

单词 bomb
释义 bomb 英bɒm美bɑmAHDbŏm ★★★★☆高四六研牛4COCA²⁴²⁰BNC³⁹⁰⁵iWeb³⁷⁵⁵Economist²⁶³³


a hollow metal container filled with explosive


the nuclear bomb

vt. & vi. 以炸弹攻击,投炸弹于

attack sb/sth with bombs; drop bombs on

vi. 失败,不及格


vi. 快速前进

move quickly

an explosive device fused to explode under specific conditionsstrong sealed vessel for measuring heat of combustionan event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual;

the first experiment was a real turkey

the meeting was a dud as far as new business was concerned

throw bombs at or attack with bombs;

The Americans bombed Dresden

fail to get a passing grade;

She studied hard but failed nevertheless

Did I fail the test?

用作名词 n.
动词+~deactivate a bomb拆掉炸弹引信defuse a bomb拆掉炸弹引信detonate a bomb引爆炸弹explode a bomb引爆炸弹plant a bomb安放炸弹prime a bomb给炸弹装添火药set off a bomb引爆炸弹形容词+~conventional bomb常规炸弹nuclear bomb核炸弹名词+~car bomb汽车炸弹cluster bomb集束炸弹incendiary bomb燃烧弹letter bomb邮件炸弹neutron bomb中子弹petrol bomb汽油弹smoke bomb烟幕弹stink bomb臭气弹time bomb定时炸弹用作动词 v.~+名词bomb hospital轰炸医院bomb school轰炸学校~+副词bomb heavily严重炸毁bomb out由于轰炸而无家可归bomb up装载炸弹
用作名词n.go like a bomb

be very successful 非常成功

bomb out v.+adv.

由于轰炸使某人无家可归 make sb homeless by bombing

bomb sb ⇔ outMy aunt was bombed out during the war.我姨妈在战争期间由于轰炸而无家可归。
bomb up v.+adv.

给飞机装载炸弹 load (a plane with bombs)

bomb upThe pilot gave the order to bomb up.飞行员命令给飞机装炸弹。bomb sth ⇔ upHave all the planes been bombed up?所有的飞机都装上炸弹了吗?故事记忆生命之源在 Womb子宫长发飘飘爱 Comb梳理天上落下个 Bomb炸弹生命于是进 Tomb坟墓日非常记忆bo播+mb面包⇒播种时踩到面包大小的炸弹谐音记忆拟声词 BOMB⇒炸弹近义词 out出wash洗fire火shell壳mine我的fail失败mortar臼atom原子bomb炸弹land陆地blast爆炸shoot发射depth深度threat威胁device装置charge责任hydrogen氢turkey火鸡bombard炮轰missile导弹barrage弹幕torpedo鱼雷explode爆炸warhead弹头assault攻击on在 … 之上dud无价值的tripwire绊网pepper胡椒粉wash out洗掉grenade手榴弹cannonade炮击land mine地雷fizzle发嘶嘶声blockbuster轰动atom bomb原子弹flunk使失败projectile发射体booby trap恶作剧strafe低空扫射blitzkrieg闪电战incendiary放火的flop啪嗒啪嗒地动…hydrogen bomb氢弹fire on 射击炮击explosive爆炸(性的depth charge深水炸弹blitz闪击尤指空袭…fusillade枪炮齐射…fall flat没达到预期效果…incendiary device燃烧装置fireball核爆炸后产生的火球…flush it失败对某事表示不相信…bomb calorimeter炸弹量热计, 弹式量热器…sink without trace消失得无影无踪; 不再有…
用作名词n.They planted a bomb in the post office.他们在邮局安放了一枚炸弹。用作动词v.
S+~+A“How did he do on the last test?”“He bombed.”“他的最近一次测验考得怎么样?”“不及格。”
He came bombing along the road towards them.他沿着公路急急忙忙朝他们跑来。
S+~+ n./pron.Terrorists bombed a railway station.恐怖分子炸毁了一个火车站。
The enemy bombed the hospital.敌人轰炸了那家医院。
Our city was heavily bombed during the war.战争期间,本市遭到猛烈轰炸。HP-bombn.氢弹Pmail-bomb邮寄炸弹Pdive-bombv.俯冲轰炸Pglide-bombvt.下滑轰炸Pbombeda.烂醉的吸了毒的A P-bombn.原子弹vt.用原子弹轰炸Pskip-bombvi.从低空进行投弹轰炸


