词汇 | 天衣无缝 |
释义 | 天衣无缝 辨形“缝”,不能写作“逢”。 辨析天衣无缝和“完美无缺”都有“十分完美”之意。但天衣无缝指事物精巧美妙;没有破绽;而“完美无缺”只形容极其完美;可用于人;而天衣无缝不能。 辨形“缝”,不能写作“逢”。 辨析天衣无缝和“完美无缺”都有“十分完美”之意。但天衣无缝指事物精巧美妙;没有破绽;而“完美无缺”只形容极其完美;可用于人;而天衣无缝不能。 俄文швы совершенно незаметныбезукоризненность 郭翰很有礼貌地问:“小姐,您是谁?从哪来?” 仙女说:“我是织女,从天上来。” 郭翰问:“你从天上来,能谈谈天上的事情吗?” 仙女问:“你想知道什么?” 郭翰说:“我什么都想知道。” 仙女说:“这可难了,你让我从哪说起呀?” 郭翰说:“人们都说仙人聪明,你就随便说说吧。” 仙女说:“天上四季如春,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒;绿树常青,花开不谢。枝头百鸟合鸣,水中游鱼可见。没有疾病,没有战争,没有赋税,总之,人间的一切苦难天上都没有。” 郭翰说:“天上那么好,你为什么还跑到人间来呢?” 仙女说:“亏你还是个读书人。你们的前辈庄周老先生不是说过‘在栽满兰花的屋子里呆久了,也闻不到香味’的话么。在天上呆久了,难免有些寂寞,偶尔到人间玩玩。” 郭翰又问:“听说有一种药,人吃了可以长生不老,你知道哪有吗?” 仙女说:“这种药人间没有,天上到处都是。” 郭翰说:“既然天上多得很,你该带点下来,让人们尝尝有多好呀。” 仙女说:“带是带不下来。天上的东西,带到人间就失去了灵气。不然早让秦始皇;汉武帝吃了。” 郭翰说:“你口口声声说来自天上,用什么证明你不是说谎话哄人呢?” 仙女让郭翰看看衣服。郭翰仔细看完,奇怪的是仙女的衣服没缝。 仙女说:“天衣无缝,你连这个都不懂,还称什么才子,我看你是十足的大傻瓜。” 郭翰听完,哈哈大笑,再一瞧,仙女不见了。 反义词 This idiom is used metaphorically to indicate the flawless handling of things. Earth tones are definitely big for this season, and camel will fit in with trends such as Queen’s Country, Town meets Country and the like seamlessly. But amid this seamless display of political continuity are hints of change ahead for Argentina. Devices will connect seamlessly so that data is transferred automatically from computer to mobile phone, for instance. Historians typically interweave statements of fact, inferences they derive from the facts, and statements of their own opinion into a seamless historical narrative. The facts of the American space project and its Soviet counterpart elided seamlessly into the fantasy of“ Star Trek”1 and“2001: A Space Odyssey”2. Such an unassailable, unconditional and seamless love happens only once. All of these services have been seamlessly integrated with QQ IM and can be accessed with a user's QQ account. Our collaboration across borders must become more seamless. They account for well over half of the non- European total, and there are worries about both the dodgy colleges some attend and their seamless segue into the workforce and eventual settlement. Learn how to seamlessly add video to your Google Docs page to really give your presentation or project a boost. With open source, everything is seamless and transparent. That’s the way he does it, and it was wonderful for the rest of us, because when you’re doing a scene with him he makes the work completely seamless. While the move may look seamless from the outside, there have been glitches over the years. This is a very natural and seamless extension to the concept of customization based on groups. The idea of integrating computers seamlessly into the world at large runs counter to a number of present-day trends. The transition to private management was relatively seamless, explains Laurence Msall of Chicago’s Civic Federation. And it must perform seamlessly in the face of both day-to- day hassles and emergencies. The courtship was seamless as we took the necessary steps to consummate the relationship; I would join the firm as a partner and run the entire trading operation. PERSONAL electronic devices are becoming smaller and more ubiquitous every day, but no one has yet managed to realise the dream of incorporating them seamlessly into clothing. You lug along lights must find or bring power sources and then seamlessly integrate ambient and artificial light sources. Modified scales form an irregular edge to the body that blends in nearly seamlessly with the bark. The strength of Mr Bernstein’s book is the analytical rigour that overlays the rollicking history and the way in which he seamlessly weaves in the theoretical with the practical. The act of persuasion, coming after some sly, charmingly nasty give-and-take between the American and the Londoner at a bar, is a lesson in the seamless blend of acting styles. |
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