

单词 bombardier
释义 bom·bar·dier 英ˌbɒmbəˈdɪə美ˌbɑmbɚˈdɪrAHDbŏm'bər-dîrʹ 高COCA⁴⁴⁶²⁰BNC⁵²²⁹⁸iWeb¹⁹²⁶⁸
a noncommissioned officer in the British artillerythe member of a bomber crew responsible for using the bombsight and releasing the bombs on the targetbombardier beetle行夜(一种昆虫,又名…
bombard-ier⇒n.轰炸员²⁶;投弹手⁵¹;炮兵军士²³n.炮兵伍长;炮兵下士;史炮手;炮兵;炮击者;快球投手;庞巴迪音译名近义词 soldier士兵

用作名词Army Air Forces Bombardier School陆军航空兵轰炸员训练学校
Pilot tobombardier: ready the payload!投弹手听令,准备装弹!as in.bomber
同义词 aerial attach plane,bombing plane
bombernoun bombing airplane
aerial attach plane,bombing plane For Bombardier’s global transport division, by contrast, the share of revenue from services went down between2007 and2010, from 21% to14%.
而相比之下,庞巴迪全球交通事业部的服务收入却从2007年的21%下降到2010年的14%。 ecocn

Other railroad powerhouses include Bombardier of Canada, Siemens of Germany and Alstom of France, as well as General Electric and Lockheed Martin of the United States.
一同参与竞争的铁路巨头还包括:加拿大的庞巴迪公司,德国的西门子公司,法国的阿尔斯通公司,以及美国本土的通用电气公司、洛克希德·马丁公司。 yeeyan

But in the run-up to the launch, Bombardier had talked of a requirement for firm orders for50-100 aircraft, from more than one customer.
但是在项目启动的先期阶段,庞巴迪已经与不止一个客户谈及要求确定50-100架的订单。 yeeyan

Construction is expected to be completed by the end of this year, with production beginning next year, says Bombardier China's president Jianwei Zhang.
庞巴迪中国总裁张建伟表示,建设预计于年底完成,明年开始投产。 yeeyan

Dassault and Bombardier are taking orders for two to three years out, and Boeing says the soonest a new plane can be delivered is2012.
达索和庞巴迪正在接受的订单排到了两三年之后了,而波音表示,新飞机最快能在2012年交货。 ecocn

In Shenyang, Bombardier has started work on a facility that will manufacture the fuselage for its in- development CSeries, to be opened by partner Shenyang AircraftSAC.
在上海,庞巴迪已经由合作伙伴沈阳飞机工业制造有限责任公司飞着手建立了工厂,该厂将生产在研中的C系列飞机的机身。 yeeyan

Manufacturers of smaller aircraft, Bombardier and Embraer, have also established a presence in China.
小型飞机制造商,庞巴迪和巴西航空工业,也已涉足中国市场。 yeeyan

That insular model has now begun to change— but not to Bombardier’s advantage.
这种孤立的模式现在已经发生变化,但这并未给庞巴迪公司带来什么好处。 ecocn

The PW1000G is due to enter service in 2013 powering two new short-haul aircraft being built by Mitsubishi and Bombardier.
普惠1000G发动机应于2013年投入使用,用以为两种新的分别由三菱以及庞巴迪制造的短程飞机提供动力。 ecocn

The wings will be developed and manufactured by Bombardier in Belfast, while the aft-fuselage and cockpit section will be produced in Saint Laurent.
机翼将由庞巴迪贝尔法斯特来研发生产,后机身和驾驶舱段将由圣劳伦特负责。 yeeyan

The slate roofs of the Bombardier factory testify to its Victorian heritage: rolling stock has been manufactured at the site since the mid-19th century.
庞巴迪的德比厂房石板封顶,这是典型的维多利亚时期的建筑。自十九世纪中期这里就开始生产铁路车辆。 ecocn

Bombardier’s cutbacks come after it lost out to Siemens, a German rival, for a British government contract.
庞巴迪公司没能战胜德国对手西门子,获得英国政府的制造合同,从而导致了他们的裁员计划。 ecocn

Bombardier China's Zhang says miscommunication and misunderstandings can result from a difference in culture, language and business practices.
庞巴迪中国的张先生表示文化,语言和商业习惯上的差异会带来交流理解上的误会。 yeeyan

Bombardier has historically built smaller planes and so was never in the crosshairs of Boeing or Airbus.
庞巴迪历来制造较小的机型,因此与波音及空客的产品不构成直接竞争。 voa365

Bombardier has said that while no definitive agreements have been made yet, the plans are progressing.
庞巴迪已经表示虽然目前没有决定性的合同签署,但相关计划正在筹备中。 yeeyan




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