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词汇 bodies
释义 bod·y 英'bɒdi美'bɑːdi COCA²¹⁷⁸BNC¹²⁴³Economist¹⁸⁶⁷
C身体,躯体; 躯干部

the whole physical structure of a person or animal as opposed to the mind or soul; this without the head or limbs


a dead person


the main or largest part of sth


a large amount


a number of people who do sth together in a planned way


the frame and outer covering of a car

C物体; 天体

an object; piece of matter

U浓郁; 醇厚; 丰满

a full strong quality

the entire structure of an organism an animal, plant, or human being;

he felt as if his whole body were on fire

a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity;

the whole body filed out of the auditorium

the student body

administrative body

a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person;

they found the body in the lake

an individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from other objects;

heavenly body

the body excluding the head and neck and limbs;

they moved their arms and legs and bodies

a collection of particulars considered as a system;

a body of law

a body of doctrine

a body of precedents

the property of holding together and retaining its shape;

wool has more body than rayon

when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake

the central message of a communication;

the body of the message was short

the main mass of a thinga resonating chamber in a musical instrument as the body of a violinthe external structure of a vehicle;

the body of the car was badly rusted

invest with or as with a body; give body to

❌ His body looks very well.

✔️ He looks very well.


❌ His body is strong.

✔️ He is strong.

✔️ He has a strong body.


❌ My body is healthy.

✔️ I am healthy.


body, corpse, remains


1.body和corpse可用于人也可用于动物; 而remains一般只用于人。在表示“身体”“躯体”“主干”等意思时,只能用body,不能用corpse和remains。例如:

The fighters buried the bodies after a battle.在一场战斗之后,战士们掩埋了尸体。
Mary's treasured little dog died yesterday. She buried its body to bear deep grieves.昨天玛丽心爱的小狗死了,她怀着深切的悲痛埋了它。
The hunter found a corpse in the valley.猎人在山谷里发现了一具动物的尸体。
She was laying out a corpse.她正为尸体做入殓安葬准备。


He is a living corpse.他如同行尸走肉。


in a body, in body

这两个短语意思不同:in a body指全体, in body指亲自。试比较下列两句:

The staff resigned in a body.工作人员集体辞职。
He went to see me in body.他亲自来看我。body, figure

这两个词意思不同:body指体格, figure指体形。试比较下列两句:

