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词汇 大手大脚
释义 大手大脚 dà shǒu dà jiǎo 常用成语
extravagant or wasteful繁体大手大腳近义挥金如土;铺张浪费;挥霍无度;一掷千金反义节衣缩食;精打细算;省吃俭用;宽打窄用辨析大手大脚和“挥霍无度”;都可表示花钱没有节制。不同在于①大手大脚强调“不节省;随随便便”;“挥霍无度”强调“拼命挥霍;浪费。”②“挥霍无度”是贬义词;而“大手大脚”第②义含贬义;第①义没有。辨析大手大脚和“挥霍无度”;都可表示花钱没有节制。不同在于①大手大脚强调“不节省;随随便便”;“挥霍无度”强调“拼命挥霍;浪费。”②“挥霍无度”是贬义词;而“大手大脚”第②义含贬义;第①义没有。谜语拒;距;四肢发达
歇后语大少爷种田;手象蒲扇脚象耙;抓住渔船当鞋穿日文金蕍 かねづかいが荒 あらい
法文se montrer prodig e
德文verschwenderisch auf groβem Fuβ leben一样的大手大脚,好像伦敦的巡警都是一母所生的哥儿们。 ★老舍《二马》大观园的海棠诗社又结社了,因为有王熙凤做“监社御史”,诗社的吃喝问题不愁。众人吟诗作赋完毕,袭人穿着单薄的衣衫来叫宝玉,王熙凤见了忙叫平儿送她棉袄和皮袄。众人说王熙凤大手大脚惯了,出手真大方。联合式:作谓语;定语;补语;用于批评场合;含贬义。清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十一回:“成年家大手大脚的,替太太不知背地里赔垫了多少东西,真真赔的是说不出来的,那里又和太太算去。”解释: 形容对财物的使用不知节制,毫不吝惜。清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》五一回:“成年家大手大脚的,替太太不知背地里赔垫了多少东西。”
杨绛《洗澡》二部一五章:“施妮娜大手大脚,擅自把稿费全部给了姜敏。”解释: 也形容人长得健壮。王火《战争和人》三卷七:“来人是个穿得贫寒的剃平顶头的中年人,工人模样,大手大脚。”


近义词 大方手松千金一掷铺张浪费一掷千金挥霍无度挥金如土
反义词 精打细算省吃俭用克勤克俭细水长流小手小脚节衣缩食缩手缩脚开源节流
你要是这样大手大脚过日子,你就会把你赚来的每一分钱花得精光,那时你就会处于困境之中。If you go on living at this extravagant rate, you'll spend every penny you've got, and then you'll be in the soup.大手大脚,做事不果断的天秤座给你带来不少的困扰。然而,对方的巨大魅力通常能吸引挑剔的你。
Libra's extravagant, indecisive nature bothers you; however, Libra's charm can normally melt your critical tongue. putclub

So far partying like it’s2007 does not seem to be helping. ecocn

By far the best remedy is rapid reforms that restore the confidence of investors, a reversal of the runaway spending of the bumper years, and the long- overdue liberation of markets. fortunechina

Jane loved Tony, but she worried about all the money he squandered when they went out together. ebigear

Other studies suggest that people who pay with plastic spend more and tend to forget how much they spent. yeeyan

民主党的州长候选人 Bill White斥责Perry先生大手大脚地挥霍了纳税者的钱。
Bill White, the Democratic candidate for governor, is attacking Mr Perry for extravagance on the taxpayer’s dime. ecocn

In good years, such as during the dotcom boom, revenues soar and politicians happily spend. ecocn

If deflation took hold, the gap in demand left by those fleeing debt would not be filled by cash- rich consumers, who tend to be less free- spending. ecocn

Now it is using its$2.3 trillion in foreign reserves to help prop up America’s profligacy. ecocn

Objecting to a planned spending spree by Mr Medvedev, Mr Kudrin said that he would not serve in his government. ecocn

The question is, will that be enough protection when some of the current lending binge turns sour, as it almost inevitably will? yeeyan

I have been a liberal housekeeper but I shall not be ashamed to practice economy now. kekenet

My daughter is too careless with money. ebigear

Consumers still might be cautious; do we really want them to spend like they did in the old days? yeeyan

It may be because they need to earn more money to pay down their debt from their high- octane lifestyle, or just don’t want to be at home and use work as a substitute. yeeyan

英国人多在诸如体育艺术活动门票、 CD、 DVD、园艺、宠物之类的家庭项目上大手大脚。
Britons splashed out most on household items such as tickets to sports and arts events, CDs and DVDs, gardening and pets. ecocn

In the weaker economies of the euro zone, jobs have been sacrificed in the name of austerity, especially in the public sector, to avoid defaulting on debts built up by free- spending governments. ecocn

“Thinking about short-term regret drives consumers to be virtuous, while thinking about long-term regret leads them to be extravagant, ” the authors write. yeeyan

Tony Blair’s manifesto vowed that his ministers would be“ wise spenders, not big spenders”; he pledged to abide by Tory expenditure plans for his first two years in office. ecocn




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