释义 |
天外飞来 tiān wài fēi lái 一般成语 基本例句 天外:意料不到的地方。后指事情出乎意料地发生,凭空而来。繁体天外飛來生活在英国和美国的人们可能要开始著手准备应对天外飞来的横祸了。 If you live in Britain, the U.S., start preparing now. cri 在读到报告的时候,他曾说道:“比起相信石头会从天外飞来,我更相信两个北佬教授会撒谎。” On reading the report he is supposed to have said, “ I would more easily believe that two Yankee professors would lie than that stones would fall from heaven.” topsage |