He has a good body.他体格强壮。
He has a good figure.他有个漂亮的体形。直接源自中古英语的bodig,意为躯干
用作名词 n.
动词+~bare the body裸露身体bend one's body俯身build up one's body锻炼身体bury -dies埋掉尸体destroy one's body摧残身体enter the body进入身体examine the body检查尸体exercise one's body锻炼身体flush out one's body冲洗肠胃give body使…形成主体,给…写上正文,使充实have a strong body有结实的身体identify the body辨认尸体insulate the body使身体保温invade the body侵害身体keep the body and soul together勉强度日sell one's body卖身stimulate the body促进身体健康形容词+~good-natured body善人nice old body很好的老太太beautiful body优美的体型big body粗大的身躯foreign body in the eye眼中异物freely falling body自由落体gaseous body气体heavenly body天体leading body领导机构liquid body液体miserable body可怜的身体sick body有病的身体,病体solid body固体sound body健康的身体strong body强壮的身体the weakened body虚弱的身体名词+~car body汽车车身human body人体research body研究性团体student body学生会介词+~all over the body遍布全身as a body作为一个团体by the body在死尸旁in body亲自地,自行in a body一道,全体,全部,整齐the various parts of the body身体的各部分with one's body用身体~+介词a body of一团〔片、堆、批、套〕a body of cold air一团冷空气a body of water一潭水one continuous body of water一片水域the -dies of the victims遇难者的遗体the body of the whale鲸鱼体内
近义词 bulkbeingtrunkfigure反义词 soul灵魂mind头脑
用作名词n.When a body is immersed in a fluid, it apparently loses weight.身体浸入水中就会明显减轻重量。
His body was racked with pain.他全身疼痛难熬。
The body quickly adjusts to change in temperature.人体能很快地自行调节以适应气温变化。
His weakened body could never support another attack.他虚弱的身体经受不住另一次打击了。
His body slowly strengthened.他的体力渐渐增强了。
Exercise stimulates the body.运动促进身体健康。
A terrible pain knifed his body.一阵剧痛像刀割似地穿过他的身体。
Disease invades the body.疾病侵害身体。
The function of a mammal's fur is to insulate the body.哺乳动物皮毛的功能在于使身体保温。
Where did the bullet enter the body?子弹是从什么地方进入身体的?
He buried his own body in the sand.他把自己埋在沙子里了。
He bent his body forward.他俯身向前。
Once he settled his body in the comfortable bed, he was soon asleep.他往那舒服的床上一倒,很快就进入了梦乡。
He threw himself across the room shielding the child's body from the bullets.他冲过房间挡住那孩子的身体以防中弹。
Wet clothes cling to the body.湿衣服贴身。
They had to submit to a thorough body search at the airport.在机场,他们不得不接受搜身检查。
Blood flows through our bodies.血液在我们体内循环。
This medicine will help to flush out your body.这药有利于冲洗你的肠胃。
The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale.渔叉深深地扎进鲸鱼体内。
Cancer destroyed her body but not her spirit.癌症摧残了她的身体,却毁不了她的精神。
Man consists of soul and body.人是由精神和肉体组成的。
The temperature of the human body remains nearly constant.人的体温几乎保持不变。
The weight of the sleeping child's body was pressing on me and making me uncomfortable.熟睡的孩子压在我的身上,使我感到很不舒服。
The fall jarred every bone in my body.那一跤摔得我浑身骨头酸痛。
The doctor injected the sedative into his body.医生给他注射镇静剂。
Chemicals in the body break down our food into useful substances.体内的化学成分把我们吃的食物分解为有用的物质。
These wastes are finally eliminated from the body in the urine.这些废物最后从尿中排出。
And now the old fighter counters with a blow to the body.现在那老拳击手一拳向对方的身体反击过去。
The police officer shielded the child with her body.那警察用她的身体保护了小孩。
A fever usually signifies that there is something wrong with the body.发烧通常表明身体有毛病。
With his own body Huang Jiguang blocked the muzzle of the enemy's machine gun.黄继光用自己的身体挡住了敌人的枪眼。
The arteries carry the blood from the heart to the various parts of the body.动脉将血液由心脏输送到身体各部。
“My body, my miserable body,”she sighed,“Why isn't it strong?”她叹息着说:“我的身体,我可怜的身体,为什么不强壮点呢?”
He covered his wife with his body.他用身子掩护自己的妻子。
Athletes have to look after their bodies.运动员必须注意身体。
The body corrupted quite quickly.尸体很快腐烂了。
His body lies in the churchyard.他的尸体葬在教堂墓地。
The body will be removed into one of the cold storage chambers.尸体将被移到一个冷冻间里。
The body was carried down by the stream.这具尸体顺河漂流而下。
The bodies of the victims were to be laid out before their relatives were asked to identify them.在亲属被请来认尸以前,必须把这些遇难者的遗体殓好。
Hundreds of people filed past the body of the dead leader, to pay their last respects.数百人排队瞻仰逝世领导人的遗容。
The police are hoping to identify the body by the gold fillings in the teeth.警察们正打算通过牙齿中的金质填料来辨认出这具尸体。
The detective investigating the murder case examined the body, inspected the scene of the crime, and scrutinized the weapon for clues.正在调查这一谋杀案的侦探检查了尸体,察看了犯罪现场,并仔细检查了凶器以寻找线索。
Draw a sheet over the dead body.用张单子把死尸盖上。
He buried his loved dog's body.他把他那只可爱的小狗的尸体埋了。
The police spotted two bodies washed ashore near a bridge.警方在桥边发现两具尸体被冲到岸边。
The man knelt down by the body.那人在死尸旁边跪了下来。
New fashions are exposing more and more of the body.新式服装越来越露。
The less severe winters are connected with the presence of a large body of water, which cools slower than land.冬天不太冷与大面积水域有关,水比陆地冷得慢。
It is easy to stamp out a car body nowadays.现在冲压一台小汽车车身已经很容易了。
A few carefully chosen men went ahead while main body remained concealed in the valley.精心挑选出来的几个人走在前面,大队人马则隐藏在山谷里。
This was only one of the many bodies on which he had sat during his life of public service.在他担任公职期间这只是他任委员的许多机构之一。
They said he had resigned from both bodies.他们说他已辞去两个机构中的职务。
In space, all bodies attract other bodies.在太空,一切天体都相互吸引。
All bodies consist of molecules and molecules consist of atoms.一切物质都由分子组成,而分子由原子组成。
I like a wine with plenty of body.我喜欢味道醇厚的酒。
This conditioner will give your hair more body.这种护发剂使你的头发增加丰满之感。
She is a nice old body.她是位很好的老太太。
He is a good-natured body.他是位善人。

