

单词 孟加拉国
释义 孟加拉国 mèng jiā lā guó
🇧🇩BangladeshBD繁体孟加拉國孟加拉印度和孟加拉国东部地区。1947年前为印度的一个省,同年其东部成为东巴基斯坦,后成为孟加拉国1971年,其西部属于独立的印度A region of eastern India andBangladesh. It was a province of India until1947, when the eastern part became East Pakistan, and laterBangladesh, and the western section was included in independent India.
孟加拉国拥有一支军队,但是由于安全部队分裂成三个独立的派别,这支军队微不足道,并且有意使之弱小。Bangladeshhas an army, but it is a twopenny halfpenny affair kept deliberately weak, with the security forces split into three separate groups.
1971年孟加拉国人民遭受到种种危险:洪水、饥荒、瘟疫和战争。In1971 people inBangladeshwere exposed to every kind of danger flood, famine, disease and war.




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