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大步流星 |
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大步流星 dǎ bù liú xīng 常用成语 基本辨析辨析例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句例句 stridewith vigorous strides近义健步如飞;追风逐电;风驰电掣反义慢条斯理;姗姗来迟;老牛破车辨形流,不能写作“留”;步,下部不能写作“少”。 辨析大步流星和“健步如飞”;都形容走得很快;不同在于:①大步流星侧重在“大步”;指脚步迈的距离大;“健步如飞”侧重在“健步”;指有脚劲;善于走路。②同样形容脚步快;但“健步如飞”的速度比大步流星快。辨形流,不能写作“留”;步,下部不能写作“少”。 辨析大步流星和“健步如飞”;都形容走得很快;不同在于:①大步流星侧重在“大步”;指脚步迈的距离大;“健步如飞”侧重在“健步”;指有脚劲;善于走路。②同样形容脚步快;但“健步如飞”的速度比大步流星快。提着灯笼的生宝在天亮前开始结霜的牛车路上,大步流星地向南走去。 ★柳青《创业史》第二部第三章偏正式:作状语;用于走路;中性词。周立波《暴风骤雨》第二部六:“他在爬犁的近边,大步流星地走着。”解释: 形容脚步迈得大,走路很快。池莉《烦恼人生》:“印家厚头也不回,大步流星汇入了滚滚的人流之中。” 王旭烽《茶人三部曲》二部二三章:“不一会儿,茶房就像一个杂技演员一般,大步流星地出得场来。” 王火《战争和人》二卷二:“他有心试试,快步流星地走,在马路上绕来绕去,看看背后有没有人跟踪。”近义词 纵步阔步放步大步健步如飞风驰电掣追风逐电昂首阔步 反义词 步履维艰老牛破车慢条斯理姗姗来迟 祸来大步流星,祸去磨磨蹭蹭。Evil come to us by ell and go away by inch.獾大步流星地跨进房间。 The Badger strode heavily into the room. bab 尽管 Rhapsody在这个行业拥有十年的先发优势,但它却突然发现,自己得拼尽全力去追赶一家新晋公司大步流星的步伐。 Despite a ten-year head start in that very business, Rhapsody suddenly finds itself trying desperately to catch up to the momentum of a glitzy newcomer. fortunechina 看到他改善与平壤的关系,满怀热情、大步流星地踏过熠熠生辉的粉红地毯朝着那位大腹便便、身穿笔挺制服的小暴君奔去,美国人很是不安。 The Americans were gravely disturbed to see him improving links with Pyongyang, striding keen as mustard down the fluorescent pink carpet towards the potbellied little tyrant in his zipped-up uniform. ecocn 老师大步流星地走进教室。 The teacher came striding into the classroom. reverso 三个小时过后,她又从窗子爬了出来,大步流星地从前门回家。 Three hours later, out she climbs, strides to the front door and lets herself in. bangbenw 于是他们整晚大步流星,披星戴月,第二天则在太阳下头赶路,终于当天傍晚抵达了一座城。 So they made haste, and all that night they journeyed beneath the moon, and all the next day they journeyed beneath the sun, and on the evening of the day they came to a city. yeeyan 每天,我都是大步流星地走过,从不留意花开叶落。 I always walked on the road unaware of the blossoms on the trees in spring and the fallen leaves in autumn. blog.sina.com.cn |
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