释义 |
bolshy 美'bolʃi ☆☆☆☆☆高BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺⁸ 基本英英词源搭配近义反义例句例句 adj.反叛的⁶⁴n.激进分子¹⁸=bolshie¹⁸.
Noun: emotionally charged terms used to refer to extreme radicals or revolutionaries Adjective: obstreperous对Bolshevik的讽刺用法。bolshie极端分子 近义词 red红色的bolshie极端分子stroppy难以应付的Bolshevik布尔什维克Marxist马克思主义的…
形容词100% 用作形容词But this time there are no pantomime villains, likebolshyshop stewards or incompetent managers, to make sense of the narrative.但是这次没有童话中的坏蛋,如反叛的售货员或是毫无能力的经理,使得故事的叙述变得有意义。 A year ago, he made headlines by snapping “Get lost, you jerk, ” at a bolshy visitor. 1年前,他对一位反感他的参观者出言不逊:“滚开,混蛋!”制造了头条新闻。 ecocn Alberta’s politicians are becoming increasingly bolshy as their economic muscle grows. 而阿尔伯塔省的政治家们由于该省经济实力的增长而表现得越来越倔强了。 ecocn America is bogged down in Iraq, the Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan and Iran is flexing its muscles, Russian nationalism is on the rise once again and China is getting increasingly bolshy. 美国正陷于伊拉克战争的泥沼,塔利班在阿富汗死灰复燃,而伊朗也蠢蠢欲动,俄罗斯的国家主义再次崛起,中国也不再是一味顺从的小朋友。 ecocn Both resorted to higher public spending and debt as an easy option to buy off bolshy voters. 这二人计划通过增加政府开支和负责,以轻松收买顽固选民的支持。 kekenet The grumpiness is not confined to bolshy academics and rioting students. 愤愤然的不只是顽固的学校和闹事的学生。 ecocn |