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bo·nan·za 英bəˈnænzə美bəˈnænzəAHDbə-nănʹzə ★☆☆☆☆高ITGCOCA²¹⁹¹³BNC¹⁵⁰⁵¹iWeb¹⁹⁷⁶⁷Economist⁸⁸⁷⁸ 基本英英词源搭配记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 n.富矿带⁷⁴;带来好运的事物¹³;暴富之源¹³复数bonanzas 地质福福气
Noun: an especially rich vein of precious orea sudden happening that brings good fortune as a sudden opportunity to make money;the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line 来自美洲西班牙语,原本是个航海术语,表示“海上的晴好天气”,后来用作矿业术语,表示“优质矿、富矿脉”。1848年,有人在美国西部加利福尼亚地区发现了金矿,消息迅速传开,成千上万的人涌向西部淘金。1859年,有人在内华达州发现了储量极其丰富的金矿和银矿,使美国历史上的第一次淘金热达到高潮。有些人凭借好运发现金矿从而一夜暴富,人们就把他们交上的这种好运比喻为bonanza,将淘金者当中的暴发户称为bonanza king好运国王。1896年,淘金者在克伦代克地区一条小溪的砂砾层中发现了含量异常丰富的金矿,他们就把这条小溪命名为Bonanza Creek好运溪。好运溪的发现轰动了全世界,淘金者们蜂拥而至,掀起了美国历史上的第二次淘金热。bonanza一词在淘金热时期的新闻标题中不断出现,变成了一个家喻户晓的名词,从而进入了英语词汇。现在通常用来表示“财源”、“好运”。bonanza farming粗放耕作 钱博士bon好+anza=acy,抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→好⇒好运,财源 词源解释来自美洲西班牙语,原本是个航海术语,表示“海上的晴好天气”,后来用作矿业术语,表示“优质矿、富矿脉”。1848年,有人在美国西部加利福尼亚地区发现了金矿,消息迅速传开,成千上万的人涌向西部淘金。1859年,有人在内华达州发现了储量极其丰富的金矿和银矿,使美国历史上的第一次淘金热达到高潮。有些人凭借好运发现金矿从而一夜暴富,人们就把他们交上的这种好运比喻为bonanza,将淘金者当中的暴发户称为bonanza king好运国王。1896年,淘金者在克伦代克地区一条小溪的砂砾层中发现了含量异常丰富的金矿,他们就把这条小溪命名为Bonanza Creek好运溪。好运溪的发现轰动了全世界,淘金者们蜂拥而至,掀起了美国历史上的第二次淘金热。bonanza一词在淘金热时期的新闻标题中不断出现,变成了一个家喻户晓的名词,从而进入了英语词汇。现在通常用来表示“财源”、“好运”。bon好+anza=acy,抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→好⇒好运,财源。GRE难词记忆bonanza→bon=good 好的+anza→好事→幸运近义词 boom繁荣prize奖品gravy肉汁gold mine金矿wealthU财富godsend天赐之物pot of gold许多钱jackpot彩票等头奖…windfall风吹落的果实…bunce意外的收获,赚来…gold rush淘金热
名词100% 用作名词South Africa's gold and mineralbonanzais beginning to tail off .南非的丰富黄金矿藏量以及其它矿业资源正在日益枯竭。 Bargain hunters enjoyed a realbonanzatoday.到处买便宜货的人今天真是交了好运。 What abonanzafor the winning ticket holders!对于手持胜券的人来说,这是多好的运气啊! His business was far from being abonanza!他的生意还没有走红运。 It's been abonanzayear for the tourist trade.对旅游业来说, 这是财源滚滚的一年。noun.windfall 同义词 cash cow,treasure trovegold mine bumper cropnoun rich harvest cash crop,fat of the land,foison,gold mine,windfall discoveriesnoun treasure;invention algorithms,bonanzas,breakthroughs,conclusions,contrivances,coups,data,designs,devices,findings,finds,formulas,godsends,innovations,laws,luck,luck outs,machines,methods,principles,processes,results,secrets,theorems,ways discoverynoun treasure;invention algorithm,bonanza,breakthrough,conclusion,contrivance,coup,data,design,device,find,finding,formula,godsend,innovation,law,luck,luck out,machine,method,principle,process,result,secret,theorem,way findnoun discovery acquisition,asset,bargain,boast,bonanza,catch,gem,good buy,jewel,one in a million,pride,treasure,treasure trove gold minenoun rich source Eldorado,Golconda,bonanza,cash cow,golden goose,goose that laid the golden egg,gravy train,license to print money,mother lode,rich lode,source of supply,vein,very profitable venture lucky breaknoun stroke of good fortune blessing,bonanza,break,fluke,good break,jackpot,luck of the Irish,luck of the draw,lucky strike,mere luck,stroke of luck Mr Ripper says500 people are arriving in WA each week to fill jobs for a bonanza whose scale took everyone by surprise. Ripper说,每星期都有500人来到西澳,来到这一能够带给人惊喜的富矿带来寻找工作机会。 