

单词 bone tissue
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It may well act in a similar way in bone tissue and interfere in normal bone formation.
在骨组织中,草甘膦或许以类似方式作用与干扰正常的骨形成。 wholeveg

The irregularity of the outer structure of bone and the particularity of the bone tissue have resulted in the impossibility for the common forming methods in manufacturing the artificial bone.
骨组织外部结构的不规则性及内部结构的特殊性,使常见成形手段难以满足人工活性骨的制造要求。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

The surgical teams had taken snippets of muscle and lung. They had bored a hole in his pelvis to collect bone tissue for DNA analysis.
外科组已采集了肌肉和肺部的小片,他们在冰人骨盆上钻了一个洞采集骨组织进行 DNA分析。 yeeyan

Conclusion: Since MSC can be induced into MSO and proliferate rapidly in vitro, it can be a kind of ideal seeded cell for bone tissue engineering.
结论: MSC经体外诱导可以分化为成骨细胞,而且增殖迅速,作为骨组织工程的种子细胞有广阔的应用前景; cnki

Growth factors control cell behavior and are used to help bone grafts integrate with surrounding bone tissue.
生长因子控制细胞行为并能促进骨移植物与周围骨组织的融合。 dxy

Here we reviewed the progress about the bone tissue engineering, explored the existing problem and prospected its future.
在此笔者对骨组织工程的进展作一综述,并探讨其存在的问题和发展前景。 cnki

However, due to the complexity of bone tissue, there are many problems in improving the forming accuracy.
但由于骨组织的复杂性,使成形精度的提高还存在诸多问题。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Objective To search a kind of ideal seeded cell of bone tissue engineering.
目的为骨组织工程寻找一种理想的种子细胞。 cnki

Objective: To investigate the feasibility of collagen sponge as scaffold material in bone tissue engineering.
目的:探索胶原海绵作为骨组织工程支架材料的可行性。 cnki

Second, as they dissolve into the patient’s body, they release cells, proteins and drugs which help that body create new bone tissue.
其次,该材料在患者体内溶解后,释放出细胞、蛋白质以及药物帮助身体制造新的骨组织。 ecocn.org

The results demonstrate that in OVX rats, XW630 can significantly promote ER expression in bone tissue and increase the ER content. XW630 is superior to estrone in effectiveness.
结果显示: XW630具有促进去势大鼠骨组织中 ER含量及其免疫表达的作用,其作用优于雌酚酮; renren

They found that compounds increased the rate at which bone tissue was destroyed in the young.
他们发现了该类似化合物增加了年轻人骨组织破坏的速率。 essaystar

Women have less bone tissue than do men.
女性的骨组织要少于男性。 yeeyan




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