词汇 | 土崩瓦解 |
释义 | 土崩瓦解 辨析土崩瓦解和“分崩离析”都有“分裂;瓦解;崩溃”之意。土崩瓦解指彻底崩溃;含有比喻色彩;而“分崩离析”指人员分散;不能团结在一起。 辨析土崩瓦解和“分崩离析”都有“分裂;瓦解;崩溃”之意。土崩瓦解指彻底崩溃;含有比喻色彩;而“分崩离析”指人员分散;不能团结在一起。 歇后语大炮轰瓷器;强震中心的坏房 法文écroulementse dissoudre 俄文полный развáлрассыпаться в прах 德文in allen Fugen krachen zusammenbrechen 他听信谗言,重用奸臣,残害忠良,戮杀无辜,他强征暴敛,动用巨资,强迫百姓为自己修建宫苑,他惨无人道,制造种种酷刑,以观看人受刑后的痛苦为乐。在他暗无天日的统治下,百姓无不怨声载道,苦不堪言。 虽说商朝的疆土辽阔广袤,左起东海,右至杳无人烟的沙漠,南从五岭以南的交趾,北至遥远的幽州,军队从容关一直驻扎到蒲水。士兵不下数万,但打起仗来,因为兵士不愿意为纣王战死,所以“倒矢而射”把兵器扔在一边。商朝军队士气如此低落,商朝的政权自然是岌岌可危了。 所以,当周武王左手擎着用黄金作装饰的大戟,右手节用牦牛尾装饰的白色旌旗;坐着战车,势不可挡地杀来时,所到之处,无不披靡,讷纣王军队的溃败,商纣王政权的垮台,就如瓦片的碎裂,泥上倒塌,迅速而无法挽救。 【注意】含贬义。 反义词 But by the end of the decade, Kusa's carefully constructed house of cards had started to fall apart. But in1973, this world fell apart when the Pinochet regime seized power in a coup. Yet historians recall how the Ottoman empire, for many years“ the sick man of Europe”, crumbled to dust after the first world war. But it collapsed without a single vote. The second argues that the only exceptional thing is Mr Castro: remove his evil genius and the regime will crumble. And the seemingly solid legislative majority that ushered him in may fall apart after the November elections. Then people who actually know how to read a budget proposal started looking at the plan. And that’s when everything started to fall apart. Everyone in the financial sector, regardless of where you work, is constantly told both that this is our fault, and that we have to work as hard as possible, otherwise the nation will fall apart. The army fell apart. Yet unless politicians act fast to persuade the world that their desire to preserve the euro is greater than the markets’ ability to bet against it, the single currency faces ruin. But as the Empire began to crumble, and Roman administrators began to disappear, the Latin of each region began to develop in its own individual way. Soon enough, however, things again fall apart, since our best efforts to construct arguments along the traditional lines face successive difficulties. First, in the seventies those huge companies started tottering, while the U.S. economy fell apart. He scorned those who believe the Cuban regime would crumble once he, Fidel and other ageing figures from the revolution died, saying: “ If that's how they think, they are doomed to failure.” They are far duller folk than their caricatures and the offences they are accused of crumble on closer examination. Soon after she left, everything fell apart. Ours is a two- party system, should we ever permit one party to dominate our lives entirely democracy would collapse and we would have dictatorship. On a warm afternoon before a sellout crowd of42,286 at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Brazil dominated the first45 minutes, then fell apart. Some observers expect that the new coalition, the first minority government in modern Dutch history, will fall apart at the first hint of trouble. In2009 its market share was 17%, much the same as the year before even as America’s home- grown car industry fell apart. It's when you realise this is the sort of idiocy in play that this law falls apart. This regional bloc has fallen apart. Libyan rebels raced into Tripoli in a lightning advance Sunday that met little resistance as Moammar Gadhafi's defenders melted away and his40-year rule appeared to rapidly crumble. Indeed, in some ways it counts for more than when the Ottoman empire was crumbling a century ago and Turkey was widely known as the “ sick man of Europe”. |
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