词汇 | 大材小用 |
释义 | 大材小用 歇后语八仙桌子盖酒坛;大檩做棒锤;大松树作柴火 法文homme de grand talent affecté à un emploi modesteun grand talent pour une petite tǎche 俄文растрáчивать большие талáнты по пустякáм 德文edles Material für unbedeutende Zwecke verwenden 刘瞻听了很高兴,连连称好,认为他的志向很高洁。辛弃疾却回答说:“我不想做官,我要用词写尽天下的贼,用剑杀尽天下的贼!”刘瞻听了大吃一惊,要辛弃疾今后不要再说这样荒唐的话。此后,辛;党两人的生活道路截然不同:辛弃疾英勇地投身到抗金的民族战场上去,以爱国词人著称于世;而党怀英则混迹于金人统治集团,为金人作了一些帮闲乃至帮凶的工作。 金人南侵后,辛弃疾组织了两千多人的队伍在故乡起义。后来,又率领队伍投奔济南府农民耿京组织的起义军。不久,起义军接受朝廷任命,与朝廷的军队配合作战,打击南侵的金军。但由于投降派的排挤和打击,辛弃疾后来曾长期闲居在江西上饶一带。1203年春,才被任命为绍兴府知府兼浙江东路安抚使。这一年,辛弃疾已经六十四岁了。 绍兴西郊有一处地方叫三山,当时著名的爱国诗人陆游就在那里闲居。陆游比辛弃疾大十五岁,当时快八十岁了,他的爱国诗句早已为辛弃疾所景仰,因此辛弃疾到任不久,就去拜访了这位前辈,两人一起议论国家大事,相见恨晚。陆游听了辛弃疾对形势的分析和统一;全国的设想,觉得他是一个很有才能的人,希望他在事业上取得成功。 次年春天,宋宁宗降下圣旨,要辛弃疾到京城临安去,征询他对北伐金国的意见。”辛弃疾把这件事告诉陆游,陆游觉得这是辛弃疾施展自己才能的好机会,为他感到高兴。 为了鼓励辛弃疾发挥自己的才能,陆游特地写了一首长诗赠给他。诗中写道,“辛弃疾是古代大政治家;军事家管仲;萧何一流的人物,现在当浙江东路安抚使,实在是把大的材料用在小处;鼓励他为恢复中原而努力,千万不要因为受到排挤不得志而介意。六十六岁那年,这位始终是被大材小用的爱国英雄,终于在忧愤中去世。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 An employee's work altitude and behavior will be highly affected by over- qualification perception. Creating an entire DSL just to hold simple data structures like lists of ingredients and directions seems like a bit of overkill; why not just keep this information in standard data structures? But they decided I was overqualified for the job. The good news for these workers is that65 percent of employers reported that they would consider hiring overqualified workers for entry level jobs. The growth in the balcony it is not quite a waste of talent out? Hey, maybe you are. Helena Bonham Carter as the villainous Bellatrix Lestrange is a shining but underused talent. Just because you earned more and had more responsibility in the past doesn't mean you're overqualified for this job. The situation has somewhat improved but many educated Zimbabweans continue to work in jobs they are overqualified for in South Africa and the United Kingdom. You need to think and discuss beyond the initial stage where he or she may be temporarily underutilized. If you are working your butt off and not getting paid enough to pay your bills, you might be overqualified and underpaid for your position. Salary tends to become more of an issue when you are overqualified for a job and your expectations do not meet reality. Why does he always enjoy being a big fish in a small pond? My father was an eminent button- maker, but I had a soul above buttons. I panted for a liberal profession. Alexander is not going to shoe a flea yet as he is always busy as it is. Some may consider this overkill, but it's worthwhile if you have the available resources. These systems have a large collection of statistics data, but these data were“ underused talent”. Reality TV's pause in America is allowing scripted drama to bounce back, to the relief of professional actors and scribes who complain of being under-employed. It's a waste of John to employ him on this easy work. Are you miffed at applying for a job“beneath” your abilities or ticked at defending a career that began when the interviewer was in diapers? Even Japanese graduates with PhDs from foreign universities despair of getting jobs at big Japanese firms because they will be seen as overqualified. He should be used to doing more important jobs. Christian Lacroix is currently underemployed since the house he nurtured for two decades no longer makes clothes. |
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