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词汇 Bolivians
释义 Bolivians bəˈlɪvɪənz COCA⁶³⁴⁴⁸BNC⁶⁶⁶⁵¹Economist¹⁶⁰²⁹
n.玻利维亚的Bolivian的名词复数原型bolivian的复数 Buoyed by revenue from his nationalisation of natural gas and by the gratitude of poorer Bolivians for his efforts to improve their lot, the president remains overwhelmingly popular.
有了天然气国有化所获税收的物质支持,再加上莫拉莱斯努力提高玻利维亚穷人的投票份额,他这位总统依旧备受追捧。 ecocn

His support is particularly strong among the50% of Bolivians officially classed as “ indigenous”.
此外,官方界定的玻利维亚“原住民”高达人口的50%,这些人对莫拉莱斯更是众星拱月。 ecocn

In a supplementary question Bolivians will also be asked to choose to limit landholdings either to 5,000 hectares 12,400 acres or to 10,000 hectares.

A majority of Bolivians are still in thrall to Mr Morales’s rhetoric, which appeals to both socialism and ethnic identity.
过半数的玻利维亚人民仍沈溺于 Evo Morales的便给口才无法自拔,主要诉求社会主义和族群认同。 ecocn

Although the government has distributed the text widely, few Bolivians have read the new constitution—a 411-article blockbuster.
尽管新宪文本已经由政府广而告之,但这枚有着411项条款的重磅炸弹,却鲜有拜读之人。 yeeyan

Although official results have yet to be declared some40% of Bolivians do not appear to share Mr Morales's socialist dream.
尽管官方结果没有公布,大概有40%的玻利维亚选民似乎不太赞同莫拉莱斯的社会主义理想。 ecocn

Bechtel— the multinational corporation that had leased their pipes and plants—had more than doubled water rates, leaving tens of thousands of Bolivians who couldn’t pay without any water whatsoever.
贝克特尔 Bechtel,出租管道、设备的跨国公司将供水价格上涨两倍多,使得数万无力承担的玻利维亚人无水可用。 yeeyan

But around70% of Bolivians work in the informal economy.
但是,玻利维亚人民七成左右仰赖非正式经济谋生。 ecocn

But for now the president has Bolivians’ consent to proceed with his own revolution, and no longer has the opposition to blame for holding him back.
但是,因为 Evo Morales总统现在拥有玻国人民的同意持续进行自己的革命,而不再有反对党会指责拉他下马。 ecocn

In Brazil, for example, it is most costly for resident Bolivians to send money home, costing almost three times as much as it does for Peruvians not shown.
比如,在巴西,玻利维亚移民向祖国汇钱所付的费用最多,是他们向秘鲁图表中没有显示汇款所付费用的三倍左右。 ecocn

Many Bolivians who cheered past expropriations are now more exercised about their salaries.
很多过去为征收企业大声叫好的玻利维亚人民,现在却开始忧心自己的薪资。 ecocn

Most of the victims were Uruguayan, but there were also Chileans, Bolivians, Peruvians and Cubans.
多数被害者是乌拉圭人,但也包括来自智利、玻利维亚、秘鲁以及古巴的人士。 yeeyan

Prior to the2005 election he was best- known to Bolivians as a leftist.
在2005年总统选举之前,他以左派分子为玻利维亚人们所知晓。 ecocn

The majority of Bolivians who would benefit from the effort come from the crowded highlands, where small-scale indigenous farmers are clustered and form part of Mr. Morales's base.
绝大多数从中受益的玻利维亚人来自人口密集的高地地区,那里的小规模土著农场非常集中,同时也是莫拉莱斯先生的根基之一。 yeeyan

The resulting quandary— local farmers earn more, but fewer Bolivians reap quinoa’s nutritional rewards — has nutritionists and public officials grasping for solutions.
这一进退维谷的结局——当地农民挣得更多,能享用藜麦优质营养的玻利维亚人却更少了——让营养学家与政府官员着急寻求解决之道。 yeeyan

The amnesty sent Bolivians flocking to Iquique, the Chilean port where most of the imports arrive, until car dealers there sold out.
这次赦免让玻利维亚人蜂拥至智利的伊基克码头——多数进口汽车的到达地——购买汽车,直到汽车经销商手里的汽车售罄。 ecocn

The indigenous Bolivians who cultivate quinoa are among Bolivia's poorest and many lived until the late20th century by barter.
种植奎奴亚藜的玻利维亚土著人是玻利维亚最贫穷的人,有许多人直到20世纪晚期还靠以货易货生存。 yeeyan

The reason for the joyous celebrations was the victory in a referendum on a new constitution designed to give special rights and privileges to Bolivians of indigenous descent.
欢庆的原因是在公民投票中新宪法的胜利,新宪法给予土著血统的玻利维亚人特别的权力和基本公民权利。 ecocn

Whether or not this revolution will bring lasting benefit to poorer Bolivians will soon become clearer.
这场革命是否将带给贫困的玻国人民持续的好处,答案马上会揭晓。 ecocn

Bolivians and Peruvians face some discrimination in Argentina. But there is not yet a backlash against the policy.
虽然玻利维亚和秘鲁人在阿根廷受到一些歧视,但至今未出现国人对政策面的强烈反对。 ecocn




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