

单词 acquits
释义 ac·quit·s 英ə'kwɪt美ə'kwɪt COCA¹¹⁵⁴⁶⁵BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
vt. 宣告…无罪

state officially that sb is not guilty of the crime they were accused of

vt. 使自己履行

conduct oneself in a specified manner

pronounce not guilty of criminal charges;

The suspect was cleared of the murder charges

behave in a certain manner;

She carried herself well

he bore himself with dignity

They conducted themselves well during these difficult times

acquit, behave, conduct, demean


behave常通过修饰语表达各种各样的言和行; conduct则强调举止有度,符合要求、意愿等; demean表示“与…相称,得体”,有时有“降低身份”的意思; acquit的宾语常是反身代词,多用于令人赞叹或令人满意的行为举止。

用作动词 v.
~+名词acquit a person of his responsibility免除某人的现职acquit oneself creditable in social and business performances处世立身表现得令人信赖acquit oneself manfully表现得有大丈夫气概
用作动词v.acquit oneself well〔badly, etc.〕

〈正〉表现好或坏等(perform or behave well, badly, etc.)

近义词 not不bear熊carry携带free自由的excuse原谅behave表现assoil赦免clear清楚的release释放forgive原谅comport举止conduct行为set free释放liberate解放guilty有罪的discharge排出deport驱逐出境absolve宣告…无罪cleanse使 … 清洁justify替 … 辩护exonerate确定无罪vindicate证明无辜exculpate为某人开脱declare宣布声明…pardon原谅,宽恕,饶恕…反义词 catch赶上arrest逮捕capture捕获convict宣判 … 有罪…
S+~+ n./pron.The jury acquitted him.陪审团宣判他无罪。
The jury acquitted him of murder.陪审团裁决他的谋杀罪不成立。
The jury acquitted her of theft.陪审团宣告她未犯盗窃罪。
The jury acquitted her of all charges.陪审团宣布对她的所有指控不成立。
A Hong Kong court acquitted Graham Sykes and five associates of fraud charges.一个香港法院宣告格雷厄姆,赛克斯和他的五个同伴未犯欺诈罪。
He acquitted himself like a veteran.他表现很老练。
He acquitted himself to his credit.他的行为值得赞扬。
She was acquitted.她被宣判无罪。
He was acquitted of the crime.他被宣判无罪。
Both defendants were acquitted.两名被告被宣判无罪。
Five months ago she was acquitted on a shoplifting charge.五个月前她被宣判未犯入店行窃罪。
He was eventually acquitted of the charges.最终他被宣告未犯有被指控的罪行。
He was acquitted on two of the charges.他被宣告不犯被控罪行中的两项。
He was acquitted on the charge of murder but convicted of manslaughter.他被宣判谋杀罪不成立,但有误杀罪。

acquit的基本意思是“宣告…无罪”,是及物动词,以被宣告无罪的人作直接宾语,而被指控的罪名则由短语“of…”或“on…charge”“on the charge of…”表示。可用于被动结构。


用作动词He wasacquittedof the crime.他被宣告无罪。
They tried to bribe the judge toacquitthem.他们试图贿赂法官判他们无罪。
Will the courtacquithim of the crime?法庭会宣判他无罪释放吗?
IacquitEdward of all essential misconduct.我原谅爱德华的所有根本过错。
Heacquittedhimself like a hero.他表现得像个英雄。 Court acquits her of indecent assault.
法庭判决她猥亵罪。 yeeyan

Julia Roberts acquits herself with some aplomb using art historyas Robin Williams once used poetry to widen the girls' horizons.
茱莉亚罗拔丝充满自信,以美术史罗宾威廉斯则以诗扩阔女孩们的视野。 hkdavc




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