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bonemarrow 基本例句 骨髓 The Foundation of SerumPharmacology Method on the Effect of Alcohol extract of Morinda officinalis to the Proliferation of BoneMarrow Stromal Cells.巴戟天醇提物对骨髓基质细胞增殖影响的血清药理学实验方法的建立。 Over here are the Midwestern parents who have flown in specially to see if the lab can make them an exact copy of their six-year-old daughter,recently found to be suffering from leukemia so aggressive that only abonemarrowtransplant can save her.这边是一对来自中西部的父母。他们乘飞机来此主要是看看实验室能否制造一个与他们6岁的女儿一模一样的克隆儿。她最近被发现患有非常严重的白血病,只有骨髓移植才能挽救她的生命。 Over here are the Midwestern parents who have flown in specially to see if the lab can make them an exact copy of their six-year-old daughter, recently found to be suffering from leukemia so aggressive that only abonemarrowtransplant can save her.这边是一对来自中西部的父母。 他们乘飞机来此主要是看看实验室能否制造一个与他们6岁的女儿一模一样的克隆儿。 她最近被发现患有非常严重的白血病,只有骨髓移植才能挽救她的生命。 In that context,efforts were made to generate natural killer cells from bone marrow byincubating with interleukin-2 in vitro, known as IL-2 activatedbonemarrow.针对上述两点,有人将骨髓置于IL-2环境中孵育以诱生并活化骨髓来源的NK细胞,称之为IL-2激活的骨髓IL-2 ABM。 Human leukemic cell lines J6-2, LCL and K562 cellsshowed positive membrane reaction as well. Onbonemarrowsmears of leukemia patients , MAF-J6-1 MoAbbound to the membrane of monocytic lineage and somemyelocytes.MAF-J6-1单抗还对J6-2、LCL、K562等细胞系呈膜阳性反应,对白血病患者骨髓中部分原始和幼稚的单核、粒细胞呈阳性反应。 Bonemarrow mesenchymal stem cells骨髓问充质细胞 |