单词 |
埋头苦干 |
释义 |
埋头苦干 mái tóu kǔ gàn 常用成语 基本辨析辨析谜语歇后语其它语言例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句例句 work at something with utmost concentration繁体埋頭苦干近义兢兢业业反义游手好闲变体埋頭苦幹正音“埋”,不能读作“mǎn”。 辨形“埋”,不能写作“理”。正音“埋”,不能读作“mǎn”。 辨形“埋”,不能写作“理”。谜语俯首饮闷酒 歇后语墙上种黄连;面朝黄土背朝天日文一心不乱いっしんふらんに励はげむ 俄文усердно трудиться克己奉公,埋头苦干的精神,才是可尊敬的。 ★毛泽东《中国共产党在民族战争中的地位》联合式:作谓语;定语;状语;指专心干活;含褒义。鲁迅《且介亭杂文·中国人失掉自信力了吗》:“我们从古以来,就有埋头苦干的人,有拼命硬干的人。”解释: 埋头:头不抬起,指专心。苦干:卖力地工作。形容专心致志,卖力地工作。鲁迅《且介亭杂文·〈看图识字〉》:“现在我们只要看《看图识字》里所画的生活状态——洗脸,吃饭,读书——就知道这是作者意中的读者,也是作者自己的生活状态,是在租界上租一层屋,装了全家,既不阔绰,也非精穷的,埋头苦干一日,才得维持生活一日的人。” 茹志鹃《同志之间》:“老朱呢,却长得瘦瘦精精的,工作埋头苦干,十分顶真。”【注意】含褒义。——来自《商务馆小学生成语词典》 近义词 出头露面艰苦奋斗奋起直追发奋图强不务空名奋起真追奋发图强兢兢业业 反义词 不务正业游手好闲斗鸡走狗纸上谈兵出头露面 他天天孜孜不倦地埋头苦干,直到工程竣工为止。He kept banging away at his work day by day, until eventually the project was finished. 她是办公室里埋头苦干的人,大部分的工作都交给她去做。She's the willing horse in the office and so gets given most of the work to do.但这并不能完全解释他们为何如此排斥埋头苦干。 与其他地区相比,英国人,不论什么阶级,什么教育水平,都对工作不太有热情。 But this does not entirely explain their comparative immunity to the attractions of toil: Britons of every social class and level of education were less keen on work than their counterparts elsewhere. ecocn 你终日在工作上埋头苦干,当你回家的时候你就后悔那么拼命了。 You've worked hard all day at work. You really don't want to work that hard when you get home. yeeyan 认为某事不可行的人,不应该妄自干扰那些正埋头苦干的人。 The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it. yeeyan 他们结婚以后就被派到这些岛屿来,一直在那里埋头苦干。 On their marriage they had been appointed to the islands in which they had laboured ever since. jukuu 为什么你一直要埋头苦干而不想着怎么早日结束这过程? Why would you want to keep doing it, instead of just completing the process? yeeyan |
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