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词汇 bombastic
释义 bom·bas·tic 英bɒm'bæstɪk美bɑm'bæstɪk ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝COCA⁴⁴⁹⁸⁶BNC⁵⁶⁴²⁰iWeb²⁷⁰⁵¹Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

ostentatiously lofty in style;

a man given to large talk

tumid political prose

bombast浮夸之词+ic形容词后缀⇒浮夸的。比较bomb炸弹近义词 large大的tumid浮夸的pompous傲慢的verbose罗嗦的affected受影响的orotund声音宏亮的…exaggerated言过其辞的pretentious自命不凡的declamatory演说口吻的grandiloquent辞藻浮华的turgid语言或风格等浮夸而晦…long-winded气长的,不易气短的…

用作形容词The orator spoke in abombasticmanner.这位演说家的讲话言过其实。
The candidate spoke in abombasticway of all that he would do if elected.候选人大肆吹嘘,一旦他当选将要如何如何。adj.pompous, grandiloquent
同义词 grandiose,histrionic,histrionical,rhapsodicaureate,balderdash,big-talking,declamatory,euphuistic,flowery,full of hot air,fustian,high-flown,highfalutin,inflated,loudmouthed,magniloquent,orotund,ostentatious,overblown,ranting,rhetorical,sonorous,stuffed shirt,swollen,tumid,turgid,verbose,windbag,windy,wordy
反义词 humble,quiet,reserved,restrained
boastfuladjective bragging
arrogant,big,big-headed,cocky,conceited,crowing,egotistic,egotistical,exultant,full of hot air,highfalutin,hot stuff,know-it-all,loudmouth,on ego trip,pompous,pretentious,puffed-up,self-aggrandizing,self-applauding,smart-alecky,snooty,strutting,stuck-up,swaggering,swanky,swollen-headed,too big for one's britches,vainglorious,vaunting,windbag
declamatoryadjective pompous
flamboyantadjective extravagant, theatrical
flatulentadjective pretentious, long-winded
floweryadjective ornate, especially referring to speech or writing
fulsomeadjective sickening or excessive behavior
adulatory,bombastic,buttery,canting,cloying,coarse,extravagant,fawning,flattering,glib,grandiloquent,hypocritical,immoderate,ingratiating,inordinate,insincere,magniloquent,mealy-mouthed,nauseating,offensive,oily,oleaginous,overdone,saccharine,sanctimonious,slick,slimy,smarmy,smooth,suave,sycophantic,unctuous,wheedling A diffident, shuffling stick figure on stage, at the keyboard he had a penchant for lugubrious tempos, affecting profundity and a crashing, bombastic virtuosity.
虽然他的舞台形象羞怯、粗心、踌躇;但在键盘上,他嗜好悲伤的速度,深刻的感染力,非凡、夸张的技巧。 yeeyan

Dmitri Shostakovich’s bombastic“ Leningrad” symphony, broadcast towards enemy lines in August1942, has cemented this impression.
迪米特里·肖斯塔科维奇浮夸的“列宁格勒”交响乐在1942年8月向敌方阵线播送,又加强了这样的印象。 yeeyan

Dmitri Shostakovich's bombastic“ Leningrad” symphony, broadcast towards enemy lines in August1942, has cemented this impression.
德米特里•肖斯塔科维奇夸大其辞的“列宁格勒”交响曲在1942年8月对敌广播,加深了这种印象。 ecocn

Yet a bombastic, overly tribal leader may well seem unappealing in the coalition era and he may one day be called upon to lead a coalition of his own.
在联合内阁时期,言过其实的部落首领似乎没有吸引力而且他可能有一天被号召领导一个他自己的联合内阁。 ecocn

An ad in which, against the usual bombastic soundtrack, his manager stares silently into the camera drawing on a cigarette struck some people as dotty, others as brilliant.
在一则有别于一般夸大新闻的广告中,他的经理人安静的注视着摄像机一边还抽着烟,品评着一些人的躁动和另一些人的理智。 renren

He sounds even more bombastic in this life than the previous existence.
相比前生,他听起来在此生更为夸夸其谈。 milchina

His speeches were clumsy, and his delivery was frequently stumbling and bombastic.
他的演说拙劣,夸夸其谈,演讲时还常常停顿出错。 ecocn

Many hands toppled Libya’s bombastic colonel. Even more will be needed to clean up after him.
推翻利比亚好好战的上校许多人手,但是在他之后进行清理则需要更多的人手。 yeeyan

Many hands toppled Libya's bombastic colonel. Even more will be needed to clean up after him.
推翻利比亚这个虚张声势的上校靠了很多人努力, 推翻后打扫残局需要靠的人将更多。 ecocn

Nobody suspected that a sense of modesty would sweep over a competition with a trademark tone of bombastic glamour.
谁也不会认为,一贯是浮夸招摇的竞标,竟然变成谦虚为上。 zftrans

So, at the end of a typically bombastic speech in parliament, Mr Rajapaksa said he proposed not to extend it.
因此,Mahinda Rajapaksa在国会发表夸大演说结束前,表示他不会提出延长紧急状态。 topsage

The Kim family brand of extreme, race- based nationalism has support in parts of the capital, Pyongyang, with its goose- stepping parades and bombastic high-rises.
极端主义,以种族为基础的金氏家族,他们的支持者遍布首都平壤,那里有踏着正字步的方阵和言过其实的高楼。 yeeyan

The orator spoke in a bombastic manner.
这位演说家的讲话言过其实。 bab

The guys who make the best trainers generally are not the bombastic types.
最好的教练一般的家伙是不是夸夸其谈的类型。 sgou

The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence; in fact Benito Mussolini made only four public speeches during the entire course of the war.
那个曾经夸夸其辞的演说家缄默不语;实际上,贝尼托•墨索里尼在整个战争时期只进行了四场公开的演讲。 ecocn

Bombastic boasts—“ We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ”—do not constitute a position.
空洞的自夸——“我们要成为某某领域最杰出的供应商”——可不是真正的定位。 yeeyan




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