body的基本意思是“身体”“躯体”“躯干部”,强调的是人相对于soul, mind, spirit的躯体,而不是人或健康状况,是可数名词。








在口语中, body可用来“指人”。

用作名词A balanced diet provides nutrition for yourbody.均衡的食物使你的身体获得营养。
Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on yourbody.含酒精的饮料会对你身体有很坏的影响。
He is not mentioned in the mainbodyof the text.文章的主体中没有提到他。
The only part you need to read carefully is thebodyof your contract.你只需仔细阅读合同的正文部分。
The audience sat in thebodyof the hall.观众坐在大厅中间。
The police found abodyat the bottom of the lake.警方在湖底发现了一具尸体。
Thebodywas cold and showed no signs of life.那躯体冰凉,显现不出有生命的迹象。
He chiselled thebodyin and became a member of it.他钻进了这个团体,并成了它的成员。用作动词Imaginationbodiesforth the forms of things unknown.想象让这些未知事物形状具体。as in.people
同义词 community,crowd,family,folk,nation,population,public,societybourgeois,citizens,clan,commonality,folks,heads,herd,horde,humanity,humankind,humans,inhabitants,kin,masses,mob,mortals,multitude,nationality,persons,plebeians,populace,proletariat,race,tribeJohn/Jane Q. Public,body politic,common people,general public,hoi polloi,human race,person in the street,rabble,rank and file,riffraff
反义词 animals,plantsas in.public
同义词 audience,community,country,electorate,everyone,nation,people,populace,population,societybuyers,citizens,clientele,commonalty,followers,following,heads,masses,mob,multitude,patrons,suite,supporters,votersmen and women
peoplenoun human beings
John/Jane Q. Public,body politic,bourgeois,citizens,clan,common people,commonality,community,crowd,family,folk,folks,general public,heads,herd,hoi polloi,horde,human race,humanity,humankind,humans,inhabitants,kin,masses,mob,mortals,multitude,nation,nationality,person in the street,persons,plebeians,populace,population,proletariat,public,rabble,race,rank and file,riffraff,society,tribe
peoplesnoun human beings
John/Jane Q. Public,bodies,body politic,bourgeois,cats,citizens,clan,common people,commonality,community,crowd,family,folk,folks,general public,heads,herd,hoi polloi,horde,human race,humanity,humankind,humans,inhabitants,kin,masses,mob,mortals,multitude,nation,nationality,person in the street,persons,plebeians,populace,population,proletariat,public,rabble,race,rank and file,riffraff,society,tribe
publicnoun people of community;people interested in something
audience,bodies,buyers,citizens,clientele,commonalty,community,country,electorate,everyone,followers,following,heads,masses,men and women,mob,multitude,nation,patrons,people,populace,population,society,suite,supporters,voters A lot of teens notice that they have a new smell under their arms and elsewhere on their bodies when they enter puberty, and it's not a pretty one.
很多青少年注意到,当他们进入青春期,在他们的腋下和身体的其它一些地方会有一股新的味道,而且那味道并不好闻。 yeeyan

