

单词 body cavity
释义 body cavity ˈbɔdiˈkæviti 短语²⁵²⁶³
In animals, the internal organs in the body cavity, especially those associated with the alimentary canal.
动物中体腔内的内部器官,尤其是指那些与消化道相联系的器官。 yeebang.com

The presence of pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity.
积脓体内积有脓液,尤指在胸膜腔内。 www.cjwx.com.cn

The black body cavity of sapphire optical fiber temperature sensor is also successfully made.
利用涂覆烧结法成功研制出黑体腔型蓝宝石光纤温度传感器。 physics.zju.edu.cn

After the removal of the inner organs, the body cavity was stuffed with natron.
把脏器移出之后,空空的体腔要用泡碱填满。 dict

After another cleaning, the body was rubbed with unguents to aid in preserving the mummy's skin. The head and body cavity were stuffed with packing.
再次清洁以后,在尸体表面抹上厚厚的药膏,以保护皮肤,然后把空的体腔和头腔都用东西填满,这样就可以准备用绷带包扎了。 dict

Extensive hemoperitoneum bleeding inside the body cavity or injury to the major organs may require emergent surgical exploration and repair.
广泛的腹腔积血内体腔出血或伤害的主要器官,可能需要紧急手术探查和修复。 chinaradiology

How the body cavity is formed.
体腔如何形成。 kuenglish

If your baby is a boy, his testes will begin to descend from the body cavity into the scrotum.
如果婴儿是个男孩,他的睾丸会开始从体腔消失进入阴囊。 yeeyan

Not exactly a fish, and lacking a spine, this creature has a single body cavity or mouth.
这种生物既非鱼类,又缺少脊椎,它只有一个体腔,或者也可称之为嘴巴。 kekenet

Others can begin to leak air through the lungs and into the body cavity.
其他可能会开始出现气体通过肺渗入体腔的情况。 dxy

The cloaca is the all-purpose body cavity that reptiles and birds use for copulation, urination, and defecation.
泄殖腔是鸟类或爬行类体内交配、排泄以及排粪的通用孔道。 yeeyan

This machine adopts the advanced principle of convection, so that uniformity of ozone in the body cavity vertical circulation and achieve better sterilization effect.




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