词汇 | 大放厥词 |
释义 | 大放厥词 法文faire de grands discours erronéspérorer 柳宗元的散文丰富而多采。他的短篇寓言简练犀利,意味含蓄。他的山水游记形象生动,色彩鲜明。他的论说文缜密谨严,条理井然。他的诗风清朗疏淡,用功精细。他死后的第二年,即公元820年,唐朝著名文学家韩愈曾写了《祭柳子厚文》这篇文章,其中用了这样两句来赞扬柳宗元的文采才华:“玉佩琼琚,大放厥词。”意思是说文笔秀美,尽力铺陈词藻,美如晶莹净洁的玉石。 【注意】今多含贬义,而且具有讥讽意味。 反义词 IN2006, at the height of his pomp as chancellor, Gordon Brown used his annual Mansion House speech to the City’s great and good to extol the virtues of London’s financial district. Though most delegates stuck to euphemism and discretion, Alberto Torresano of the Spanish group Phalange didn't get the memo. But I'd counter that this form of anonymity does not free me from accountability, or allow me to shoot off at the mouth. Jay Gould, the greatest railway financier of his day and an ardent advocate of this dogma, bragged: “ I can hire half the working class to shoot the other half.” Despite the common American rants about “ cheap Chinese knockoffs, ” much of what we buy—from low-end Walmart widgets to exorbitantly priced iPhones— is made in China. A trial, though, would have meant a forty-third or forty-fourth year, and the thought that Qaddafi would have a last platform for his lunatic speeches was too much. Kevin accused Joe of being a lame, unfunny sellout, even venturing to claim that he could “ easily come up with a better stand-up routine” than Joe. Mr Robertson was even more given to outrageous statements, such as when he said Ariel Sharon's stroke was God's punishment for giving away Israeli land. The Manchester United winger declared this week that Chelsea and his own team will battle for the title while Arsenal and Manchester City will be among the also- rans. NO POLITICIAN likes a critical press and Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s prime minister, is no exception. Magic Johnson, an all-time great player and an all-time great talk-show hostif you like bad television, said the time has come for the Rockets to trade Tracy McGrady or Yao Ming. You won't believe the ignorant crud written online about my country by Westerners and other Asians. And one day you just come home and start throwing words around like annulment. Forget for the moment that Wade would not have bared such feelings about another team's star if that player had not been viewed as somehow less authentic, a European wannabe. Everybody has felt the outrage that comes when a recommendation engine accuses one of a secret desire to watch Rocky IV, the one with Dolph Lundgren in it. Business schools boast that mixing with people from different countries forces their students to broaden their horizons and question their assumptions. Socialists styled themselves as liberals and then spoke glowingly of democracy, executing a deft bait and switch to supplant liberty with majoritarianism. Anything did not understand all spouts rhetoric, to sorry, “ ignorantly delivers Mr. four characters to be bored”. He talked a lot of nonsense when he stepped onto the platform. My compatriots, as you blab here, can you really say you love your country? Ask yourself, how many of you are not moths as well? At an event last week, Facebook director of game partnerships Sean Ryan had some choice words for his new competitor. The laid-off executive had broadly bad- mouthed her former employer in what she saw as casual conversations. The last cord now is broken; the people of England are presenting addresses against us. |
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