ecocn No one, however, can quarantine Australia’s economy from the side- effects of its resources bonanza. 但澳大利亚丰富的资源对其经济的负面影响,是谁也没法消除的。 ecocn The bonanza has the potential to end Australia's long-term current account deficit and push the country's international trade balance into surplus. 蕴藏丰富的矿藏有可能让澳大利亚摆脱长期的经常账赤字,并且推动其在国际贸易中获得盈余。 ebigear Arguably more significant than the petroleum bonanza are the massive capital inflows Africa can continue to expect as the last frontier market. 比石油财富更有意义的是,大量的资金流向非洲,它也可能继续成为世界经济发展的前沿市场。 ecocn As documented in his paper, the subprime mess was preceded by a lending bonanza and a weakening of credit standards. 这如同米什金先生文章中记录的,次债危机以前贷款过度和信贷标准失灵。 ecocn But within China, analysts doubt the small increase in lending rates will slow the incredible building bonanza that is reaching even remote regions, like this one. 不过,贷款利率的微增,能否让竟已波及到康巴什之类偏远地区的疯狂建设热潮降温,分析家依旧是将信将疑。 yeeyan Corrupt army officers are also afraid that they might miss out on an expected oil bonanza. 腐败的军队官员也很害怕,他们害怕会失去那富裕的石油资源。 ecocn Even if the IPO bonanza were to peter out, there would be other opportunities. 即使 IPO这块肥肉已经被分光了,其他的机会还是存在的。 ecocn House prices went up by more than that—15% in real terms over four years during a bonanza— before falling back. 房价涨得更多,在“财源滚滚”的四年内按实际价值计算增长了15%,而之后便会回落。 ecocn However, he wasn’t always as savvy with his investments; his restaurant chains Ponderosa and Bonanza filed for Chapter 11 in2008. 然而,克卢格的投资并非总是如此精明;他的连锁餐厅庞德罗莎 Ponderosa和财运餐厅 Bonanza于2008年申请破产。 forbeschina In Sudan, another country awash with oil, the bonanza should once again have benefited a country that suffers from both poverty and drought. 在苏丹另一个富有石油的国家,富源本该再次为这个饱受贫穷与干旱的国家带来利益。 ecocn Investment bankers and lawyers, who stand to make fat fees from another tech IPO bonanza, will be keeping their fingers crossed that the switch is not flipped back to“ off” for some time. 而投资银行家和律师们也很可能从另一个科技股 IPO中获得丰厚佣金,他们将会祈祷那个“开关”在一段时间内不会再被“关掉”。 ecocn Last year's bonanza replenished stocks, which stood at a seven-year high at the beginning of the year. 去年的丰富产量使它的谷仓更加充实,在年初就达到了七年以来的新高。 ecocn Moreover, our brains evolved to light up not only for novelty- on- demand, but also for the genetic bonanza of sex with a novel partner. 另外,我们的大脑被刺激到也不仅仅是因为需求上的新鲜感,还因为渴望与一个新的伴侣之间的性的强大基因。 yeeyan So is this a bonanza in the making for vaccine manufacturers? 那么对于疫苗制造商而言是否为一个赚钱良机呢? ecocn Special measures were tried to stop organised crime muscling in when oil production began a decade ago, but the bonanza has brought an inflow of public money. 十年前石油生产开始的时候,政府尝试了一些特别的措施阻止犯罪的入侵,但是这片富矿带导致了政府资金的流入。 ecocn The result was a bonanza for the management- consulting industry. 结果,这为管理咨询产业带来了丰厚的利润。 ecocn They have brought a bonanza of jobs and wealth to the area and to the province. 他们给该地区和该省带来了大量的工作机会和源源不断的财富。 ecocn |