After separating the bodies, he saw from the ear markings that one belonged to him and the other to his cousin.
把这两头驯鹿的尸体分开后,他看到耳朵内的标志,一头属于他,另一头属于他的表兄弟。 yeeyan

But, what about inflammation on the inside of our bodies?
不过,如果炎症发生在我们身体里面呢? yeeyan

But our bodies metabolize only a small fraction of them.
但是我们的身体只能代谢一小部分气体。 yeeyan

But there may already have been something going on in their bodies that predisposed them to walk on two legs— like standing up and“ walking” in the trees.
但可能有一些事情已经在他们的身体里发生了,让他们会倾向于利用两条腿走路,像站在树枝上,以及走在树枝上。 yeeyan

EVERY day, we live under the spell of an illusion: that our conscious mind is autonomous, and in control of our bodies and decisions.
每天,我们都是在假象的阴影下生活,即:我们清醒的心智是自主的,在我们的身体和判断的掌控之中。 yeeyan

Friction acts on moving bodies and brings them to a stop.

If either of these health alerts were breached, our bodies would have let us know in one way or another.
如果这些健康方面的警报拉响,我们的身体会用这种或者那种方式告知我们。 ibm

Of course, we no longer face such dangers, but our bodies continue to react as if we did.
当然,我们不再面对这些危险,但我们的身体依旧做出反应,好像我们曾经做的那样。 yeeyan

Our bodies have no centrality either.
我们的身体也没有中心。 yeeyan

Our bodies like consistent patterns, so we should let them know that it’s time to wind down.
我们的身体喜欢一致性,所以我们应该让他们知道是该松弛下来的时候了。 yeeyan

Our bodies need some meat, chicken and fish.
我们的身体需要一些肉,鸡肉和鱼。 hjenglish

Palm, finger and nail are all parts of our bodies.
手掌、手指和指甲都是我们身体的一部分。 ebigear

People spend a lot of money on vitamins that merely pass through their bodies every time they go to the bathroom.
人们花许多的钱在维生素上,却不知维生素只是通过他们的身体当他们去洗手间时。 yeeyan

So people are, or people have, or people consist of, bodies and souls.
那么人们是或者人们拥有或者人们是由身体和灵魂共同构成。 yeeyan

Talk with children about human bodies and how they work.
和小孩谈人类的身体,以及它们怎样工作。 yeeyan

That’s why their bodies are still out there.

The study authors say that this information gives another tool to politicians and international bodies.
这项研究的作者说这条信息给政治家和国际机构另一种工具。 yeeyan

The idea, according to him, is to make it a standard in the marketplace now, without the need for standards bodies.
按照他的说法,公司打算使它成为目前市场中的一个标准,而不是满足标准机构的需要。 infoq

They did not look like any children I knew, but ancients in wild childrens bodies.
他们不像我认识的任何孩子,却像是裹在野孩儿身体里的古人。 ebigear

They think of their bodies as a physical vehicle for them to move around in, a machine.
他们把自己的身体看做是让他们到处走动的有形的车辆,一种机器。 yeeyan

Three bodies were cast up yesterday.

We found the bodies of two children roped together in a cave at the foot of the hill.

We have similar molecules in our bodies.
我们的身体中也有相似的分子。 yeeyan

We need to rest our bodies and our minds.
我们需要休息一下我们的身体和心灵。 ebigear

Well, what about the inside of our bodies?
啊哈,那么我们的身体呢? yeeyan

What is not certain is whether we should follow, or be suspicious of, what our bodies are telling us.
现在没办法确定的就是我们是否应该随心而动,或者要怀疑我们的身体带给我们的信息。 yeeyan




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