bomb用作动词时意思是“以炸弹攻击,投炸弹于”,指将炸弹投于某地,使其遭到严重的毁坏或毁灭; 也可指“失败,不及格”,还可指“快速前进”。

bomb后常接表示某一具体地点的名词或代词作宾语; 可用于被动结构。

用作名词Thebombexploded in a twinkling.炸弹一会儿就爆炸了。
The terrorists planted abombin the post office.恐怖分子在邮局安放了一枚炸弹。用作及物动词The city wasbombedby the enemy.这座城市被敌人炸毁了。
Our parents werebombedout twice during the war.我们的父母在战争期间有两次被炸弹炸得无家可归。
The terrorists planted abombin the post office.恐怖分子在邮局安放了一枚炸弹。
The airforcebombedtwo towns.空军轰炸了两个城镇。用作不及物动词The enemiesbombedin a remote village.敌人在一个偏僻的村庄投下了炸弹。
The playbombed.这台戏演砸了
Their new productsbombedon the home market.他们的新产品在国内市场销售失败。noun.exploding weapon
同义词 device,explosive,mine,missile,projectile,rocket,torpedobombshell,charge,grenade,shell,tickerMolotov cocktail,atom bomb,hydrogen bomb,nuclear bombverb.detonate weapon
同义词 attack,blast,blow up,bombard,destroy,raid,strafe,wipe outblitz,cannonade,napalm,prang,rake,shell,torpedorain destruction,zero inverb.fail miserably
同义词 wipe outflop,loseblow it,go out of business,wash out
ammunitionnoun projectiles for weaponry
ammo,armament,ball,buckshot,bullet,cannonball,cartridge,charge,chemical,confetti,explosive,fuse,grenade,gunpowder,iron rations,materiel,missile,munition,napalm,powder,rocket,round,shell,shot,shrapnel,torpedo
blastverb explode
annihilate,blight,blow up,bomb,break up,burst,damage,dash,demolish,destroy,detonate,dynamite,injure,kill,ruin,shatter,shrivel,spoil,stunt,torpedo,wither,wreck
blew upverb explode
became angry,became enraged,erupted,hit the roof,lost control,lost temper,raged,raved,went off the deep end
blow upverb explode
blast,bomb,burst,detonate,dynamite,erupt,go off,mushroom,rupture,shatter
bombardverb assault, attack
assail,barrage,batter,beset,besiege,blast,blitz,bomb,cannonade,catapult,fire upon,harass,hound,launch,open fire,pester,pound,shell,strafe,strike
bombardsverb assault, attack
assails,barrages,batters,besets,besieges,blasts,blitzes,bombs,cannonades,catapults,fire upon,harasses,hounds,launches,open fire,pesters,pounds,shells,strafes,strikes It seems all those fervid background-only reports of Arab states urging America to bomb Iran, which I mistrusted at the time, were true. Call me naïve.
我一开始对那些关于阿拉伯国家敦促美国轰炸伊朗的狂热背景报道抱有怀疑,但似乎这些报道是真实的。 ecocn

The scientific touchstones of the modern age——the Bomb, space travel, electronics, Quantum physics—— all bear his imprint.
原子弹、太空旅行、电子学、量子物理这些现代科学的代表都有赖于他的影响。 ebigear

The bomb and other explosive exploded.

The bomb fizzled out,and no one was hurt.

“ The whole thing was a big bomb to my family and me and it caused great harm, ” she said.
“整个事情对于我和我的家人来说是一颗巨大的炸弹,它给我们造成了极大伤害,”她说道。 yeeyan

But the subsequent discovery of an unexploded bomb in yet another bar in Kampala suggested otherwise.
但是之后在坎帕拉另一家酒吧发现的一颗未引爆的炸弹却与此结论相悖。 ecocn

He went on: With this bomb we have now added a new and revolutionary increase in destruction to supplement the growing power of our armed forces.
他继续说道:借助原子弹,我们现在不断增长的武装力量得到了一种崭新的、革命性的毁灭武器的补充。 yeeyan

Hill served the National Guard for12 years until he was killed in Afghanistan when his vehicle hit a roadside bomb.
希尔警官在国民警卫队服役12年直到死在了阿富汗战场上,当时他的车子撞上了路边的炸弹。 yeeyan

I imagine some of the older Japanese who were kids when the bomb fell have got to have a difficult feeling.
他说,“我可以想象,炸弹坠落时,老一代日本人——当时还是孩子的他们——的感觉肯定很糟糕。” yeeyan

I ordered bomb and missile attacks on the Iraqi forces and they withdrew.
我命令对伊拉克军队发动炸弹和导弹攻击,他们撤军了。 yeeyan

Iran has failed and failed again in its duty to explain behaviour that looks like a race for the bomb.
伊朗的行为看起来就像核弹竞赛,而它一次又一次地没能尽到解释这种行为的责任。 ecocn

Our windows were shocked into pieces by the explosion of a bomb.

Police believe he detonated the bomb.
警方相信他引爆了炸弹。 yeeyan

She told me she helped make such devices, going to the market to buy wire and other bomb parts and working at putting bombs together.
她告诉我她曾帮着做过这种装置,她去市场上买过金属丝和其他炸弹零件,还把这些炸弹放到一起。 yeeyan

Technology and science begat both the Internet and the atom bomb, after all.
毕竟,科学技术既发明了因特网,也发明了原子弹。 yeeyan

The city was hit by an atomic bomb.

The gray van carrying the bomb could drive right up to the entrance of the government offices, as they are never cordoned off from the public.
政府办公楼周围都是对公众开放的,这也是为什么带着炸弹的灰色货车可以长驱直入的开到办公楼门口。 yeeyan

They recently claimed responsibility for killing at least76 people in bomb attacks in Uganda.
他们最近宣称对在乌干达炸弹袭击中杀害的至少76人负责。 ecocn

This gave him solitude, an excuse for buying the huge amount of fertiliser he needed for the bomb, and a barn big enough to store it.
这给了他一个与世隔绝的环境,和一个购买制作炸弹所必需的巨量化肥的借口,以及一个大到足够存放它的谷仓。 ecocn

We condemn the bomb attack against civilians in the southeast of Iran and express condolences to the bereaved families.
我们谴责日前发生在伊朗东南部针对平民的炸弹袭击事件,并向遇难者家属表示慰问。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Whenever there is a crime be it of low severity or as a big as a bomb attack, the Government sends police and army to diffuse the situation.
只要是有犯罪活动,不管是轻微犯罪,还是像炸弹袭击这样的重大犯罪,政府总是要派警察和军队去控制局势。 infoq

You can't connect climate change to a natural disaster as simply as you can connect a napalm bomb, a running child and the war in Vietnam.
你不能将气候变化简单的与自然灾害联系在一起,就像你不能将汽油炸弹、奔跑的孩子和越南战争联系在一起一样。 yeeyan




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