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词汇 大张旗鼓
释义 大张旗鼓 dà zhāng qí gǔ 常用成语
on a grand scale繁体大張旗皷近义声势浩大;大张声势;浩浩荡荡;轰轰烈烈反义秘而不宣;不露声色变体大張旗鼓辨析一大张旗鼓和“声势浩大”;都有“声势大”的意思;不同在于:①“声势浩大”侧重在声威和气势大;“大张旗鼓”偏重在排场大。②同样表示声势大;“声势浩大”形容声势很大;“大张旗鼓”指大造声势。③两者都可用于群众性活动;但“大张旗鼓”还可用于个人活动。大张旗鼓和“雷厉风行”;都可以用来形容声势猛烈。但“大张旗鼓”多用于大造声势;形容运动;活动等规模巨大;进行得非常热烈;“雷厉风行”多用于形容贯彻;执行政令;任务等作风严厉;行动迅速。辨析一大张旗鼓和“声势浩大”;都有“声势大”的意思;不同在于:①“声势浩大”侧重在声威和气势大;“大张旗鼓”偏重在排场大。②同样表示声势大;“声势浩大”形容声势很大;“大张旗鼓”指大造声势。③两者都可用于群众性活动;但“大张旗鼓”还可用于个人活动。大张旗鼓和“雷厉风行”;都可以用来形容声势猛烈。但“大张旗鼓”多用于大造声势;形容运动;活动等规模巨大;进行得非常热烈;“雷厉风行”多用于形容贯彻;执行政令;任务等作风严厉;行动迅速。谜语喜庆日文大がかりに,大大的に,鳴り物蕑りで
法文tapageusement et en grande envergure
俄文с большим размáхом
德文Banner und Kampftrommeln auffahren etwas in groβem Maβstab durchführen至于那一部小说,本来当属于古董之部,若要大张旗鼓,颂为二十世纪的新作品,则小子不敏,实不敢也。 ★鲁迅《书信集·致胡适》动宾式:作谓语;定语;状语;用于集体活动;中性词。清·张春帆《宦海》第九回:“李参戎带著这些人陆续出了镇南关,便大张旗鼓,排齐队伍,浩浩荡荡的向前进发。”解释: 张:布置,铺排。指军队举旗擂鼓,大规模地摆开阵势。明·青心才人《金云翘传》一九回:“督府下令大张旗鼓,高扯代天招抚杏黄旗。马上鼓乐,队队鲜明,地下旌旗,人人齐整。”
清·张春帆《宦海》九回:“李参戎带着这些人陆续出了镇南关,便大张旗鼓,排齐队伍,浩浩荡荡的向前进发。”解释: 形容大造声势。清·曾朴《孽海花》三〇回:“所难的是得到自由后,他的生活该如何安顿?再嫁呢,还是住家?还是索性大张旗鼓的重理旧业?”
张爱玲《倾城之恋》:“我们今天就到报馆里去登启事。不过你也许愿意候些时,等我们回到上海,大张旗鼓的排场一下,请请亲戚们。”近义词 兴师动众卷土重来东山再起声势浩大死灰复燃重振旗鼓轰轰烈烈大动干戈雷厉风行大张声势如火如荼雷霆万钧浩浩荡荡令行禁止
反义词 不露声色秘而不宣消声匿迹销声匿迹偃旗息鼓
大张旗鼓地宣传环保give wide publicity to environmental protection伴随 IBM宣布一起出现的大张旗鼓造势在技术迷中肯定如此对于我们曾经历了那个“商业数字爆炸发展”黎明期的许多人来说忍不住会感觉像是一个渺小的讽刺。
The great fanfare among technology fans, in any event accompanying IBM's announcement cannot but strike many of us who were there at the dawn of the commercial digital explosion as a small irony.

THE government of Malaysia has laid on all sorts of grand pageantry this weekend, to celebrate the50th anniversary of the Malay peninsula's independence from Britain. ecocn

This does not have to be a massive undertaking. ibm

But this time, despite plenty of razzmatazz, few customers will be queuing up to buy a copy. ecocn

You are, once again, demonstrating the power of prevention, and the power of international collaboration, to improve the world’s health on a truly grand scale. who

But I've never felt anything other than embarrassment at the thought of possessing such glaring advertisements of personal worthlessness. yeeyan

But perhaps, in the business of selling bottled happiness, there is no need to advertise. yeeyan

当通用汽车 GM1996年大张旗鼓地发布 EV1——一款圆鼓鼓的电动汽车——时,曾被认为是预示着一次革命:电动汽车现代化大规模生产的开始。
WHEN General Motors GM launched the EV1, a sleek electric vehicle, with much fanfare in 1996, it was supposed to herald a revolution: the start of the modern mass- production of electric cars. yeeyan

Residents say algae- eating silver carp introduced with great fanfare this year have died. yeeyan

Even before the President signs the Food Safety Modernization ActFSMA, the passage of this legislation set in motion sweeping improvements to the security and safety of our nation's food supply. yeeyan

Another criticism is that the ECB has not done more to ease credit conditions by buying government and corporate bonds outright, as the Bank of England and the Fed have done. ecocn

The idea of asking people to chip in for schools is not unprecedented, but it is usually a bit more subtle. ecocn

Transit officials and politicians broke ground on the Second Avenue line in East Harlem with great fanfare last week. ecocn

Unfortunately for Bernstein, one of the more prominent causes for which he organised a fund- raising reception was that of the Black Panthers. ecocn

By doing this aloud, many issues are uncovered that would otherwise be missed. ibm

The more I travel, the easier it gets. I always propose massive action, because when you do stuff, you get an accurate view of reality, and you know what to expect. yeeyan

Whenever he comes, I make a big production of finding my wallet. yeeyan

THE government of Yemen and its people are vociferously anti- Israel. ecocn

在埃尔多安先生的正义与发展 AK党的政府的八年时间内,两国贸易已经突破了三倍以上,签证已经取消,而且,部长级会议一直就是大张旗鼓的举行。
Trade has more than tripled in the eight years of Mr Erdogan’s Justice and Development AK government, visas have been abolished and ministerial meetings have been held amid much fanfare. ecocn

And even hydropower advocates outside China are anxious, worrying that any problems in China's high- profile foreign building campaign could cast a shadow over the entire industry. ebigear

In this connected age, you don't have to post a missive on a website for everyone to learn about it. fortunechina

America’s vociferous involvement, notably at a regional security forum in Hanoi last July, was welcomed at the time by most of the ten members of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ASEAN. ecocn




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