

单词 大动干戈
释义 大动干戈 dà dòng gān gē 常用成语
go to war; get into a fight繁体大動干戈近义大打出手;兴师动众;大张旗鼓反义鸣金收兵;偃旗息鼓正音“干”,不能读作“gàn”。
歇后语玉皇大帝出征日文大いに干戈 かんかを艕 まじえる,大袈裟 おおげさにする刚才唐兄说国王必是暂缓吉期,那知全出乎意料之外,并且大动干戈,用兵征剿。 ★清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第三十五回动宾式:作谓语;定语;状语;比喻大张声势地;含贬义。先秦 孔子《论语 季氏》:“邦分崩离析,而不能守也;而谋动干戈于邦内。”解释: 干;戈:古代两种兵器。原指进行战争。后多比喻大张旗鼓地做某事。清·李汝珍《镜花缘》三五回:“刚才唐兄说国王必是暂缓吉期,那知全出意料之外,并且大动干戈,用兵征剿。”


近义词 兴师动众劳师动众金戈铁马大打出手大张旗鼓大张挞伐
反义词 偃旗息鼓鸣金收兵
“ As the global economy grows, so will its thirst… many more conflicts lie over the horizon,” he said, after deploring the fact that “ too often, where we need water, we find guns.” ecocn

Barack Obama and John McCain were fighting to achieve a decisive advantage today on the Wall Street meltdown, a critical campaign moment that could determine the outcome of the White House election. http://article.yeeyan.org

Google can return a genuinely entrepreneurial culture and nurture innovative ideas, but it would mean radically restructuring the entire company. yeeyan

Just as past generations fought wars over fossil fuels, mineral and metals—the raw resources of the Industrial Age. ebigear

The two tribes got into a fight over a border dispute. dictall

However, you would be forgiven for thinking the big switchover was due tomorrow, given the shenanigans going on in Congress this past week. yeeyan

我们不得不大动干戈,但最终在 IDE编辑器上得到的性能飞跃值得我们的投入。
We had to really fight with it, but the performance leap that we achieved in the IDE editor is definitely worth all those efforts. infoq

A husband and his wife had a bitter quarrel on the day of their40th wedding anniversary. yeeyan

Some Europeans may be tempted to conclude that their economic problems are behind them, their structural faults have been put right—and there is no need for more painful reforms. ecocn

Some insignificant remark or action, not getting a satisfactory reply to a question or just moodiness are enough to set fire and cause anger, snappy remarks, arguments and even physical fights. yeeyan

遗产的处理问题在龚如心和家翁王廷歆 Wang Din- shin间引发了一场大动干戈的遗嘱校验战。这场争斗于2002年在媒体上上演。
Settling his estate inspired an epic probate battle between Nina and Teddy's father, Wang Din- shin, that played out in the press in2002. topsage

Some females attract more suitors than others, and researchers have wondered what makes these particular ladies worth the fuss. yeeyan

One idea is to have a new treaty only among the17 euro-zone countries, separate from the EU's treaties. renren

Human should not wage war and kill each other for some tiny benefits as its brutality will cause great suffering among the people. xuanfashangshiblog.com

This does not necessarily require a major overhaul. Simple changes can make all the difference. qeto

This doesn’t necessarily have to involve full-on, life changing, epic events. yeeyan

Such a clumsy and frustrating the government's image, impact is not good, also hurt the people's heart. tianya

That way you can save money and make sure your programme will be effective prior to rolling out any public health campaign at great expense. yeeyan

But the government has big plans for the humble electricity and gas meter. ecocn

At first this was based on a shared antagonism towards the Soviet Union, which China had fought in border clashes in 1969. ecocn

It has tried to close migrants’ schools before, but not since2006 on such a scale. yeeyan




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