

单词 bone density
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Body Pump will shape and tone your muscles upper, lower, and core, improve overall fitness, improve bone density, reduce body fat, and reduce stress levels.
杠铃操能打造强健的肌肉上肢,下肢及核心部位,增进整体素质,提高骨密度,减少体内脂肪,减轻压力。 kekenet

By stressing your bones, strength training increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
力量训练会向骨骼施压,从而增加骨密度,降低骨质疏松风险。 yeeyan

Also, moderate load-bearing exercises are essential for bone density and muscle strength.
同样,适当的负重锻炼对骨密度和肌肉力量也是必须的。 ebigear

Despite the medical community’s heavy reliance on bone density scans, there is growing evidence that bone density is not the most reliable indicator of bone health.
尽管医学界很依赖于骨密度扫描,但是种种迹象表明,通过骨密度来反映骨骼是否健康并不见得可靠。 yeeyan

Estrogen, especially when started soon after menopause, can help maintain bone density.
雌激素,特别是在刚刚绝经之后,能有助于保持骨密度。 yeeyan

He or she may recommend a bone density test.
他或她可能会推荐一个骨密度检查。 yeeyan

He or she will monitor your bone density and may recommend other drugs to help prevent bone loss.
他或她将监控你的骨密度并可能推荐其他药物来有助于阻止骨质流失。 yeeyan

I know its acidity is linked to a loss of bone density, but again the evidence is disputable.
我知道其中的酸度和骨密度的降低有关系,但同样的,现有证据还存在争议。 yeeyan

If you also have low bone density, your risk is even higher.
如果骨密度还比较低的话,那可能性就更大了。 yeeyan

Most doctors use bone density scans to identify women who are at risk for fractures.
很多医生会通过骨密度扫描这种检测手段来判断女性是否会面临骨折的风险。 yeeyan

Most people who suffer hip fractures have normal bone density, but their bones have weakened in ways not detected by bone scans.
有很多病人在股骨折的时候骨密度并没有降低,但是他们的骨骼强度确实下降了,通过扫描还不能检查出来。 yeeyan

The results will help your doctor gauge your bone density and determine your rate of bone loss.
检查结果将有助于你的医生精确估量你的骨密度并测定你的骨折流失率。 yeeyan

Women who drink two or more cups of coffee a day may experience loss of bone density.
每天饮用两杯或更多咖啡的女性可能遭到骨密度的损失。 yeeyan




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