

单词 body lotion
释义 body lotion ˈbɔdiˈləuʃən 短语⁵⁵⁹¹⁴

lotion applied to the body after bathing用作名词I love thisbody lotion, it smells so good.我喜欢这个润肤露,味道很好闻。
This kind of moisturizing lotion adds extra-natural Beauty to your skin.用这种润肤露,使您的肌肤有超天然的美感。 Do you have body lotion of the same kind?
有相同牌子的润肤露吗? yxmei

How to use Body Lotion: After bath or shower, towel dry body and generously apply Milk Body Lotion.
牛奶润肤精华乳使用方法:沐浴后,擦乾水分取适量推匀于全身,柔和地按摩至完全吸收。 shopmore2u

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency MHRA has found steroids in an intensive body lotion with Aloe Vera called OSAS, which claimed to contain natural ingredients.
医学和医疗保健产品管理机构 MHRA在一种名叫 OSAS的芦荟美体液中发现有激素,其自称他们的产品中含有天然成分。 dxy

Include a new toothbrush, travel size shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion.
包括一个新牙刷,旅行香波,护发素和护肤液。 yeeyan

Then if you look around you in the bathroom, you see lots more products like shampoo, conditioner, anti-wrinkle cream, body lotion, but also toothpaste.
接着,如果你环顾一下浴室, 就能看到更多类似的用品,如洗发水、护发素、抗皱霜、护肤乳还有牙膏。163




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