词汇 | 奋不顾身 |
释义 | 奋不顾身 辨析奋不顾身和“舍生忘死”都有“不顾个人安危”的意思;都形容舍己为人;勇于献身。不同在于:①奋不顾身语义重;范围大;偏重于“安危”;表示把个人的安危;包括“生死”置之度外;“舍生忘死”偏重于“生死”。②奋不顾身多指个人行动;“舍生忘死”不仅如此还多指人的精神品质。 辨析奋不顾身和“舍生忘死”都有“不顾个人安危”的意思;都形容舍己为人;勇于献身。不同在于:①奋不顾身语义重;范围大;偏重于“安危”;表示把个人的安危;包括“生死”置之度外;“舍生忘死”偏重于“生死”。②奋不顾身多指个人行动;“舍生忘死”不仅如此还多指人的精神品质。 歇后语茅坑里打架 法文se lancer à corps perdus'exposer bravement à la mort 俄文самоотвéрженно 德文die eigene Sicherheit auβer acht lassen unter Einsatz des eigenen Lebens 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 May15,2008, Austrian veterinarian Kati Loeffler rescued a dog buried under the bubbles in Beichuan. Ordos, a mysterious land, has been haunting generations of Huabeinese, and makes people like Mr. Hua dedicate their enthusiasm and passion to it. The game is a very angry bird cartoon2D screen, watching the angry red bird, green pig desperate to drop to the fortress, that wonderful feeling really feel very happy. Qui- Gon had leaped to prevent him even as his heart knew he was too late. “ You have to be willing to engage, and it seems as if the people of Tucson have a culture, a strong community sense that, hey, if someone is in dire need, I will jump in,” said Dr. Those who risked their safety in the fire were rushed into a smile children, presumably to see another house of the bar! The infantry men, replying from below, six against two hundred, intrepid and with no shelter save the currant- bushes, took a quarter of an hour to die. And there are many of you who are still playing right into their webs of deceit. They no longer put into political life totally, but pay close attention to themselves life condition and life quality. They to“ righteousness” word, in order to truth can be desperate. I don't think my teammates will be ready to give their life. I was so selfless in the end only to find all lies, I am, how to end? Because that desperate love, what I lost you never know. Sometimes, having known the end exactly, we still sacrifice ourselves for love, only to be unregretful when separated. On wet nights eels would even travel overland, relentless in their quest to return to their natal womb in the deep ocean. In combat, they rush violently and blindly into the enemy, raking with their obsidian claws. Alan Greenspan professed his“shocked disbelief” that the Wall Street institutions he had trusted in were so reckless as to blow themselves up. In other words, though they've risked everything for others, real heroes don't get paid for the super hero stuff. Since he was always going to battle without regard for his own life, it was not long before he was shot to death on the battlefield. One day, a building was on fire. A fireman risked his life dashing to the top floor in order to quench the fire. He found a man sleep soundly in a corner. |
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