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词汇 bologna
释义 bo·lo·gna 英bəˈləʊniː, -nə, -njə美bəˈloni, -nə, -njəAHDbə-lōʹnē, -nə, -nyə

the capital of Emilia-Romagna; located in northern Italy to the east of the Apennineslarge smooth-textured smoked sausage of beef and veal and pork来自意大利城市名Bononia 变体,盛产香肠,该城市来自Boii, 民族名,见bohemian.近义词 sausage香肠Bologna sausage波洛尼亚香肠…
as in.lunch meat
同义词 cold cuts,cold meat,ham,luncheon meat,lunchmeat,salami,turkey
lunch meatnoun processed meat
cold cuts,cold meat,ham,luncheon meat,lunchmeat,salami,turkey How I wished I could have a bologna sandwich like everyone else!
我多么希望自己能像其他人一样吃博洛尼亚三明治! yeeyan

Published in1597, the book was written by a professor of surgery and anatomy at the University of Bologna, and details one of the earliest rhinoplasty operations.
该书于1597年出版,是意大利博洛尼亚大学的一位手术与解剖学教授的著作。据了解,该书还详细描写了世界上最早的鼻子整形手术。 cri

The resemblance to the Anglo-American system, plus Bologna’s emphasis on graduate employability, are big grievances.
博洛尼亚与英美系统的相似度,再加上其强调毕业生的受雇就业能力,都让人大为不满。 ecocn

The Bologna process has no legal force behind it; but it is still forcing big changes.
博洛尼亚程序背后并无法律效力,但它仍在推动巨大的变革。 ecocn

Virtus Bologna has made numerous contract offers to the Los Angeles Lakers star.
博洛尼亚为湖人队的很多球星提供了大量的合同。 kle100

“ Away from the pitch I'm not OK, ” admitted Mutu after coming off the bench at half- time to score Fiorentina's equaliser in a1-1 draw at Bologna.
“在赛场之外我过的并不好,”穆图在中场被替换上场并打入佛罗伦萨1-1战平博洛尼亚的扳平一球后承认。 yeeyan

“The big surprise was that the Bologna process worked at all,” says Jean- Marc Rapp, president of the European University Association.
欧洲大学协会主席 Jean- Marc Rapp表示,“让我们大为吃惊的是博洛尼亚进程效果很好”。 ecocn

Another reason why some governments embraced Bologna was to give cover for reforms they wanted anyway.
一些政府拥护博洛尼亚的另一原因是无论如何也掩饰了他们期望的改革。 ecocn

But in 1999 European leaders initiated the Bologna process, a series of accords designed to promote uniform academic standards.
但1999年欧洲的领导人发起了博洛尼亚进程,这是为推广统一的学术标准而设计的一系列协定。 ecocn

For believers, Bologna shows the way to a future that will be glorious once more.
对于信仰者来说,博洛尼亚展示了未来将会再次辉煌的道路。 ecocn

He credits the eastern European countries that joined Bologna in1999 for some of the success.
他对1999年加入博洛尼亚的欧洲东部国家取得的一些成果赞扬有加。 ecocn

In addition, the Bologna Process allows for academic exchange of comparable credits and degrees within the46 European countries that are currently signatories.
此外,博洛尼亚进程允许在目前作为签署国的46个欧洲国家内就对等学分和学位开展学术交流。 who

In Spain“ Bologna” is the excuse for introducing fees for Masters degrees.
而在西班牙,博洛尼亚是引进硕士学费的借口。 ecocn

Italy dominated the list, with Siena in sixth place and Bologna seventh. Just above Edinburgh were the Spanish cities of San Sebastian eighth and Barcelona ninth.
锡耶纳排名第六,博洛尼亚第七,因而意大利统治了这份榜单。排名在爱丁堡之上的是西班牙城市圣塞巴斯蒂安第八和巴塞罗那第九。 yeeyan

Italy dominated the list, with Siena in sixth place and Bologna seventh.
锡耶纳排名第六,博洛尼亚第七,因而意大利统治了这份榜单。 yeeyan

Many students now anathematise“ Bologna” as a capitalist plot.
如今许多学生咒骂“博洛尼亚”是资本家的阴谋。 ecocn

National railways' service was temporarily suspended. Public transport stopped in Rome and in Bologna for4 hours.

Nor did universities get extra money for the Bologna process, a source of much angst.
德国大学也没有因为博洛尼亚进程得到额外的钱,这是忧虑的另一个来源。 yeeyan

People familiar with their plans said they lived in the Bologna area.
熟悉他们旅游计划的人士表示,他们来自意大利博洛尼亚地区。 yeeyan

Rossi has penned a two-year deal with Ducati and is extremely excited at the prospect of linking up with the Bologna factory.
罗西和杜卡迪签订两年合同,并和博洛尼亚车厂合作,前景非常振奋人心。 yeeyan

The truth is that they are highly competitive and attract lucrative students from overseas. Britain fears they may be threatened by the Bologna guidelines.
事实是该学位具有很高的竞争力并可吸引带来收益的海外学生,英国人担心博洛尼亚方案会对此产生威胁。 ecocn

The Energy Belt was designed to speedily move people from the main train station in Bologna out to the airport with only one intermediate stop at Lazzaretto.
这条“能源带”的建造是为了有效地将博洛尼亚市内大的车站的人们快速地送往机场,只在 Lazzaretto设有一个中间站。 yeeyan

The report has been prepared by group of specialists headed by Gianfranco Bologna.
该报告已经由詹弗兰科博洛尼亚为首的专家小组编制完成。 yeeyan

Virtus also recently reached out to Manu Ginobili, who played with Bologna before joining the San Antonio Spurs in 2002.
博洛尼亚近期同时也向马努吉诺比利跑出了橄榄枝,马努曾经在2002年加入圣安东尼奥马刺之前为博洛尼亚效力。 kle100

Bologna has prompted a mass tidying- up of the tangle of different degrees awarded in different European countries.
博洛尼亚程序极大的规整了不同欧洲国家授予的不同学位之间的混乱状态。 ecocn

Bologna’s endorsement of more autonomy could leadhorrors! to more freedom for universities in hiring, promotion and pay.
博洛尼亚支持更多的自治权,这可能使大学有更多自由来雇佣、提升和支付工资。 ecocn

Bologna is neither an inter- governmental treaty nor an EU law.
博洛尼亚既不是政府内部条约,也不是欧盟法规。 ecocn




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