词汇 | 如释重负 |
释义 | 如释重负 😌 辨形“释”,不能写作“事”。 辨形“释”,不能写作“事”。 歇后语高考结束 法文comme si l'on lui avait délivré d'un lourd fardeau 俄文точно с плеч свалилась тяжёлая ноша 德文erleichtert aufatmen 当时,鲁国的实际权力,掌握在季孙宿;叔孙豹和孟孙三个卿手里,其中以季孙宿的权力最大,昭公不过是个傀儡。昭公这个国君也不争气,只知游乐,不理国政。生母去世后,他在丧葬期间面无愁容,谈笑自若,还外出打猎取乐。这样,就使他更在国内失去民心。 大夫子家羁见昭公越来越不像样,非常担心,几次当面向昭公进谏,希望他巩固王室的力量,免得被外人夺了政权。但是,昭公不听他的劝告,照样我行我素。日子久了,昭公终于觉察到,季孙宿等三卿在不断壮大势力,对自己已经构成了严重的威胁。于是,他在大臣中暗暗物色反对三卿的大臣,寻找机会打击三卿。 不久,季孙宿死去,他的孙子意如继续执政。大夫公若;邱孙;藏孙与季孙意如有矛盾,打算除掉季孙氏,便约昭公的长子公为密谈这件事。公为当然赞成。公为回宫和两个弟弟商量后,认为父亲昭公肯定怨恨季孙氏专权,因此劝说昭公除掉季孙氏。昭听说郧孙;藏孙等大夫与季孙氏有矛盾,心里很高兴,就秘密把他们两人召进宫内,要他们一起来诛灭季孙氏。接着,又把子家属召来,告诉了他这一密谋。不料,子家羁反对说:“这可千万使不得!如果这是进谗者利用大王去侥幸行事,万一事情失败,大王就要留下无法洗刷的罪名。”昭公见他坚决反对,喝令他离去。但子家羁表示,现在他已经知道了这件事的内幕,就不能高官了,否则泄露出去,就不能摆脱责任。于是,他就在宫中住了下来。 这年的秋天,三卿之一的叔孙豹因故离开都城,把府里的事情托给家臣翩戾掌管。昭公觉得这是个好机会,没有人会去支援季孙氏,便使孙;藏孙率军包围了季孙氏的府第。季孙意如来不及调集军队反击,又不能得到叔孙豹的救援,只好固守府第。他向昭公请求,愿意辞去卿的职务回封地去,或者流亡到国外去。子羁勇建议昭公答应季孙意如的请求,但是,后孙坚持非把他杀掉不可。昭公觉得后孙的意见对,就听从他的。再说叔孙豹的家臣翩戾得知季孙氏被围的消息,和部下商量后认为,如果季孙氏被消灭,那末接下来会轮到叔孙氏,所以马上调集军队救援季孙氏。昭公的军队没有什么战斗力,见叔孙氏的军队冲过来,马上四散逃走。三卿中还有一家孟孙,见叔孙氏家已经出兵救援季孙氏,也马上派兵前往。路上,正好遇到逃退过来的后孙,便把他抓住杀死。昭公见三卿的军队已经联合起来,知道大势己去,只好和藏孙一起出奔齐国避难。由于昭公早就失去了民众,所以百姓对他的出奔并不表示同情;倒反觉得减轻了他们身上的重担。 反义词 THE relief was as palpable as the surf on the beach. Mr. Buffett’s report was greeted with sighs of relief among some shareholders. As he fell out of consciousness and into sleep that evening in his bed, however, Barry was relieved that nothing bad had happened. But if you don’t ask, you will never feel the relief of being pardoned for your mistakes. But there's some good news as well: Many Welshmen report feeling relieved that they can now leave their houses without being followed. But I was only relieved to have my burden removed, if only temporarily. For taxpayers relief at being repaid should be tempered by the fact that they are still on the hook for these too-big-to- fail firms. The proclamation was greeted with elation and relief, even if it was premature by at least two days. Though there was cheering and champagne in the control room when the first high-energy beams collided, sighs of relief are more the order of the day. Jack exhaled with relief when he saw Tony standing next to the open bay of the disabled van. Martin heaved a sigh of relief when he had disposed of the last manuscript. If the Higgs boson does show up, physicists will breathe a sigh of relief, because it is a central pillar of particle physics. A collective sign of relief wafts over the Valley of Kathmandu after the end of the world comes to an end. He felt relieved, and tried to hurry the flow of blood— he wanted all of it to pour into his child. The relief was incredible as she heard the news that her family were alive. I was thrilled and relieved. Some have breathed sighs of relief, others, including churches, right to life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitterly attacked the bill and the haste of its passage. This generation of mothers often talk with pride about their children and express a sense of relief and joy as they watch their children grow into their own. To my immense relief, they had to get extra chairs for a larger- than- expected crowd that seemed genuinely glad to see me. Relief and joy were clear on his face, and on those of his team-mates and coach Ancelotti, when that elusive goal finally arrived in front of the Matthew Harding Stand. |
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