词汇 | 大有可为 |
释义 | 大有可为 歇后语一屁股坐到沙滩上 俄文имéть большие возмóжности 德文gute Aussichten haben über einen groβen Spielraum verfügen 反义词 The European: What possibilities for human enhancement do you see as especially promising and as least problematic, so that we should actually take concrete steps into their direction? It sounds promising, from the industry’s perspective, but graduated response has drawbacks of its own. Substantial research efforts have shown nuclear fusion energy to be a promising technology for producing safe, pollution-free, and economical electric energy later in the21st century and beyond. But because a lot of things that people do with computers, such as e- mail, writing and web browsing, do not require fancy graphics or lots of processing power, netbooks can still be extremely useful. But it is also worth remembering that countries can do a lot to boost employment simply by getting rid of job- killing regulations. But law schools could still do more to help their graduates prepare. China and Germany have much to benefit from cooperation in developing renewable energy and improving energy efficiency. So far the plan is little more than an experiment, albeit a promising one. That kind of traffic is not to be sniffed at. The problem is that Yahoo! has not monetised it effectively. If you can grow, even in these times, you will emerge on the other side of the economic crisis ahead of the competition. With the deepening of China- Spain relations, the forum has a big potential to be tapped. With annuals and perennials suffering from little to no growth, the edible category presents many opportunities for sales growth and is a highly profitable sector with increasing demand. A camera that could literally balance on the head of a pin could find use in research, robotics and medicine. It compares with consumption figures of almost100 litres per person per year in the UK and about70 litres in Japan. While environmental efforts are old news in cities like San Francisco and Portland, she thinks Houston has room for exponential green growth. The virtue of such an approach was that America had much to gain in a world that lived by rules. And since the release of promising Thai vaccine trial data in November2009, there has been renewed interest in developing a protective vaccine. Hélio Zylberstajn, the president of the Brazilian Institute of Employment and Labour Relations, a study group, thinks the initiative is promising. A flourishing China-UK partnership means promising prospects for studying in China and learning mandarin. |
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