词汇 | 孤注一掷 |
释义 | 孤注一掷 辨形“孤”,不能写作“狐”。 辨析孤注一掷和“破釜沉舟”;都有“最后拼一下以求胜利”的意思。但孤注一掷偏重在尽所有力量作最后一次冒险;是中性成语;“破釜沉舟”偏重在于下决心决一胜负;多含褒义。 辨形“孤”,不能写作“狐”。 辨析孤注一掷和“破釜沉舟”;都有“最后拼一下以求胜利”的意思。但孤注一掷偏重在尽所有力量作最后一次冒险;是中性成语;“破釜沉舟”偏重在于下决心决一胜负;多含褒义。 歇后语赌场里的赌棍 法文risquer le tout pour le touttenter sa dernière chance 俄文стáвить всё на кáрту 德文alles aufs Spiel setzen alles auf einmal riskieren 12月,宋真宗率领文武百官,冒着严寒登上澶州。宋朝军队驻扎到澶州之后,寇准奉命处理军务,他号令军队以逸待劳,等待战机。果然,几天后契丹军队前来攻城,等敌人疲惫时,寇准命令将士出击,一举将敌兵斩获大半,迫使敌人仓皇退兵。从此,宋真宗对寇准更加重用。 朝中另一位大臣王钦若嫉妒寇准的功劳,便在宋真宗面前讲寇准的坏话:陛下听说过赌博吗?赌输的赌徒往往会把所有的钱押上作为最后一次赌注,叫做孤注一掷。寇准再三要陛下亲征,陛下不是成了寇准的孤注了吗?这不是拿陛下的生命来弄险吗?宋真宗听信了谗言,不久便罢免了寇准的宰相之职。 【注意】“掷”不能读作zhèng。 And whenever the election comes, Labour is likely to be desperate. But class consciousness persists, and if Labour is desperate it may again try to exploit it. It was launched as a desperate bid for popularity by a reviled dictatorship. It ended73 days later in humiliation, as Argentina's ill- equipped conscripts surrendered to the British task- force. There would be political resonances to such a gamble. The Arabs of Palestine still remember their desperate revolt in the1930s against the British mandate and Jewish immigration from Europe, and the massacres of1948. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Napoleon took the gamble of pressing on to Moscow,448 kilometers away. You know your family better than anyone else does, it might be a gamble, but it's your decision. And if a desperate North Korea started shooting missiles at its enemies in the region, how would America and China react? Why did he gamble on war now? He blames the army, mostly, for ever more desperate decisions to preserve its dominance. It just showed how desperate the Bush people were to hang on to power, and how little they had to offer for America’s future. GM may have only weeks to divest itself of Saab, whereas Ford is a slightly less desperate seller. As I opened the door to leave, the desperate shop owner announced she had one more dress in the back that was expensive and not even my size, but perhaps I might want to look at it anyway. His desperate father performed the castration on the bed of their mud- walled home, with no anesthetic and only oil-soaked paper as a bandage. That’s where students might get so desperate to get a contract before graduation that they’re willing to sacrifice their real interests or abilities. |
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