词汇 | 固若金汤 |
释义 | 固若金汤 辨析固若金汤和“坚如磐石”都可形容“事物的稳固牢靠”。但固若金汤只用于物;大多形容跟防守有关系的关隘;阵地;防线等的牢固;不可攻破;“坚如磐石”大多用来形容建筑物的坚固;也比喻集团;组织;国家的强大。 辨析固若金汤和“坚如磐石”都可形容“事物的稳固牢靠”。但固若金汤只用于物;大多形容跟防守有关系的关隘;阵地;防线等的牢固;不可攻破;“坚如磐石”大多用来形容建筑物的坚固;也比喻集团;组织;国家的强大。 当时,范阳城里有一个口才极好的辩士名叫蒯通,得知武臣已经兵临城下了,就去拜见徐公。他张口就向徐公致哀,然后又向他道贺,弄得徐公莫名其妙,连忙问他这样做的缘故。 蒯通说:“大人当范阳令十多年来,杀戮抢夺,逼得人民妻离子散,弄得百姓对你怨声载道,只因先前有严厉的秦法在为你挡灾阻祸,百姓才对你无可奈何。现在天下大乱,秦法不管用了,百姓还不把你剥皮剔骨以报昔日之仇?但大人若听小人的话就不会死,而且还会富贵。”那范阳令一听,就赶紧让他给自己出主意。 蒯通就启程去求见武臣。武臣此时正在招揽四方豪杰,非常愿意接见他。蒯通对武臣说:“您来到这里,肯定是要先战胜范阳令然后才能占领范阳城,这未免太费事了。我现在有一个计策,可不费一兵一卒就让您得到范阳城,而且只要一纸檄文,就能让您得到几千里土地。不知您是否想听?”武臣一听就急忙问道:“有如此妙计,怎么会不想听呢?”蒯通说:“范阳令听说您要去攻城,正在整顿兵马,守城力保,但他是个非常怕死;贪恋官位的人。他之所以到现在还一直不肯归降,实在是因为您先前打下十个城县后,把守城的官吏都给杀掉了。他觉得投降是死,守城也是死,而且范阳城固若金汤,料您一时也难强攻下来。退一步想,就算范阳的人民恨死了范阳令,起义杀死他,也未免会愿意投靠武信君您,说不定会拼死守城不降的。为您设想,最好的办法就是赦免范阳令,给他一个侯印,他喜得富贵,自然会愿意开城投降,而范阳城的人民也不敢随便杀他,这范阳城您不就唾手可得了?您还可以用豪华的车辆去接范阳令,让他乘坐此车到附近的守城去巡游一番。附近城县的官员就知道投降大人后不但不会被杀头,还有荣华富贵可以享受,那他们一定会很快向您投降。这样,您不需花费任何力气就可以得到天下,不用战争就使四方臣服。这就是我所说的用一纸檄文可定天下的妙计!” 武臣听完蒯通的计策后,觉得很有道理,就按照他的计策行事。果然在范阳令投降后不久,附近几百里的守城官吏也都纷纷向武臣投降了。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 “ The fundamentals for the French public finances look solid, ” argues a research note from Credit Suisse. Their position is the most secure, says James Womack of the Lean Enterprise Institute, a think-tank in Cambridge, Massachusetts, because there is so much knowledge embedded in what they make. It is impossible for an impenetrable shield to coexist with a spear that finds nothing impenetrable. The Republicans may well be left with nothing except the solid South and a few patches of the Midwest, just as the Democrats were at the end of the19th century. The dike that is protected by Mangrove forest is impregnable! Stoke almost broke through with Kenwyne Jones getting a foot in front of Joleon Lescott, only for City keeper Joe Hart to stand strong and block. Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A wonderful Paul Scholes strike after14 minutes gave United the lead, but some valiant defending was needed to stave off Barcelona's challenge late in the game. It's their last hope and it is well defended. Zion, built4km under the earth's surface, is heavily reinforced to protect against ongoing attacks by the Machines. The island off West Africa must be made secure. Even with an expensive defense system that could take down such an attack, other complications include what else might get vaporized in the process. Meanwhile, the survey suggested that the financial sector, which is often commended for having the strongest computer security in the private sector, isn't as safe as advertised. This suggests they do not feel safe in the last loyalist stronghold, the oasis of Sebha. Anchored on the Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea, these defense lines cannot be outflanked. There is a robust state security system. The transformation of two of the league's most stubborn defensive teams, the Spurs and Pistons, into credible offensive squads has been difficult to ignore the past two seasons. |
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