

单词 Bolivia
释义 Bo·liv·i·a 英bəˈlɪviːə, bəʊ-美bəˈlɪviə, bo-AHDbə-lĭvʹē-ə, bō- 高Economist⁹⁵²⁴
a landlocked republic in central South America; Simon Bolivar founded Bolivia in 1825 after winning independence from Spaina form of canasta in which sequences can be melded拉丁美洲国家Bolivia玻利维亚本来是西班牙的殖民地。拉美民族独立领袖玻利瓦尔Bolivar解放了这里。为了纪念他,人们就用他的名字来命名这个国家,称为Bolivia。近义词 Republic of Bolivia玻利维亚,玻利维亚共和国…

用作名词But it was a total different inBolivia.但在玻利维亚就截然不同了。
Paradoxically, the thorniest outstanding issue involvesBolivia.而荒谬可笑的是,最棘手的国家要事却牵涉到了玻利维亚。 As a result, growers have moved back: in the past decade, the area used for coca rose by55% in Peru and 42% in Bolivia.
结果,种植者只好后退,在过去的十年间,秘鲁过去用来种古柯的土地面积增加了55%,在玻利维亚,这个数字为42%。 ecocn

The group talked about the trip, about Peru and Bolivia, Chile and Argentina, recalled the roads and the spills and the near misses and the things they had seen which would stay with them forever.
队友们谈论着一路行程:秘鲁和玻利维亚、智利和阿根廷,回忆起漫长的道路,飞溅的泥浆,还有几乎的迷失,所有那些他们将一辈子铭记在心的东西。 yeeyan

“The Gift of Pachamama” is about a little boy in Bolivia. He travels with his father and a herd of llamas to trade salt.
《巴佳妈妈的礼物》是关于一个玻利维亚小男孩的故事,他和自己的父亲一起赶着一群骆驼外出贩盐。 hjenglish

“The government of Bolivia will never give away control of this natural resource, ” he said.
他说:“玻利维亚政府将永远不会放弃对这种天然资源的控制。” yeeyan

A BBC correspondent says this is the first civilian trial of military officials in Bolivia accused of human rights to reach a conclusion.
一名 BBC记者称,这在玻利维亚民事法庭审判军事官员践踏人权的案件中还是首次得到结果。 hxen

But for several other reasons, he also made inroads in eastern Bolivia, where the conservative opposition was dominant.
但是,因为若干其他理由,他亦走进以保守派反对党占多数的玻利维亚东部。 ecocn

But Bolivia has proven that it can do quite well without Washington's co-operation.
但是,玻利维亚已经证明,没有华盛顿的合作,它仍然可以做的非常好。 yeeyan

Different teams work on the Bolivia site and the Brazil site.
玻利维亚站点和巴西站点由不同的团队负责。 ibm

Even before it blooms, though, the Queen of the Andes has a regal presence, towering up to40 feet12 meters in its mountain habitats of Peru and Bolivia.
在开花前,“安弟斯女王”就非常引人注目了,它形状如塔,能长高到40英尺12米,只在秘鲁与玻利维亚的山地中生长。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, in Bolivia, halfway around the world and smack in the middle of the Andes, the controversy is causing chuckles.
与此同时,在玻利维亚,在半个世界以及中东的安第斯山脉,这个争议引发了轻笑。 yeeyan

Some officials said that the arrest was revenge by America’s Drug Enforcement Administration for its expulsion from Bolivia in2008.
有些官员表示,这次逮捕行动是美国缉毒局在2008年遭玻利维亚驱逐出境的报复手段。 ecocn

South America has one too, squeezed in the tight embrace of Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil.
南美洲也有这样的人,他们压榨着阿根廷,玻利维亚和巴西。 ecocn

The lab was the fourth large facility to be found in Bolivia this year.
该实验室是玻利维亚在今年内发现的第四个大型可卡因加工点。 yeeyan

The new group will have the appearance of purposefulness, including a secretariat in Ecuador and a parliament in Bolivia, but not much more than that.
这个新组织有实体机构,包括设在厄瓜多尔的秘书处和设在玻利维亚的议会,但是也仅此而已。 ecocn

The team will build software to help the public contribute to the work of this charity, which works among the poor in Bolivia.
该团队将构建软件以帮助公众向这个慈善团体贡献自己的力量,该团体工作于贫穷的玻利维亚。 infoq

These Serbs were gunned down last month in Bolivia, where it was reported they were working for a drug cartel.
这些塞尔维亚人上个月在玻利维亚被枪杀。据报道称他们一直以来为毒品卡特尔工作。 ecocn

These trends explain, for instance, why more language diversity exists in Bolivia than on the entire European continent, which has a long history of large states and imperial powers.
这一倾向解释了,举例而言,为什么玻利维亚语言的多样性超过了,曾经存在过一个庞大的帝国和皇权的,整个欧洲大陆。 yeeyan

This year Bolivia stood alone, and the voice of the room spoke against it.
今年玻利维亚孤立无援,会议室里其他国家的意见都与其相左。 ecocn

This ban has never been enforced and in 2009 Bolivia asked the UN to lift it— though not restrictions on coca cultivation for cocaine.
2009年,玻利维亚要求联合国取消这一从未得到执行的禁令—虽然没有禁止用于提取可卡因的古柯叶的种植。 ecocn

With a lithium shortage forecast for2015, Bolivia may also have the upper hand.
鉴于预测到2015年锂将发生短缺,玻利维亚或许也有优势。 yeeyan

Bolivia, meanwhile, cannot decide whether it wants an NOC at all.
同时,玻利维亚未能决定是否需要一家石油国企。 ecocn

Bolivia has arrested three other police officers suspected of helping him smuggle cocaine to the US.
玻利维亚还逮捕了其他三名涉嫌帮助他向美国走私可卡因的警察。 voanews

Bolivia may have been an irritant and an obstruction but the other negotiators knew it was right about this.
玻利维亚也许已经成为了一个刺激因素和障碍物,胆识其他的协商人心里知道这就是事实。 ecocn.org




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