

单词 body height
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The correlations between the length of the second metacarpal and the body height of male is best.
其中女性第三掌骨长与身高的相关性最好,男性第二掌骨长与身高相关性最好。 cnki

The position of conus medullaris terminal had a negative correlation with gestational age, body weight, head circumference and body height.
脊髓圆锥位置和胎龄、体重、头围、身高呈显著负相关。 iciba

Comparative investigations on the psychomotor, body height, body weight and intelligence development of children were carried out in different iodine deficiency areas.
本文对环境缺碘程度不同的病区儿童进行了精神运动、身长体重和智力等发育指标的对比调查。 cnki

For body shape the body weight of the Japanese jumpers is slightly heavier than the Chinese jumpers, but for body height they are not as high as the Chinese jumpers.
从形态上日本运动员的体重略重于中国运动员,而中国运动员的身高则略高于日本运动员。 cnki

Objective To explore the relationship between the length and width of the handprint and the body height.
目的探讨手印长、宽与身高之间的关系。 chemyq

Objective To study the method for measuring familial correlations of quantitative trait and analyzing family data set of body height.
目的研究数量性状家庭相关的测量方法,并对身高家系资料进行分析。 cnki

Objective To understand the differences of body height between Chinese and Japanese adolescent& child and the development tendency of Chinese child height.
目的了解中国和日本青少年儿童简称“儿童”身高差异及中国儿童身高发展趋势。 cnki

Objective:To study and trace the standard growth curve of body height and weight of adolescent n ZhaoQing area for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.
目的:研究并绘制肇庆地区学龄青少年身高、体重标准生长曲线,为临床正畸的诊断和矫治提供依据。 cnki

One man can give you the feeling of safety depending on his great mind, not his body height.
一个男人能不能给你安全感,完全不取决于他的身高,而取决于他的心高。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

There are little effects of age, body height, body mass and abdomen circumference on results measured by esophageal electrode and surface electrode.
年龄、身高、体质量及腹围对表面电极和食管电极检测结果的影响均较小。 cnki

Body height and weight was one of the important indexes to reflect physique structure and growth level.
身高、体重是反映人体形态结构和生长发育水平的重要指标之一。 cnki




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