

单词 如意算盘
释义 如意算盘 rú yì suàn pán 常用成语
indulge in wishful thinking繁体如意算盤近义一厢情愿反义竹篮打水;南柯一梦正音“算”,不能读作“shuàn”。
俄文рáдужные плáны
德文Wunschdenken我们做事情,定决策时,不能只打如意算盘,要多考虑人民群众的实际需要。传说清朝下台官员申守尧家里穷得叮当响,他还摆出一副官老爷的架子到处吹牛,无所事事。一次他家的老妈子当他朋友的面要他脱衣去典当钱买米,他很气愤地要不给钱炒掉她。老妈子说:“你倒会打如意算盘,一个工钱也不能少。”偏正式:作主语;宾语;定语;指一厢情愿的打算;含贬义。清 李宝嘉《官场现形记》第44回:“好便宜!你倒会打如意算盘!十三个半月工钱,只付三个月!你同我了事,我却不同你干休!”解释: 指只考虑如何对自己有利的打算。清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》四四回:“好便宜!你倒会打如意算盘!十三个半月工钱,只付三个月!”
杨绛《洗澡》一部一章:“胡小姐择夫很有讲究,可是她打的是如意算盘。不,她太讲求实际,打的是并不如意的算盘。”近义词 小九九一厢情愿小算盘儿
反义词 南柯一梦竹篮打水
打如意算盘indulge in wishful thinking
打乱了他的如意算盘upset his smug calculations《纽约时报》打的是这样的如意算盘:从那些偶尔来访的读者手中赚得点击流量费和广告费,以及从相对忠实的读者身上获得订阅费作为财政收入。
In this case, the Times seems to want both the traffic and advertising dollars from casual browsers as well as the subscription-driven revenue from the more serious readers. yeeyan

That did not happen, but it increased the control of party managers and broke the direct link between voters and constituents. ecocn

But the captain was plainly floating his balloon. ecocn

A LOT like South Korea, a bit like Mexico and not at all like its neighbours. That is how Poland wants to be seen after it set up a$20.5 billion credit line from the IMF. ecocn

近些年来亚马逊 Amazon已两度打乱了图书出版业的如意算盘。
AMAZON twice upset the book industry's apple cart in recent years. ecocn

You are counting without your host . jukuu

India and Chinamust play very wisely and avoid to become victims of west designs and must falsify their wishful thinking! tianya

Some businessmen smugly imagine that if the WTO talks fail, they can get what they want from more exclusive deals, which pick trading partners off in ones, twos or threes. ecocn

This idea seemed especially reasonable in1919, when Pilsudski refused to support Denikin's army, which was defeated in battle after battle on the Southern front. yeeyan

这个前国会发言人正在打一个政治上的翻身战,但这与穆加贝试图削弱穆菊茹派系的如意算盘一样,收效甚微。 穆加贝对穆菊茹派系的日益强大十分头痛。
The former speaker is making a political comeback, but this may be little more than a shrewd attempt by Mr Mugabe to weaken the Mujuru faction, whose ascendancy he now resents. ecocn

Meanwhile the regime can see for itself that the Bush administration is hugely stretched in Iraq and Afghanistan and does not believe America has the will for interventionit may be wrong. ecocn




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