

单词 body type
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a category of physique近义词 somatotype体型体式
One thing we still have in common with the past is quack techniques to achieve whatever body type is in the norm at the time.
我们仍然与以前保持一致的一点是,无论什么体型被奉为圭臬我们都在试图通过所谓的医疗技术来获得。 yeeyan

By stimulating the immune system and measuring a specific response, they could compare the extent of obesity-induced immune function impairment in each animal body type.
他们通过刺激免疫系统和测量特异应答,比较每种体型动物因肥胖诱导的免疫功能损害的程度。 dxy

I'm not really into the super model body type, like Kate Moss, she doesn't have a vagina, she didn't feed it, and it died.
我不喜欢超模那种骨瘦如柴的体型,比如凯特摩斯,她根本就没有“小妹妹”,她不给它吃饭,它饿死了。 douban

In fact one of the foundational principles of nudism is“ body acceptance” or accepting others for who they are regardless of size, shape or body type.
事实上,裸露主义的一大基本信条就是“身体接纳”,也就是接纳那些不在乎尺寸、体型和高矮的同志。 yeeyan

In particular, no matter what body type you have, the key to weight loss is accelerating your metabolism.
特别是,不论您拥有什么样的体型,减肥的关键是加速您的新陈代谢。 ibm

So our mother's characteristics leave an indelible impression, and we are forever after attracted to people with her facial features, body type, personality, even sense of humor.
因此,母亲的性格在我们人生的旅途上留下了不可磨灭的印象,我们永远忘不了母亲的表情、体型、个性和幽默感。 yeeyan

This body type is softer, so you want to contrast the softness of the body with some structure.
这种体型给人的感觉是柔软的,所以你想把身体的柔软和一部分体型结合起来。 yeeyan

Within30 minutes, the company had my Social Security number; in two hours, they knew where I lived, my body type, my hometown, and my health status.
不到30分钟,他们已经掌握了我的社会保险号码;2小时之内,我的住处、体型、出生地和健康状况一一浮出水面。 yeeyan




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