词汇 | 大器晚成 |
释义 | 大器晚成 歇后语百岁挂帅 法文un grand génie ne se révèle que tardivement 由于他刻苦努力,学问也逐渐多起来。当时袁绍的士兵非常残暴,掘开坟墓将尸骨暴露出来。崔琰劝说袁绍不要这样做,袁绍认为他说得对,封他为骑都尉。后来,崔琰跟随曹操,为曹操出了不少主意。 在他作尚书时,曹操想立曹植为嗣子,而崔琰反对,他说:“自古以来的规矩是立长子,怎么能立曹植呢?”曹植是崔琰的侄女婿,尽管是亲属他也不偏袒,曹操十分佩服他的公正,崔琰有个堂弟叫崔林,年轻时既无成就也无名望,亲戚朋友都看不起他,可是崔琰却很器重他,崔琰常对人说:“才能大的人需要长时间才能成器,崔林将来一定会成大器。”后来,崔林果然当上了翼州主簿;御史中丞,还在魏文帝手下任过司空。 【注意】❶有时也用作对尚未实现抱负的年轻人的安慰语。❷含褒义。 反义词 For Borriello it was like this and this year he exploded. Not all attackers mature at the same age and for example Toni matured later. Murakami was a late bloomer, writing his first work at age 29. But Li is a late bloomer. Although Frank is a late bloomer, his accomplishment can hardly be equaled by people of his age. Coltrane was something of a late and hesitant starter. RONALD HARWOOD has been a late developer. You are often a late- bloomer and need to experience life before you can truly know and commit to your heart's desire. He reached success late in life. He said: “ My father always said to me I would be a late bloomer. I believe I'm the oldest person to win this award.” He describes himself as a late bloomer, a onetime emerging adult before anyone had given it a name. He was a late bloomer, a second- career lawyer who was exactly five years older and two inches taller than Cathy. She smiled to herself. She is Amy Adams. She's kind of a late bloomer, she had her kid, she's having a career and she's really strong. Here I'll give you some example to show that it is never too late for success. In contrast to other literary genres, development of the Chinese classical novels seems too delayed. You belong to built type. However, this has been proved to be a misunderstanding if one reads his early masterpiece“ Famous Poultry Raiser”. |
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