed to keep their word. ecocn

One of Jobs’s stated rationales for keeping the new interface secret was to prevent others— Microsoft in particular— from copying it. yeeyan

Even in the long “ description” I wrote, I’m being very cagey. yeeyan

虽然中国对其给予朝鲜的食品援助守口如瓶,但 WFP官员确信,今年的货物输送量已经锐减。
And although China is secretive about its food aid to North Korea, WFP officials believe shipments have fallen sharply this year. ecocn

He is circumspect, refusing to say anything about the story, except that he and Carolyn are willing to travel to Iowa to talk with me about it. jukuu

The behaviour and even business value of the same service could be changed due to applied policies without a change in the interface; this should not be our best-kept secret. infoq

It seems highly unlikely that the typically tight-lipped Apple would have confirmed a release date. yeeyan

No one knows how wasteful, for China is even more secretive than others both about its space budget and about the bigger military budget of which it is part. ecocn

One subject on which Pattinson has been shockingly tight-lipped is his romance with Kristen Stewart. yeeyan




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