词汇 | 因噎废食 |
释义 | 因噎废食 辨形“噎”,不能写作“咽”。 辨形“噎”,不能写作“咽”。 歇后语长虫钻地缝 俄文откáзываться от еды,боясь подавитьсяпасовáть 德文aus Angst,sich zu verschlucken,aufs Essen verzichten 突然,闹得最欢的一个老头大汗淋漓,翻着白眼,捂住脖子,拼命地咽着唾沫。原来是他刚才急着说话,嘴里一块牛肉没嚼烂就吞了下去,结果喉咙被堵住了。这时,在场的人纷纷围了过来,有的说快灌一杯冷水,有的说要再咽一块肉,有人使劲扳开老头的嘴巴,拿起筷子就要往里夹取,有人则使劲捏着他的脖子往下刮。众人七嘴八舌,动手动脚,把老头折腾得痛苦异常。最后,老头气得按捺不住,大吼一声“滚开”,随着喊声,那块牛肉也跟着喷了出来。 众人大笑,正要回座位继续吃喝,财主却高声说道:“各位请回吧。那位老者的遭遇是我们的前车之鉴。老夫认为:要想不再发生这样的灾祸,酒肉不可吃,三餐不可有。本府以后再也不许人吃饭了。”说完,就下令把厨房所有的坛坛罐罐全部打碎,柴米油盐一律放火烧掉。 饐:通“噎”。 【注意】❶注意噎读yē。❷含贬义。 反义词 “ We shouldn't lump the entire industry together, ” says the group's president, Thomas J. Pyle. A cure worse than the disease? On the other side of the coin, we can neither throw away the apple because of the core, for the improvement of bank core competencies is our intensive concern significantly. But shall we stop eating for fear of choking? But to not practice, to not get an injury would be counterproductive. Of course, it's not necessary to tolerate waste. when land is being surveyed, some areas may be suitable for the construction of incineration facilities. Beware of bad people of course, but the bad guys are few, can not unworthy, not to prepare for a handful of bad guys with a friend the door. Though some deaths happened during the training, we should not give up eating for fear of choking. Mr Ridley is also generally sceptical about global warming, and worries that government policies advocated by greens today will be like treating a nosebleed by putting a tourniquet around one’s neck. These remarks sound reasonable, yet in fact they are quite illogical. |
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