释义 |
团体 tuán tǐ ★★★☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰⁵¹ᴾᵃ²⁶⁴⁶ 基本例句 grouporganizationteamjuntasodalitysectconfraternityfellowshippeople's organizationarmyblocbodybrotherhoodcollegeconnexioninstitutioncorporationPartyrepublic繁体團體这个分裂出去的派别受到其他宗教团体的蔑视。The break-away sect was contemned by other religious groups. 摩门教派是1830年在美国成立的一个宗教团体。Mormons are a religious group founded in USA in 1830. 在劳资集体谈判制度下,工人作为一个团体同公司经理进行谈判。In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company. 所有职员录用前均须审查是否与极端分子团体有关。All staff are vetted for links with extremist groups before being employed. |