

单词 Bodin
释义 Bodin ˈboˌdɪn 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
The project took less than a year to complete and cost just€8m $10.5m, according to Mr Bodin.
据伯丁先生所言,翻新工程不到一年就宣告竣工,只花费了1千零50万美元。 ecocn

“ People love the concept,” Bodin says.
“人们喜欢这一概念”,博丹说。 yeeyan

“ We had an approach for Jamie to spend a couple of days training with Liverpool, ” Swindon youth team boss Paul Bodin told The Advertiser.
“我们已经接近于答应利物浦让斯蒂芬斯去他们那里参加试训,”斯文登队的青年队教练保罗·伯丁表示。 lfcbbs.fans1.com

He was ingenious; he had forestalled Soulange Bodin in the formation of little clumps of earth of heath mould, for the cultivation of rare and precious shrubs from America and China.
他能别出心裁,他沤小绿肥来培植一些稀有珍贵的美洲的和中国的灌木,在这方面他超过了苏兰日·波丹。 ebigear

IBM engineer William Bodin needed a way to communicate easily with a team of developers halfway around the world.
在 IBM的工程师威廉·博丹 William Bodin需要一种方便的可跨越全球与开发团队沟通的方式。 yeeyan

It has been given a temporary home by Doha’s Education City, in a former school pictured above that has been refurbished by a practical French architect, Jean-François Bodin.
它们暂时寄居在多哈教育城的一个学校旧址里见上图,这个地方已由一位务实的法国设计师让.弗朗索瓦.伯丁翻新改造。 ecocn

The apps will probably be added to Whirlwind once the company approves other devices, Bodin says.
一旦该公司验证了其他设备,这些应用可能将会被添加进 Whirlwind上,博丹说。 yeeyan

This paper provides an overview of mighty political view in the thought of Machiavelli, bodin, Hobbes, Huntington, which has three features.
本文就梳理了马基雅维里、布丹、霍布斯、亨廷顿思想中的强力政治观,这种政治观主要有三个特点。 www.qikan.com.cn

Bodin, IBM's mobile chief technology officer, has since created an online storefront that gives employees across IBMIBM access to similar downloadable apps.
博丹是 IBM的首席技术官,他就此创建了一个在线商店,让 IBM的员工都可以访问到类似的可下载应用。 yeeyan




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