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国富民强 guó fù mín qiáng 常用成语 基本辨析辨析例句语法情感出处详细解释近义反义例句 The nation is prosperous and the people are strong and powerful繁体國富民強近义国泰民安;国富兵强反义民困国穷;国贫民弱正音“国”,不能读作“guǒ”;“强”,不能读作“jiàng”。 辨形“富”,不能写作“付”。正音“国”,不能读作“guǒ”;“强”,不能读作“jiàng”。 辨形“富”,不能写作“付”。今日的中国,国富民强,连敌人也不能否认这一点。联合式:作谓语;宾语;指国家富强;含褒义。汉·赵晔《吴越春秋》:“民富国强,众安道泰。”解释: 国家富足,百姓强大。汉·桓宽《盐铁论·非鞅》:“外设百倍之利,收山泽之税,国富民强,器械完饰,蓄积有余。” 《通志·庞统传》:“今益州国富民强,户口百万,四部兵马,所出名贝宝货,无求于外。” 清·郑观应《盛世危言新编·富国·技艺》:“我国亟宜筹款,广开艺院,教育人材,以格致为基,以制造为用……此国富民强之左券也。” 凌力《少年天子》八章:“满汉一体,大清必能兴旺发达;长治久安,国富民强不就指日可待了吗?” 汉·赵晔《吴越春秋·勾践归国外传》:“越王内实府库,垦其田畴,民富国强,众安道泰。” 清·刘智《天方典礼择要解·财货》:“朝廷非礼不税,则无苛索之弊,而黎庶安矣。民富国强,上下安乐,由乎此也。” 清·郑观应《赠禁烟会董亚历山打》诗:“印度不种莺粟时,国强民富春台熙。莺粟花盛国亦覆,显干天怒夫何辞。” 张洁《沉重的翅膀》八:“国强民富总有一个本末;先后的问题。只讲国强,不讲民富,国也强不起来,民也富不起来。”近义词 强盛富强国富民安国富兵强 反义词 国步艰难国破家亡羽毛未丰民生凋敝 国富民强是中国人民的共同愿望。 When a country is wealthy and its people are powerful. nciku 而从上个世纪九十年代到现在,国富民强,人们的生活一天天改善,整天不是鲍鱼、海鲜就是鸡鸭鱼肉,这时,糖尿病才真正来了。 From the nineties to the present, wealthy and strong, to improve people's lives day by day, all day long is not abalone, seafood is fish or fowl, when, diabetes truly arrived.360doc 改革开放谋发展,国富民强小康现。 Reform and opening up and development, wealthy and strong well-off now. blog.sina.com.cn 高新科技日月异,国富民强群所愿。 Different high-tech sun and the moon, wealthy and strong group wished. blog.sina.com.cn 迦太基舰队称霸地中海,贸易发达,在西西里、撒丁岛和塞浦路斯建有殖民地,国富民强。 Their fleets dominated the Mediterranean and they grew rich through trade and the establishment of colonies in Sicily, Sardinia and Cyprus. yeeyan 我就想不明白了,难道中国人不明白,靠贸易保护是永远没法实现国富民强的? I don't understand. Don't the Chinese know that their protectionism will never lead to prosperity? yeeyan 中国走上了民族独立,人民解放,国富民强的光辉道路。 China is well on the way to independence, liberation, power and wealth. blog.sina.com.cn |