

单词 bolstered
释义 bol·ster·ed 英'bəʊlstəʳ美'boʊlstər COCA²⁵³²³BNC³⁴¹⁸¹iWeb⁵²⁷¹⁷Economist⁷²⁸⁰
a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows
support and strengthen;

bolster morale

prop up with a pillow or bolsteradd padding to;

pad the seat of the chair

bolster up支持anchor bolster锚链孔唇口body bolster车身承梁cellar bolster用品箱下的垫木…ram bolster活动平台,下托板…tender bolster煤水车身承梁…spring bolster弹簧承梁moving bolster移动式工作台…bolster spring垫枕弹簧,承梁弹簧…truck bolster转向架承梁bolster suture医 枕垫[减张力…compound bolster复式承梁check bolster防松承梁bogie bolster转向架承梁hawse bolster锚链孔唇口bolster plate支承板,垫板,压床垫…
近义词 back后面prop支柱boost提高pad便签纸uphold支持pillow枕头support支持augment增加sustain支持shore up支撑shoulder肩膀reinforce加固encourage鼓励strengthen加强bolster up支持supporter支持者

用作名词There is abolsteracross the head of the bed.床头上有一个长枕垫。用作及物动词Both sides offered statistics tobolstertheir arguments.双方都拿出统计数字来支持他们的论点。
We alwaysbolsterup the government in its struggle against terrorism我们始终支持政府的反恐怖主义的斗争。
Theybolsteredtheir morale by singing.他们以唱歌来鼓舞士气。
Itbolsteredmy belief.这增强了我的信念。
The woman took some gin tobolsterup her courage.那名妇女喝些杜松子酒壮胆。as in.backed
同义词 approved,assisted,endorsed,favoredadvocated,aided,bankrolled,boosted,championed,encouraged,financed,fostered,furthered,helped,promoted,propped,seconded,sponsored,underwritten,upheld
反义词 disapprovedbackless,discouraged,opposedas in.helped
同义词 abetted,accompanied,advised,assisted,backed,befriended,encouraged,maintained,nursed,relievedsubsidizedsupported,sustainedtaken care of
反义词 discouragedharmed,hindered,impededas in.reinforced
同义词 assisted,augmented,fortified,strengthenedbacked,banded,braced,buttressed,stiffened,thickenedbeefed up,built-upas in.supported
同义词 braced,firm,floatedheld up,lifted up
backedadjective supported
helpedadjective aided
abetted,accompanied,advised,assisted,backed,befriended,bolstered,encouraged,maintained,nursed,relievedsubsidizedsupported,sustained,taken care of
reinforcedadjective supported
assisted,augmented,backed,banded,beefed up,bolstered,braced,built-up,buttressed,fortified,stiffened,strengthened,thickened
supportedadjective supported physically
bolstered,braced,firm,floated,held up,lifted up And yet Mr Sarkozy has bolstered the momentum of his reforms thanks to three largely unrelated factors.
然而,得益于三大基本上毫无瓜葛的因素,萨科奇稳住了其改革的力度。 ecocn

For one thing, said Stiglitz, the stock market could be bolstered by falling wages.
斯蒂格利茨说,正在下降的工资可能会支撑股票市场。 yeeyan

Mr. Paulson seems to be betting that the financial system— bolstered, it must be said, by those special credit lines— can handle the shock of a Lehman failure.
保尔森似乎在赌博:金融体系——在这些特别信贷额度的支持之下,这一点必须要强调——有能力应对雷曼兄弟破产造成的冲击。 yeeyan

The Baltic countries have been bolstered by a Swedish guarantee covering Swedish banks that operate there.
瑞典政府已经向在波罗的海国家营业的瑞典银行提供担保,使这些国家因而受益。 ecocn

A string of abortive coup plans leaked to the media and crude attempts to block Mr Gul's elevation to the presidency have dented the army's image and bolstered that of AK.
军队被媒体泄露的一系列未遂政变,阻碍居尔先生升任为总统的未遂意图已经损坏了军队的形象,反而巩固了 AK党的统治。 ecocn

A survey released this week bolstered the argument that the luster of private elite colleges might be fading.
本周发布的一份调查进一步证明:精英私立大学的光环正在消退。 yeeyan

As Washington begins drawing down troops in Afghanistan, Iran has bolstered political ties with Afghanistan.
由于华盛顿开始从阿富汗撤军,伊朗与阿富汗的政治关系已然升温。 yeeyan

Backed by the Central Bank and beyond it by the State itself, then, public confidence in the banking system was artificially bolstered, and runs on the banking system became far less likely.
在中央银行和甚至政府的大力扶持下,公众对银行体系的信心得以被人为拔高,银行挤兑看上去似乎也已经成了过去的事。 yeeyan

Every consumer good has a cost not borne out by its price but instead falsely bolstered by a vanishing resource economy.
每件消费品的价值并非通过其价格来证实,而是错误的通过不断消失的资源经济来予以支撑。 yeeyan

Government revenues have been bolstered in recent years by high commodity prices and rapid growth.
商品价格高企和经济增长强劲使得非洲国家的政府收入在近几年有了极大提高。 ecocn

If the Fed is aiming to boost equity prices so that consumer confidence is bolstered, it logically follows that the bank is happy for share prices to be above their natural level.
如果美联储致力于繁荣股市的话,消费者的信心就会得到鼓舞,从逻辑上而言,看到股价高于正常水平时银行理应感到高兴。 ecocn

Isolated as he is, Dr Fox’s position is nevertheless bolstered by several factors, and not only the lack of evidence that he was guilty of the leaks.
尽管很孤立,但由于几方面的原因,福克斯的职位会更加稳固,这不仅仅是因为指控他故意泄漏信件内容的证据不足。 ecocn

It will offer little more than promises of continuity, bolstered by the appeal of Mrs Merkel herself.
它只会许诺对原有政策的连续性,这正是她自己所呼吁的。 yeeyan

Regular police, bolstered by the army, have replaced citizens’ patrols.
由军队充实的正规警察部队代替市民担当了巡查任务。 ecocn

Second, he reckons that it bolstered his efforts to improve the shoddy quality of manufacturing, to protect the firm from future fiascos.
其次,他认为这件事促使他改善低劣的制造工艺,否则公司今后极有可能在这一点上一败涂地。 ecocn

The administration's drive to sign new free trade agreements across the world could be bolstered by the results of last week's midterm elections.
政府致力于在全球范围内签署新的自由贸易协议的女里将会因上周的中期选举结果而得到支持。 yeeyan

Traders were also upbeat after a surprise drop in first-time claims for unemployment benefits bolstered hopes that companies might start ramping up hiring soon.
首次申领失业救济金人数有所减少,让交易员感到振奋,希望企业不久会开始增加就业岗位。 yeeyan

Bolstered by an inflated sense of impulse control, we overexpose ourselves to temptation and fall prey to impulsiveness.
受到这种冲动控制的夸大感,我们总是会过度坦陈自己受到了诱惑,接着又陷入冲动之中。 yeeyan

Bolstered by the theory that “ justice delayed is justice denied, ” King and the boycott participants refused to settle for anything less than complete integration.
凭借“迟来的公义不是公义”的理念,金与杯葛运动参与者拒绝在完全解除隔离之前的任何妥协。 yeeyan




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