

单词 Bohemia
释义 Bo·he·mi·a 英bəʊˈhiːmiːə美boˈhimiəAHDbō-hēʹmē-ə

a historical area and former kingdom in the Czech Republica group of artists and writers with real or pretended artistic or intellectual aspirations and usually an unconventional life style
A lively round dance originating inBohemiaand performed by couples.波尔卡舞源于波西米亚并由双人来表演的一种活泼的绕圈舞蹈
The Czech dialects ofBohemia.波希米亚语波希米亚的捷克方言 A little of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper spheres, and compassed the aims of the powerful.
下层社会略带一点埃及和波希米亚的作风,那是上层社会所欢迎的,那样可以替当权的人解决一些问题。 ebigear

In AD1613, Elizabeth of Bohemia and her maids ended up robed in white and silver tissues at her wedding.
公元1613年,波希米亚伊丽莎白和她的使女们最终以白色和银组织在她的婚礼。 jxfenyi

In1381, Chaucer composed a poem in honor of the engagement between England's Richard II and Anne of Bohemia.
1381年,乔叟为了祝贺英格兰理查德二世和波希米亚郡主安妮的订婚而作了一首诗。 globaltimes

The term migration from Chatterton to Bohemia may mean that“ Bohemian” was the way out in predicament.
查铁顿向波希米亚称号的迁移,可能意味着“波希米亚”是困境中的出路。 journals.hut.edu.cn

The straightforward style likes the spirit of the traveler in Bohemia.
粗狂的风格,尽显波西米亚独步旅行者的风情。 ceen

But along with sailors, soldiers, tourists and suburbanites out for a night on the town, it has also been home to Sydney's Bohemia, the haunt of artists, actors, writers and musicians.
是水手,士兵,旅人,郊区居民夜间外出寻花问柳的场所。也是悉尼波希米亚的发源地,艺术家,表演家,作家,音乐家经常出没于此。 taisha

CEZ responded by saying that its aim is to reduce emissions of nitrogen and sulphur—the main pollutants in Northern Bohemia, where the plant is located.
CEZ回应道,它的目标是减少氮和硫的排放,这两种物质是该发电厂所在的北波西米亚的主要污染物。 ecocn

Czech referred to abbreviation of the Czech Republic, Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic, located in the middle Bohemia state, Vltava River region.
捷克是捷克共和国的简称,布拉格是捷克共和国的首都和最大的城市,位于该国的中波希米亚州、伏尔塔瓦河流域。 presidentvilla

Duke of Bohemia who encouraged Christianization and was martyred by his brother Boleslav. He is popularly associated with Christmastide charity and is the patron saint of Bohemia.
波希米亚公爵,他鼓励基督教化,被其兄弟博列斯拉夫杀害。人们普遍将他与圣诞节节期联系在一起,他是波希米亚的守护神。 poptool

He described himself as“ three times homeless”: born to a Jewish family in a German-speaking enclave in Czech-speaking Bohemia, and not feeling properly at home anywhere.
他把自己描述成为“三重无家可归的人”:出生在波西米亚捷克语地区的德语奥地利犹太人家庭,在任何地方都找不到家的感觉。 ecocn

Heydrich was appointed Protector of Bohemia and Moravia.
海德里希被任命为波希米亚和摩拉维亚的保护者。 yeeyan

I also had a Japanese- American friend, Albert Hahm, and a Czech classmate, Ren Duchac, whose immigrated parents owned a restaurant, The Little Bohemia.
我还有位日裔美国人朋友,叫做埃尔伯特。哈姆,一位捷克同班同学热内。杜哈奇,他的移民父母开了一家名为小波希米亚的餐厅。 blog.sina.com.cn

In 1918, Slovakia joined with the regions of Bohemia and neighbouring Moravia to form Czechoslovakia.
1918年,斯洛伐克联合波西米亚各部和邻近的摩拉维亚组成捷克斯洛伐克。 ebigear

Or this exaggerated skill that makes a person incredible Australia and Bohemia person, not Dali.
或是这个令人难以置信的澳大利亚人和波希米亚人的夸张手法,而不是 Dali。 grandfather-art.com

Purvis offered to resign after a notorious debacle in April1934 in Little Bohemia, Wisconsin. During the bungled raid police shot dead an innocent man and one agent was killed by Nelson.
1934年,威斯康辛州小波西米亚市的一次失败的突袭事件中,警方误杀了一名平民,并让尼尔森杀死了一名警员,之后普维斯递交了辞呈。 yeeyan

Similarly, the source of garnets—like gold, a striking feature of the hoard—had shifted, from India to Bohemia and Portugal.
类似的情况也发生在石榴石身上,他们与黄金一样,在窖藏中所表现出的明显特征——石榴石的产地从印度转移到了波西米亚与葡萄牙地区。 yeeyan

The Czech dialects of Bohemia.
波希米亚的捷克方言。 tdict

This year is so bright Bohemia wind basic dress you must also have a strong and beautiful.
今年如此鲜艳的波西米亚风基本款长裙你也必须有一条,抢眼又艳丽。 onlylady

Bohemia may be only a figment of Mr. Lauren’s fashion imagination, but he made it sweet and compelling.
波西米亚也许只是拉劳伦的时尚印象的虚构,但是他把这处理的甜蜜和令人折服。 yeeyan




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