

单词 bodybuilder
释义 bodybuilder 英'bɒdibɪldəʳ美'bɒdibɪldəʳ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁴⁸⁹²BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb¹³³⁴⁹

someone who does special exercises to develop a brawny musculature近义词 muscleman肌肉发达者musclebuilder健身者muscle-builder健身者Muscle Builder健美者杂志
Is an ant stronger than a bodybuilder?
蚂蚁比健美运动员更强壮吗? yeeyan

It’s similar to a bodybuilder being able to lift heavier weights than the average person.
就像一个健美运动员会比普通人举起更重的重量一样。 yeeyan

The84- cm-tall Indian Eddia is the smallest bodybuilder in the world.
身高只有84厘米的印度人埃迪亚是世界上体型最小的健美运动员。 v1

A male bodybuilder has transformed himself into a glamorous woman see photo after struggling with his gender for years, the Daily Mail of London reported.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,在经过多年内心挣扎后,英国一名健硕男人终于在变性手术的帮助下,摇身变成性感美女见图。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger,61, a former action movie star and bodybuilder, was also featured.
前动作片影星兼职业健美运动员、61岁的加州州长阿诺德•施瓦辛格同时入选。 ebigear

Certainly, the lean, shapely, muscular look of the bodybuilder's body is a psychological turn-on.
当然,精益生产、匀称的身材、肌肉的健美运动员的身体是一种心理上的刺激。 cixin

Every bodybuilder should take in at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day.
每个健美运动员都应该摄入每天每磅体重至少1克的蛋白质。 bengtie

Ferrigno, the bodybuilder who played the Hulk, was training Jackson ahead of his50 concert dates at the O2 Arena in London.
绿巨人的扮演者,健美先生福瑞格诺,一直训练迈克·杰克逊,帮其在在伦敦 O2体育场举行五十场演唱健身。 yeeyan

He was health- conscious and exercised but was not a bodybuilder, she said.
他的意识清醒,健康,喜欢锻炼,但他不是一个健美者。 kekenet

I think you have to be mentally ill these days to be a bodybuilder.
我想你已经患有精神病这些天是一个健美。 bengtie

In every workout I compete against every other bodybuilder on the planet.
每次锻炼,我都会和这个星球上的每一位健身者竞争。 blog.sina.com.cn

In March of1980, Carla began to train seriously as a bodybuilder.
在1980年3月,卡拉开始训练认真的健美。 bengtie

It can improve muscle for bodybuilder and athlete.
它可以提高肌肉的健美和运动员。 kekenet

It isn't necessary to be a bodybuilder to reap the benefits of adding kettlebells to a workout.
这是没有必要成为健美运动员收获壶铃加入到锻炼的好处。 yxmei

Manipulation of the survival system is the backbone of the bodybuilder or fitness competitor's success.
能操纵自身的生存系统是一个健美运动员训练中最关键的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

Take Ernestine Shepherd as an example. The74 year-old Baltimore grandmother is the world's oldest competitive bodybuilder.
以埃内斯坦·谢泼德为例,这位来自巴尔的摩的老太太现已74岁高龄,是世界上年纪最大的健美比赛选手。 yeeyan

That's it. It doesn't matter if you're a counselor or an engineer or a bodybuilder.
就是这样一个简单的方法,无论你是律师还是工程师,亦或者是健身教练它都会有效。 hjenglish

The tiny man is Aditya“ Romeo” Dev, the world's smallest bodybuilder. He stands a towering2 feet9 inches tall and weighing in at a whopping20 pounds.
图中的小人叫做安帝亚“罗密欧”德芙,他是世界上体型最小的健美教练,他实高2英寸9英尺,体重约为20磅。 yeeyan

The bodybuilder has a strenuous exercise routine.
这个健美运动者制定了艰苦的锻炼计划。 sparke

Whether you seek to become a professional bodybuilder or simply improve your physique, nothing is as impressive as a big, muscular chest.
无论你是试图成为一个专业的健美运动员还是单单想改进你的体格,没有什么比一个健壮的胸部更能给人以深刻映像了。 yeeyan

Bodybuilder Robert Cheeke advises, “The basics for nutrition are consuming large amounts of fresh green vegetables and a variety of fruits, to load yourself up with vibrant vitamins and minerals.”
健美运动员罗伯特·切克建议大家,“身体所需要的基本营养大部分都来自于新鲜的绿色蔬菜和水果,它们可以为你的身体补充丰富的维生素和矿物质。” yeeyan




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