词汇 | 因势利导 |
释义 | 因势利导 辨析参见“顺水推舟”。。 辨析见“顺水推舟”。 歇后语打蛇随棍上 法文diriger les choses dans leur développement propresavoir tirer profit des circonstances 俄文учёт меняющихся обстоятельств 德文die Fluten in den Strom führen sich nach dem natürlichen Lauf der Dinge richten 这个成语的主人公孙膑并不是叫孙膑,而是受了“膑刑”断双腿之后才得了这个名字的。 牖:通“诱”。 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 “ Nurture it, and they'll turn out admirable people, ” she says. The analyses of sub urbanization in this paper provide some conclusions that will be useful for our metropolitan development in the next decade. Built according to existing site topography, the structure of the center further accentuates what was already there. Tact to deal with classroom teaching in an accident, or to capitalize on the trend is real, or forward, or deceitful act, subtly shift the topic, from the current dilemma. Conclusion: High standard, strict demand, adroitly guide action according to circumstances and clinic teaching could improve self quality of nurse students. It is obvious that we should enhance the building of network ethic and steer it rightly. Therefore, developing the labor-service economy in rural area is the actual need of increasing the farmers' income, according to the situation. Therefore, developing the labor economy in rural poor area is the actual need of increasing the farmers' income, according to the situation. By making“cultural nationalism” correspond to different situations, we can enhance national cohesion and solidarity while fighting against the intrusion of cultural hegemony. We should improve the competition of the produces with their compared advantages. Under the strategy of fierce competition of talents throughout the world, the Party Organizations in universities must adroitly instruct and guide them according to these characteristics. It's not a process of hollow moralisation but a process of giving the students systematic guidance and leading them into good practice according to their ideological characteristics. As long as we provide guidance for the benefit of victims we will become mankind's carbon dioxide useful hero. Maintaining the momentum of UN reform in the area of development. Fine exhorts us all, then, not to discourage our daughters' harmless awe of princesses, but rather to nurture it. |
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