词汇 | 噤若寒蝉 |
释义 | 噤若寒蝉 辨形“噤”,不能写作“襟”;“禁”。 辨析噤若寒蝉与“守口如瓶”有别:噤若寒蝉多指由于害怕而不敢作声;“守口如瓶”多指由于谨慎而不肯多说。 辨形“噤”,不能写作“襟”;“禁”。 辨析噤若寒蝉与“守口如瓶”有别:噤若寒蝉多指由于害怕而不敢作声;“守口如瓶”多指由于谨慎而不肯多说。 法文ne pas oser souffler motaussi silencieux qu'une cigale dans un temps froid 俄文не открывáть рот 德文schweigen wie in kalten Tagen die Zikaden--aus Angst stumm wie ein Fisch sein 在家他仍关注国家大事,经常拜会颍川郡守;县令,畅谈天下大事。可是同郡的原在四川任蜀都太守的刘胜辞官回家,与他迥然相反,闭门谢客。 颍川太守王昱找杜密说:“刘胜清高,公卿屡次推举他任职,他都拒绝了。” 杜密听出王昱话中有话,提醒他出来做官,直言道:“像刘胜这样的人应当为国为民多做些事情。但是他对好人不予举荐,对恶人坏事不敢揭露批评,明哲保身,一声不吭,就像冷天的知了‘自同寒蝉’,实乃当世之罪人;而我与他相反,让你赏善惩恶,为你尽微薄之力。” 反义词 Two previous attempts at popular protest have ended with the crackle of gunfire and the silence of a cowed populace. By the early1960s, a new memory culture was beginning to challenge the old, offering engagement and dialogue where once had been avoidance and an uneasy silence. The boss is quite down these days. He seems to have something weighing heavily on his mind. Construction may be quiet in the U.S., but in building sites, mine pits, and farm fields in China and India, Caterpillar's big yellow machines are multiplying fast. In face of autocratic and political pressure, we will not be silent. The authorities, however, seem oddly sheepish about the new arrival. His remarkable success has made him one of the most famous inventors in the country, a hero to thousands of inventors with their own patent- infringement horror stories to tell. Although nurses carefully after the family member, still kept silent. As soon as he finished, his supporters applauded vigorously, but most of the masses were taken aback and exchanged doubtful glances. His calm, intense look, his deliberate walk and his soft Austrian accent were somehow both scary and reassuring, just right for footage of night windows banging and curtains inexplicably blowing. He was the alpha trader. When he laughed, the mood lightened; when he yelled, everyone tensed up. In these harsher circumstances many companies will tone down their loud green initiatives and instead quietly emphasise value for money. In front of nature we are powerless, we are like little ants in the sun. |
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