词汇 | 如火如荼 |
释义 | 如火如荼 辨形“荼”,不能写作“茶”。 辨析参见“热火朝天”。。 辨形“荼”,不能写作“茶”。 辨析见“热火朝天”。 法文comme des flammes qui font ragebattre son plein 俄文пламенныйв самом разгаре 德文mit lodernder Begeisterung stürmisch 春秋时代末期,吴国国王夫差连续征服了越国;鲁国和齐国,雄心勃勃,又继续向西北进军,打算一鼓作气征服晋国。 可正在这个时候,越王勾践抄了吴王的后路。他带领军队一直打到吴国的国都姑苏苏州,又派人马占据淮河,把吴王的退路切断了。 这消息给吴王夫差当头泼了一盆冷水,他非常震惊,立即召集文臣武将商量对策。大家说,现在退回去等于两关打了败仗,还会两头挨打;如果能打败晋国,就等于在诸候国中当定了霸主,再回去收拾越王勾践也不算晚。 大主意已经拿定,当务之急是尽快征服晋国。考虑再三,决定出奇制胜。 一天傍晚,吴王下达了命令。全军将士吃得饱饱的,马也喂足了草料。从全军中挑出三万精兵强将。每一万人摆成一个方阵,共摆三个方阵。每个方阵横竖都是一百人。每一行排头的都是军官司。每十行,也就是一千人,由一个大夫负责。每项一个方阵由一名将军率领。中间的方阵白盔白甲,白衣服,白旗帜,白弓箭,由吴王自己掌握,称为中军;左边的方阵,红盔红甲;红衣服;红简直就像深不可测;右边的方阵则一水儿黑色。半夜出发,黎明时分到达离晋军仅有一里路的地方。天色刚刚显出亮色,吴军鼓声大作,欢呼之声震天动工地。 晋军从梦中醒来,一看吴军那三个方阵和声威气势,简直都惊呆了:那白色方阵,“望之如荼”——像开满白花的茅草地;那红色方阵,“望之如火”——如像熊熊燃烧的火焰;而那黑色的方阵,简直就象深不可测的大海。 故事出自《国语 吴语》。成语“如火如荼”,形容某种人群或事物阵容之大,气势之盛。 【注意】“荼”不能写作“茶”,不能读作chá。 反义词 The Occupy Wall Street movement, “ the99%”, is kicking up a ruckus. When I came out as a lesbian, in1978, there was a vibrant women's liberation movement in the UK. AS PARTY conferences get into full swing in Britain this week, one issue will dominate politics through to the general election, due by early June2010, and beyond. But if recent history is any guide, the studios are now falling over each other in their eagerness to do a deal, and share some of that money. Stepping into the conference hall, that energetic sense of purpose and urgency which the climate movement outside instils in you, saps away. But this year the parties were in full swing again. No one likes jet lag. We get off a flight feeling wrinkled and exhausted and then head into a day full of meetings or jump full swing into a vacation. Shorn of all of the economic jargon and legal niceties, that is the logic behind the booming business in bilateral trade deals that is sweeping Asia. By1946, however, the battle over continental drift was in full swing. Many American officers are worried, however, that the relative lull will not last, especially as the election campaign hots up. With school courses drawing to a close, many students find themselves in the midst of preparing for further study abroad. Ongoing conflict in the east of Congo has worsened this year as a dissident Tutsi general, Laurent Nkunda, who has close ties to the Rwandan government, has launched an assault in the region. They want the United States to emulate Britain, where there has been an intensive campaign to pressure industry as well as consumers to use less salt. We are fighting hot counterinsurgency wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and against the international jihadist movement, wars in which we need to prevail. As I write this, bombings and terrorism are ripe. ON A sweltering day in Alexander City, Alabama, summer school was in full swing. With only a few months until publication of the government’s spending review, which will decide which parts of government live and which parts die, the lobbying is in full swing. The world cup in South Africa continues to be one of the hottest events of the summer and the fascination for this event continues strong as we approach the finals. Trade and lending across Europe expand, and this includes housing bubbles in some of the countries. |
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