词汇 | 大腹便便 |
释义 | 大腹便便 辨析大腹便便和“脑满肠肥”;多用于形容肥胖的剥削者。不同在于:“大腹便便”形容肚腹十分突出的样子;多用于强调肚子肥大;“脑满肠肥”形容体肥腹大;而又肥头大耳;多用于强调饱食终日;无所事事的样子。 辨析大腹便便和“脑满肠肥”;多用于形容肥胖的剥削者。不同在于:“大腹便便”形容肚腹十分突出的样子;多用于强调肚子肥大;“脑满肠肥”形容体肥腹大;而又肥头大耳;多用于强调饱食终日;无所事事的样子。 边韶很有口才,说起话;讲起课来头头是道,从没有回答不出问题来的。不过他有个毛病,就是爱打磕睡。因为他人胖,肚子大,打起磕睡来,学生看他的模佯很好笑。 有一天,他又和衣打磕睡。他的学生就私下编了句顺口溜嘲笑他:“边孝先,腹便便;懒读书,但欲眠。”意思是:边孝先是个大肚皮,懒得读书。只想睡觉。不料边韶醒来后,很快知道了这个顺口溜,于思马上编了几句顺口溜作答:“边为姓,孝为字。腹便便,王经笥。便欲眠,思经事。寐与周公通梦,静与孔子同意:师而可嘲,出何典记?”它的意思是:边是我的姓,孝是我的字,大肚皮,是装着五经的竹箱子。只想睡觉,去思考五经的事。睡梦中可以会见周公旦,安静时可以与孔子有相同的心意。老师可以嘲笑,这规矩出自哪家经典? 【注意】❶注意“大腹便便”的“便”读pián。❷用于形容人时多含贬义。 反义词 In fair round belly with good capon lined. When we boarded the plane to Peru on March1,2008, we had overflowing bags, bloodshot eyes and several chins between us. And now Po, the company's paunchy kung-fu panda, has been tapped to help promote the health benefits of tofu. Funny how many portly men you could see lovingly fingering these featherlight products, as if it is the heft of their group-set rather than their gut that slows them down. Another source says Mason“ still wears grungy old band t-shirts and hoodies and disgusting flip- flops” and doesn't seem like he's “ turning into this snazzy, d-baggy CEO kind of guy.” The last thing I want to turn into is a fat Hollywood jerk. Below you can see some funny photo manipulations showing obese animals. One girl aged13, used clay to create a woman that could only be described as portly. A squat pot- bellied figure bustled forward through the gloom. Over 2,000 years ago, Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary had to leave their home and travel to Bethlehem. |
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