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词汇 Bodhisattva
释义 bo·dhi·satt·va 英ˌbəʊdɪˈsʌtvə美ˌbodɪˈsʌtvə;英ˌbɒdɪ'sɑːtvə美ˌboʊdɪ'sɑːtvə 

Buddhist worthy of nirvana who postpones it to help others本义将成佛之人,对应Buddha+sattva,存在,将,对应英语is,essence,sooth.近义词 Boddhisatva菩萨

用作名词Bodhisattvawaken to keep learning on the rise.菩萨道,就是不断地学习,自我提升的生活之道。
The 3rd AkasagarbhaBodhisattvaNhangka Ningpo was chanting sutras.第三世虚空藏菩萨康萨囊卡宁布正在诵经。 It is only as one learns to listen and channel solely soul, nature and earth that one masters Bodhisattva level of evolution.

They are shown this way because a bodhisattva is someone who can do a thousand things at one time.
如此描绘菩萨是因为,菩萨能够同时做一千件事情。 yeeyan

Also, the arms of a bodhisattva can be extremely long and reach very far, helping people in faraway lands.
而且菩萨的手臂可以伸到无限长远,帮助远方的人们。 yeeyan

And I told him that the people in Vietnam call him a bodhisattva— enlightened being— because of what he was doing for his people, his country, and the world.
我告诉他,在越南人们称他是菩萨——觉有情——因为他所做的事是为了他的人民,他的祖国,和整个世界。 yeeyan

Buddha Samantabhadra Bodhisattva is one of the three disciples.
普贤菩萨又是佛祖三大弟子之一。 dota123

But when you are a bodhisattva, you have many arms, and you can do many things simultaneously.
但是当你成为菩萨后,你就有很多只手臂,能同时做很多事情。 yeeyan

Compassion is a prerequisite to mastering the upper initiations of the Bodhisattva.
同情是掌握菩萨较高提升阶段的先诀条件。 iciba

It is the occipital chakra that governs and directs the energy flow of the dream of the Bodhisattva.
正是枕骨脉轮,管辖并引导着菩萨级别梦想的能量流。 iciba

Maitreya Bodhisattva will be the successor of the historic Sakyamuni Buddha.

Most of the time, we do not see all the arms of a bodhisattva.
大多数时候,我们看不到菩萨的多只手臂。 yeeyan

Of course as the darling of the Bodhisattva, he got a chance and ran away again.
当然,这位菩萨的宠儿又一次得到了一个机会溜走了。 cttbchinese

One has to be very attentive in order to see the many arms of a bodhisattva.
只有非常专注的人才能看到菩萨的手 臂。 yeeyan

That is the work of a bodhisattva, a buddha, always with compassion and nonviolence.
那是菩萨和佛陀的工作,总带着同情和非暴力。 yeeyan

This will occur as more with such inheritance ascend to Bodhisattva level evolution in this lifetime.
这将会在拥有这些遗传的人类提升到菩萨进化水平时发生。 qiudao

Those who attain Bodhisattva and anchor unity consciousness in action will bathe all they meet with the remembrance of a civilization based upon unconditional love.
那些达到菩萨层面和锚定此音阶的人们将沐浴所有他们对基于无条件之爱上的文明的记忆。 shuimo

Those who have attained Bodhisattva and are gifted at bathing others in the breath of life remind others that everything one needs comes from within.
那些达到菩萨水平的人和被赋予这项礼物的人将在生命呼吸中沐浴着其他人,提醒他们能从内在得到所需的每一样事物。 shuimo

Those ascending to6000 and mastering Bodhisattva will be the new wave of leadership for the coming25- year cycle.
提升到6000股并掌握菩萨的那些人将成为未来25年周期内领导阶层的新浪潮。 chinatarot

You may already know someone who is a bodhisattva.
现在你可能已经知道谁是菩萨了。 yeeyan

You too can be a bodhisattva if you think of others and do things to bring happiness to them.
如果你为他人着想,做带给他人幸福的事,你也可以成为菩萨。 yeeyan

Your mom, for example, could be a bodhisattva.
比如,你的妈妈,可能就是一位菩萨。 yeeyan




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